Magdalena Ślawska – PhD, Institute of Political Science and Journalism, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
A linguist. She received her PhD degree at the University of Silesia, Faculty of Philology, in 2012. She completed studies in the field of Polish philology and political science with a specialisation in journalism and social communication. Since 2006, she has been working at the Department of Journalism of the Institute of Political Science and Journalism at the University of Silesia. As a doctoral student, she realized a research grant awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the supervision of prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Kita. She is the author of the monograph Formy dialogu w gatunkach prasowych [Forms of Dialogue in Press Genres] (2014) and co-editor of three volumes entitledTransdyscyplinarność badań nad komunikacją medialną [Transdisciplinarity of Media Communication Studies] (vol. 1 – 2012, vol. 2 and 3 – 2013). Her scientific interests revolve around issues of linguistic genology with particular emphasis on journalistic genres, pragmatics and stylistics of press texts, issues of convergence of media genres as well as genre awareness of broadcasters and media audiences. She is a member of the Polish Society for Social Communication, the Society of Polish Language Lovers and the Polish Society for Media Education.
E-mail: magdalena.slawska@us.edu.pl
Alina Świeściak – Doctor Habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
Editor-in-Chief of the “Opcje” Cultural Quarterly. She specialises in 20th century and recent Polish poetry. She published, among other things, the book Melancholia w poezji polskiej po 1989 roku [Melancholy in Polish Poetry after 1989] (2010).
E-mail: alina.swiesciak@us.edu.pl
Jerzy Święch – professor, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland.
Author of works on the literature of World War II (Pieśń niepodległa. Model poezji konspiracyjnej 1939–1945 [Song of Independence. Model of Conspiracy Poetry 1939-1945], 1982; Wiersze Krzysztofa Kamila Baczyńskiego [Poems by Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński], 1991; Literatura polska w latach II wojny światowej [Polish Literature during World War II], ed. VI, 2002; Poeci i wojna [Poets and the War], 2000), contemporary literature (Nowoczesność. Szkice o literaturze polskiej XX wieku [Modernity. Essays on Polish Literature of the 20th Century], 2006), theory and history of artistic translation. Editor of the works of K.K. Baczyński, J. Czechowicz and J. Łobodowski.
E-mail: jerzy.swiech@onet.pl