Zbigniew Kadlubek – Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Head of the Department of Comparative Literature, classical philologist, comparatist, essayist, translator, writer. Author of sketches on old and contemporary culture of Silesia, rhetorics, medieval literature, German expressionism. Author of several dozens of articles in journals, collective publications and several books, including two on the theology of St. Peter Damian,
Letters from Rome, written in Silesian, and Święta Medea [Saint Medeah], nominated to the 2011 Gdynia Literary Award in the essay category, that addressed the problem of new comparative studies. He is also the co-author (with Prof. Aleksandra Kunce) of a collection of essays entitled Myśleć Śląsk [Thinking Silesia].
E-mail: kadlubek@pseudonim.pl

Wojciech Kalaga – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Institute of English Cultures and Literatures, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Literary and cultural theorist, translator, vice-chairman of the Committee on Literature of the Polish Academy of Sciences (since 2007), member of such associations as: the International Comparative Literature Association, International Association for Semiotic Studies, Polish Association for the Study of English, The Charles S. Peirce Society (1988-1998), Polish Semiotic Society, Australian Modern Language and Literature Association (1990-1995), Polish Neophilological Society, Neophilological Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Literary Studies Section (1986-1988). Author of books:
Mental Landscape: The Development of the Novel of Samuel Beckett(1981), The Literary Sign: A Triadic Model (1986), Nebulae of Discourse: Interpretation, Textuality, and the Subject (1997), Nebulae of Discourse : subject, text, interpretation (2001), Mlhoviny discursu. Subjekt, text, interpretace (2006) as well as numerous dissertations in journals and collective volumes.
E-mail: wojciech.kalaga@us.edu.pl

Aleksandra Kalisz – PhD, Institute of Polish Language, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Assistant lecturer at the Institute of Polish Language, and member of the Society of Polish Language Lovers. She graduated in Polish Philology in 2012, and in 2018 she completed Postgraduate qualification studies for teaching Polish culture and Polish as a foreign language. Her academic interests revolve around the langauge of television, linguistic genology, communicology and sociolinguistics. In her doctoral dissertation, she investigated thematic television in a genological perspective. She has been collaborating with the School of Polish Language and Culture at the University of Silesia for several years.
E-mail: o.kalisz@gmail.com

Andrzej Kaliszewski – professor ( dr hab., prof. UJ), Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland.
His academic interests include journalistic genre theory, reporting and non-fiction, contemporary culture, and world and Polish literature of the 20th and 21st centuries. He has published, among others, the following works: Gry Pana Cogito (a monograph on the work of Zbigniew Herbert, Cracow 1982, Łódź 1990), Nostalgia stylu. Neoklasycyzm liryki polskiej XX wieku w krytyce, badaniach i poetykach immanentnych (Cracow 2007), Główne nurty w kulturze XX i XXI wieku (Warsaw 2012) and Mistrzowie polskiego reportażu wojennego (1914–2014) (Cracow 2017).
E-mail: andrzej.kaliszewski@uj.edu.pl

Kałuzińska Emilia – PhD, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
E-mail: emilia.kaluzinska@gmail.com

Anna Kałuża – Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Literary critic whose research focuses on the latest works of Polish poetry and the phenomena on the borderline of art, aesthetics and literature. Author of several books, including
Bumerang. Szkice o poezji polskiej przełomu XX i XXI wieku [Boomerang. Sketches on Polish poetry of the turn of the 20th and 21st century] (2010); Wielkie wygrane. Wspólne sprawy poezji, krytyki i estetyki [(2011) [Great winnings. Common issues in poetry, criticism and aesthetics; Pod grą. Jak dziś znaczą wiersze, poetki i poeci? [Under the game. What is the meaning of poems and poets today?] (2015).
E-mail: anna_kaluza@poczta.onet.pl

Agnieszka Kania – PhD student, Department of Polish Teacher Training, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland.
She works at Wojciech Bednarski Secondary School No. 28 in Krakow. She teaches Polish and cultural studies. She is the secretary of the jury of the W. Korfanty National Oratorical Competition in Katowice, vice-president of the Cracow Association of Polish Studies Experts. She deals with Polish language education in the context of national identity and patriotic attitudes, as well as teaches Polish in a secondary school. She is the author of a dozen or so articles on methodology as well as the co-author of a series of textbooks entitled
Czarowanie Słowem [Enchanting with words].
E-mail: agn.kania@uj.edu.pl

Iwona Kaproń-­Charzyńska – Doctor habilitatus, Professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Institute of Linguistics, Department of Polish Language, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland.
Linguist, has completed postgraduate studies in speech therapy. Her academic interests included the lexis of the contemporary Polish language, morphology, pragmatics, theoretical problems of linguistics as well as development of speech in children. She is the author of three monographs:
Derywacja ujemna we współczesnym języku polskim. Rzeczowniki i przymiotniki [Negative derivation in contemporary Polish. Nouns and adjectives] (Toruń 2005), Pragmatyczne aspekty słowotwórstwa. Funkcja ekspresywna i poetycka [Pragmatic aspects of word formation. Expressive and poetic function] (Toruń 2014) and Kształtowanie się systemu językowego w zakresie kategorii przypadka rzeczowników u dzieci 5- i 6-letnich [Shaping of the language system within the category of noun case in children aged 5 and 6] (Toruń 2016, together with Joanną Kamper­ Warejko).
E-mail: ikap@umk.pl

Panayot Karagiozov – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Faculty of Slavonic Philologies, Sofia University, Bulgaria.
Member of the American Slavic Association. Academic interests: Slavonic historiography, political parties in Slavonic literatures (Slavonic party-centerism), Slavonic martyr saints. Translator of the poetry of Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska and other poets of the interwar period. He has recently published:
Славянските свети мъченици. Светост и канонизация. Хронология и типология [Slavonic martyr saints. Sainthood and canonization; Chronology and typologization. Critique and apalogia of Slavonic martyrdom], Календари, мъченици, поети. Статии по полска история и литература (Calendars, Martyrs, Poets. Articles on Polish history and literature).
E-mail: pkaragyozov@slav.uni-sofia.bg

Andrzej Karcz – PhD, Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.
Lecturer at the Centre of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners “Polonicum” at the Faculty of Polish Studies of the University of Warsaw. In 1999 – 2006, he worked at the Faculty of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Kansas. He also taught at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, University of Chicago and University of Pittsburgh. He published his workes in Polish and American journals as well as collective volumes. He is the author of
The Polish Formalist School and Russian Formalism (Cracow 2002) and Teksty z daleka i bliska. Szkice nie tylko o literaturze [Texts from anigh and afar. Sketches on more than literature] (Kielce 2003), and the editor of a volume by Czesław Miłosz, entitled “Mój wileński opiekun“ [My Vilnian carer”], Listy do Manfreda Kridla [Letters to Manfred Kridl] (1946-1955) (Toruń 2005), as well as the co-editor of the anthology Polonistyka po amerykańsku. Badania nad literaturą polską w Ameryce Północnej [Polish studies in America. Studies on Polish literature in North America] (1990-2005) (Warszawa 2005).
E-mail: alk17@wp.pl

Katarzyna Karwowska – PhD, Department of Central and East European Intercultural Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland.
In the years 2000 – 2008, she worked as a German techer at Kozminski University and School of Hotel Management, Gastronomy and Tourism in Warsaw. Since 2006, she has taught German at the Warsaw School of Economics. Her academic interests include contemporary literature written by Poles in Germany as well as “late relocatees” in literature. In 2014, she defended her doctoral dissertation entitled “Wypędzeni do raju. Portret własny późnych przesiedleńców z Polski w literaturze polskiej w Niemczech.” [“Banished to paradise. Self-portrait of late relocatees from Poland in Polish literature from Germany”].
E-mail: kat_kar@poczta.onet.pl

Peter Káša – doc, PhDr, CSc., Department of Central European Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Prešov, Slovakia.
Guarantor of the Central European study programme focused on the cultural regions of Central Europe (especially V4 countries and Ukraine). The programme of the studies is focused on Polish language and culture as well as Slovak language and culture for foreign students. His academic interests include primarily literary comparative studies in Central-European cultural context, which is expressed in monographs and textbooks, for example  
Między estetyką a ideologią [Between aesthetics and ideology] (2001), Między tekstami a kulturami [Between texts and cultures] (2011), Od romantyzmu do realizmu [From romanticism to realism] (2013). He publishes his studies and articles mainly in Poland, Czechia and Hungary.
E-mail: peter.kasa@unipo.sk

Helena Kazanceva – Doc. dr, Department of Theoretical and Slavonic Linguistics, Belarusian State University in Minsk, Belarus.
Lecturer. Academic interests: Polish studies, Slavonic studies, ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistics, research on linguistic borderlands.
E-mail: kazancewa@yandex.by

Maryna Kazlouskaya – PhD, Lyceum of Belarusian State University in Minsk, Belarus.
She teaches Belarusian language and literature and translates Polish poetry of the 20th century into Belarusian. She is co-author of the bilingual edition of Report from the Besieged City and Selected Works of Herbert (Wrocław 2006), as well as the Belarusian translation of The Land of Urlo by Czesław Miłosz (Minsk 2011). She translated a selection of poems by Różewicz into Belarusian (Minsk, 2012).
E-mail: marynja@gmail.com

Marta Kaźmierczak – PhD, Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, Poland.
English and Russian studies expert, graduate of the University of Lodz. She is the author of works on theory of translation and reception concerning such authors as Lesmian, Tolkien, Lermontov, Miłosz. Her doctoral dissertation investigated Russian and English translations of Lesmian’s poetry in the intertextual aspect. She is the author of the book entitled
Translation in intertextuality. On the material of translations of Bolesław Leśmian’s poetry (Warsaw 2012).
E-mail: mkazmierczak@uw.edu.pl

Magdalena Kempna-Pieniążek – PhD, Institute of Cultural Sciences, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Editor-in-chief of the cultural biweekly “artPAPIER”. Her research is primarily focused on noir and neo-noir aesthetics and film d’auteur. Author of:
Formuły duchowości w kinie najnowszym [Forms of spirituality in recent cinema] (2013), Marzyciele i wędrowcy. Romantyczna topografia twórczości Wernera Herzoga i Wima Wendersa ​[Dreamers and Wanderers. Romantic topography of the works of WEner Herzog and Wim Wenders] (2013) and Neo-noir. Ciemne zwierciadło czasów kryzysu [Neo-noir. The dark mirror of the times of crisis] (2015).
E-mail: magdalena.kempna@us.edu.pl

Piotr Kilanowski – PhD, Departamento de Polonês, Alemão e Letras Clássicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil.
She is interested in 20th century literature, poetry (mainly Polish) and its translation. He has published books containing translations of poems by such authors as Zbigniew Herbert, Anna Świrszczyńska (into Portuguese) and Paul Leminski (into Polish). His works submitted for publication in 2018 include volumes by Wisława Szymborska, Jerzy Ficowski, and Władysław Szlengel. His translations published in magazines include translations of works by Aleksander Wat, Czesław Miłosz, Wisława Szymborska, Josif Brodski, and Stanisław Lem. He edited and compiled books entitled
Memórias de luz (2015) andLeituras e reflexões (1998). Author of approx. 30 articles and chapters of scholarly works on literature.
E-mail: emaildopiotr@gmail.com

Anna Kisiel – dr, WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland.
Anna Kisiel, PhD, is an assistant professor at WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland. In her doctoral dissertation, she explored the ethical potential of the body in Bracha L. Ettinger’s theory and art. Her research interests include the matrixial theory, trauma studies, photography theory, and body and femininity in the visual arts and literature.
E-mail: akisiel@wsb.edu.pl

Joanna Kisiel – Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Her interests include the art of interpretation as a form of description of the world and the individual, the relationship between poetry and imagination in the 20th century, the search for an existential dimension in literature. Her works reflect on experiences of finitude, loneliness and loss, as well as anxiety and insomnia in 20th and 21st century literature. She published: Retoryka i melancholia. O poezji Jana Lechonia [Rhetorics and melancholy. On the poetry of Jan Lechoń] (Katowice 2001), Chwile ulotne. O poezji Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego [Fleeting moments. On the poetry of Ryszard Kapuściński] (Katowice 2009), Imiona lęku. Szkice o poetach i wierszach [Names of fear. Sketches on poets and poems] (Katowice 2009), Tropy samotności. O doświadczeniu egzystencji w poezji [Traces of loneliness. On the experience of existence in poetry] (Katowice 2011).
E-mail: joanna.kisiel@op.pl

Marian Kisiel – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland.
Member of the Committee on Literary Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish PEN Club. Author of several books on Polish literature of the 20th century, in which dealt with the history of literature as literary studies, literary culture as a challenge to the sociology of literature, literary criticism as an autobiographical confession, emigration literature as a mix of ideological programmes and attitudes, and poetry as experience.
E-mail: marian.kisiel@us.edu.pl

Michał Kisiel – student, Inter-faculty Individual Studies in the Humanities, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
His research interests include literary theory with particular emphasis on various reading strategies, deconstruction and the study of the poetic imagination.
E-mail: michalakisiel@gmail.com

Beata Kiszka – PhD, Institute of Polish Language, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Academic interests: onomastics (with particular emphasis on anthroponymics and literary onomastics), semantics and history of the Polish language. Major publications: Słowna wędrówka z „biegunem”, „ceklownikiem” i „wagusem”… – w poszukiwaniu zaginionych synonimów leksemu „włóczęga” [Verbal wandering with “biegun”, “ceklownik” and “wagus”… – in search of lost synonyms of the lexeme “włóczęga”] 2013, in: Mitrenga B., ed.,
Linguarum silva, vol. 2: Słowo – znaczenie – relacja w języku i w tekście [Word – Meaning – Relation in the Language and Text], Katowice.
E-mail: beatakiszka4@wp.pl

Małgorzata Kita – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Author of academic papers on contemporary Polish (particularly on media language, private and colloquial language, linguistic politeness), linguistic genealogy (press interviews), verbal communication, linguistic stylistics and glottodidactics. Organiser of a series of online conferences on conversation; co-editor of a collection of studies devoted to conversation
Porozmawiajmy o rozmowie. Lingwistyczne aspekty dialogu [Let’s Talk About Conversation. Linguistic Aspects of Dialogue] (Katowice 2003), Dialog a nowe media [Dialogue versus the New Media] (Katowice 2004), Czas i konwersacja. Przeszłość i teraźniejszość [Time and Conversation. Past and Present] (Katowice 2006). Her articles were published, among others, in “Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego” [Bulletin of the Polish Linguistic Society], “Stylistyka” [Stylistics], “Socjolingwistyka” [Sociolinguistics], “Język Artystyczny” [Language of Art] and collective works. Author of the books: Wywiad prasowy. Język – gatunek – interakcja [Press Interview. Language – Genre – Interaction] (Katowice 1998), Językowe rytuały grzecznościowe [Linguistic Politeness Rituals] (Katowice 2005), Szeptem albo wcale. O wyznawaniu miłości [Only with a Whisper. About Expressing Love] (Katowice 2007), Wybieram gramatykę! Gramatyka języka polskiego w praktyce (dla cudzoziemców zaawansowanych) [I Choose Grammar! Polish Grammar in Practice (for Foreigners and Advanced Students)] (Katowice 1998, 2009, 2017), and co-editor of the anthology Język w mediach [Language in the Media] (Katowice 2012, 2014). Originator and organiser of the Transdisciplinarity of Media Communication Research series.
E-mail: malgorzata.kita@us.edu.pl

Ryszard W. Kluszczyński – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Department of Media and Audiovisual Culture, University of Lodz, Łódź, Poland; Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, Poland.
His research interests cover new media art, avant-garde film, video art, art theory and its latest trends, issues related to cyberculture, as well as information and network society. He is also involved in art criticism. He has published books, including
Sztuka interaktywna. Od dzieła-instrumentu do interaktywnego spektaklu [Interactive Art. From Work-Instrument to Interactive Performance], 2010; Społeczeństwo informacyjne. Cyberkultura. Sztuka multimediów [Information Society. Cyberculture. Multimedia Art], 2001 (second edition: 2002); Film – wideo – multimedia. Sztuka ruchomego obrazu w erze elektronicznej [Film – Video – Multimedia. Art of the Moving Picture in the Electronic Era], 1999 (second edition: 2002); Obrazy na wolności. Studia z historii sztuk medialnych w Polsce [Images at Large. Studies in the History of Media Arts in Poland], 1998; Awangarda Rozważania teoretyczne [The Avant-garde. Theoretical Reflections], 1997; Film – sztuka Wielkiej Awangardy [Film – the Art of the Great Avant-garde], 1990. Curator of film, video and multimedia arts in the Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw between 1990 and 2001; author of many international exhibitions and art projects. In 2010, he worked as a curator at the International Mediations Biennial of Contemporary Art in Poznań. Artistic director of the international project Art & Science Meeting in the Centre for Contemporary Art “Łaźnia” in Gdańsk since 2011.
E-mail: rwk@uni.lodz.pl

Krzysztof Kłosiński – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Historian of Polish literature, literary theoretician, translator, Chairman of the Committee on Literary Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (since 2012). Author of
Mimesis w chłopskich powieściach Orzeszkowej [Mimesis in the Peasant Novels of Eliza Orzeszkowa] (1990), Wokół „Historii maniaków”. Stylizacja, brzydota, groteska [Around the “Maniac Story”. Stylisation, Ugliness, Grotesque] (1992), Eros, dekonstrukcja, polityka [Eros, Deconstruction, Politics] (2000), Poezja żalu [The Poetry of Sorrow] (2001), W stronę inności. Rozbiory i debaty [Towards Otherness. Partitions and Debates] (2006), as well as numerous dissertations published in journals and collected volumes.
E-mail: krzysztof.klosinski@us.edu.pl

Michał Kłosiński – Doctor habilitatus, Faculty of Humanities, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland.
Lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Silesia in Katowice. Member of the
Utopian Studies Society and the Society for Utopian Studies; participant in the Paris Programme in Critical Theory. His recently published work was Hermeneutyka gier wideo. Interpretacja – immersja – utopia [Hermeneutics of Video Games. Interpretation, Immersion, Utopia] (2018). In 2019, he was awarded a scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education granted to outstanding young scientists. His interests revolve around utopian studies, horror studies, literary theory and philosophy.
E-mail: michal.klosinski@us.edu.pl

Krzysztof Koc – Doctor habilitatus, Laboratory of Educational Innovations and Language Technologies, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poznań, Poland.
Doctor habilitatus in humanities, in the field of literary studies. Author of Czytanie świata. Reportaże Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego w edukacji polonistycznej [Reading of the World: Reportages by Ryszard Kapuściński in Polish Language Teaching] (Poznań 2007) and co-author of the academic textbook on teaching Polish Innowacje i metody. W kręgu teorii i praktyki [Innovations and Methods. In the Circle of Theory and Practice] (Poznań 2011). He published his works in journals, such as “Polonistyka” [Polish Studies], “Nowa Polszczyzna” [New Polish Language], “Polonistyka. Innowacje” [Polish Studies. Innovations] and more than a dozen collective volumes. Many of his articles revolve around reportage. His new book entitled Lekcje myślenia (obywatelskiego). Edukacja polonistyczna wobec współczesnego świata [Lessons of (Civic) Thinking: Polish Language and Literature Education in the Face of Contemporary World Issues] (Poznań 2018) has just been published.
E-mail: kocyk@amu.edu.pl

Paulo Cesar Kochanny – expert on Polish diaspora, Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Curitiba, Brazil.
He is interested in the Polish community in Curitiba, Polish folklore and the history of Polish emigration to Brazil.
E-mail: krdkoleva@abv.bg

Krasimira Koleva – PhD, Konstantin Preslavski University of Shumen, Shumen, Bulgaria.
Member of the Balkan Commission of the International Committee of Slavists. Her research interests include Slavonic and Balkan linguistics, cultural anthropology, language and cultural contacts. She is a member of the Klejner Balkansprachatlas team.
E-mail: krdkoleva@abv.bg

Hanna Komorowska – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.
Teacher of applied linguistics and foreign language education at the SWPS University and the University of Warsaw. After the fall of communism, she became the Head of the Expert Committee for Foreign Language Teaching and Teacher Education Reform in Poland. Former Vice-Rector of the University of Warsaw and the President of the Polish Society of Neophilology, the Polish delegate for the Modern Languages Project Group of the Council of Europe and a member of the European Union High Level Group on Multilingualism. Currently, she works as a consultant of the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz and heads the Selection Committee of the Polish edition of the European Language Label. She is an expert on foreign language curricula and textbooks in the Ministry of National Education, co-author of the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages and the author of numerous publications in the field of foreign language teaching methodology and teachers’ education.
E-mail: hannakomo@data.pl

Ewa Kołodziejek – Professor, Institute of Polish and Cultural Studies, University of Szczecin, Poland.
Head of the Department of Ethnolinguistics and Language Culture at the University of Szczecin and the Internet Linguistic Counseling Centre, member of the Presidium of the Council for the Polish Language, chair of the Zespół Żywego Słowa [Team for the Culture of Speech of the Council for the Polish Language], member of the Polish Linguistic Society­, the Society of Polish Language Enthusiasts, and the Commission for Sociolinguistics at the International Committee of Slavists. Author of dissertations on socio- and ethnolinguistics:
Gwara środowiskowa marynarzy na tle subkultury marynarskiej [The Environmental Dialect of Sailors against the Background of the Maritime Subculture] (1994), Człowiek i świat w języku subkultur [The Man and the World in the Language of Subcultures] (2005, 2nd edition, extended, 2015). Author of books on linguistic correctness and culture, including Poprawna polszczyzna w praktyce. Poradnik dla tych, którzy chcą dobrze mówić i pisać po polsku [Correct Polish in Practice. Guidebook for Those Who Want to Speak and Write Polish Well] (1998, 2nd edition, revised, 2002), Licz się ze słowami… Językowa Corrida 3 [Watch Your Words… Linguistic Corrida No. 3] (2003), Walczymy z bykami. Poradnik językowy PWN [Combating Errors. PWN Language Guide] (2010). She popularises knowledge about language and is actively participating in the social campaign “Citizen-friendly official language”.
E-mail: biuro@ewakolodziejek.pl

Kinga Kosmala – PhD, University of Chicago, USA.
Her interests focus on Polish literature. She works as a Polish language teacher, conducting classes at all levels. She is the author of
Ryszard Kapuściński: Reportage and Ethics or Fading Tyranny of the Narrative.
E-mail: kkmaciej@uchicago.edu

Joanna Kot – PhD, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Northern Illinois University, USA.
Teacher of Polish and Russian philology. Her main interests involve Polish and Russian modernist drama and gender studies. She is the author of
Distance Manipulation. The Russian Modernist Search for a New Drama (Evanston 1999) and numerous articles, including “Body/Mind and Female/Male: Behind the Facades of 1930’s Polish ‘Women’s Drama'” (2007) and “Nowatorstwo podmiotu w dramacie Marceliny Grabowskiej ‘Sprawiedliwość'” [The Novelty of the Subject in Marcelina Grabowska’s Drama “Justice”] (2010).
E-mail: jkot@niu.edu

Adriana Kovacheva – PhD, Institute of Slavonic Philology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland.
She was a PhD student in the Department of Literature of the 20th Century, Literary Theory, and the Art of Translation. She is a teacher and translator of Bulgarian. Her interests include translations of Polish poetry into Bulgarian, the existence of “half-doubles” in the works by Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński and Stefan Pyrwanow, Anna Kamieńska and Dora Gabe, Wisława Szymborska and Blaga Dimitrova, as well as history and theory of translation. She deals with translation of fiction and non-fiction literature. She is the author of articles on translation and reception of Polish literature in Bulgaria, published, among others, in the series
Literatura polska w świecie [Polish Literature in the World] (Katowice 2010, 2012) and the monograph Teorie wywrotowe. Antologia przekładu [Subversive Theories. Anthology of Translation] (Poznań 2012).
E-mail: anikovacheva@mail.bg

Jerzy Kowalewski – PhD, Department of Polish Philology, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine.
He graduated in Polish philology at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He has been teaching Polish as a foreign language since 1996 and working as a teacher, lecturer and methodologist of teaching Polish language and culture in Belarus and Ukraine since 1998. In 2005-2008, he worked in the Centre for Polish Language and Culture in the World at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He is involved in teaching Polish culture beyond Poland. He is the author and promoter of the cultural programme of teaching Polish as a foreign language. This is the subject of the publications collected in the volume
Kultura polska jako obca? [Polish Culture as a Foreign Culture?] (Kraków 2011). He is the author of a collection of lessons using the cultural method Myślę po polsku [I Think in Polish] (Drohobych 2008) and a methodological guide Jak uczyć języka polskiego i kultury polskiej na Ukrainie [How to Teach Polish Language and Culture in Ukraine] (Kraków 2013), as well as the co-author of materials for teaching the Polish language in the East Co nas łączy [What Do We Have in Common] (Kraków 2008, 2010) and an intercultural textbook Jestem stąd [I am from here] (Lviv 2013).
E-mail: kowalewskijerzy@wp.pl

Jadwiga Kowalikowa – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Department of Polish Teacher Training, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland.
Linguist with many years of experience as a practising teacher and didactician of the Polish language. Author of many theoretical studies on teaching Polish (among others, the book entitled
Narodziny nauczyciela polonisty [The Birth of a Teacher of the Polish Language] published in 2009) and numerous textbooks on language education for secondary school students, as well as popular science publications (such as: Vademecum dla licealisty, maturzysty, polonisty [Compendium for Secondary School Students, Graduates and Teachers of Polish] or ABC… Wiedzy o języku polskim [ABC… of Knowledge about the Polish Language]). Co-author of the Barwy epok [Colours of Epochs] curriculum.
E-mail: jadwiga.kowalik@uj.edu.pl

Filip Kozina PhD, Department of Polish Language and Literature, Institute of West Slavonic Languages and Literatures, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
In 2013, he defended his doctoral dissertation on East-Central Europe in prose by Andrzej Stasiuk. He publishes works on contemporary Polish prose and the reception of Polish literature in Croatia, as well as translates works from Polish into Croatian.
E-mail: fkozina@ffzg.hr

Krystyna Koziołek – Doctor habilitatus, Department of Didactics of Polish Language and Literature, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Her research interests include ethics of literature, literary comparativism, and philosophy of education. Author of
Czytanie z innym. Etyka – lektura – dydaktyka [Reading with Others. Ethics – Reading – Didactics], and numerous publications on didactics, theory of literature and the history of reading. Her book Sceny pierwotne lektury [Primary Scenes of Reading] is currently in preparation.
E-mail: krystynakoziolek@wp.pl

Ryszard Koziołek Doctor habilitatus, Professor of the University of Silesia, Institute of Literary Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Author of the books:
Zdobyć historię. Problem przedstawienia w “Twarzy księżyca” Teodora Parnickiego [To Conquer History. The Problem of Representation in “The Face of the Moon” by Teodor Parnicki] (1999), Ciała Sienkiewicza. Studia o symbolice płci i przemocy [Sienkiewicz’s Bodies. Studies on Gender and Violence] (2009), Znakowanie trawy albo praktyki filologii [Earmarking Grass or the Practice of Philology] (2011), and the edition of Tylko Beatrycze Teodora Parnickiego [Only Beatrice by Theodore Parnicki] in the “Biblioteka Narodowa” [National Library] series. Vice-president of the Teodor Parnicki Literary Association, member of the editorial board of “Świat i Słowo” [World and Word] and “Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne” [Silesian Journal of Polish Studies]. Winner of the Gdynia Literary Prize in the field of essay writing.
E-mail: ryszard.koziolek@us.edu.pl

Krzysztof Krasuski – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Historian of contemporary literature and literary criticism. His major publications include
Normy i formy. K. Troczyński – teoretyk i krytyk literatury [Norms and Forms. K. Troczyński – Theorist and Critic of Literature] (1982), Społeczne ramy literatury. Wątki socjologizujące w polskiej krytyce literackiej [The Social Framework of Literature. Sociologising Motifs in Polish Literary Criticism] (1989), Dylematy współczesności literackiej [The Dilemmas of Literary Modernity] (2005), Na obrzeżach arcydzieł [On the Borders of Masterpieces](2009). He is also the editor of collective works, such as Krainy pozyskane i utracone. Problem w literaturach Europy Środkowej [Lands Gained and Lost. The Problem of Central European Literature] (2005) and Herbert Środkowoeuropejczyk [Herbert the Central European] (2011).
E-mail: krzysztof.krasuski@us.edu.pl

Ałła Krawczuk – Associate Professor, Department of Polish Philology, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine.
Her research interests include phraseology, contrastive grammar, pragmalinguistics, in particular linguistic etiquette, and glottodidactics. Author of more than 100 scientific articles, part of which is devoted to teaching Polish in the Ukrainian-speaking environment, as well as several Polish textbooks for teaching Polish in Ukraine, for example
Leksykologia i kultura języka polskiego w 2 tomach [Lexicology and Culture of the Polish language in Two Volumes], 2011, Jestem stąd [I am from here], 2013 (co-authored with Jerzy Kowalewski). Member of scientific councils of Polish publishing houses such as “Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców” [Studies in the Teaching of Polish to Foreigners], “Roczniki Humanistyczne” [Annals of Arts], “Zielonogórskie Seminaria Językoznawcze” [Linguistics Seminars in Zielona Góra], “Kwartalnik Polonicum” [Polonicum Quarterly].
E-mail: allakrawczuk@gmail.com

Anna Krawczyk – MA, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
In her scientific work, she explores a variety of topics, not always literary. As part of her doctorate, she traced the relations between costume and literature. Additionally, she participated in a project aimed to re-introduce the pre-war poet Kazimiera Alberti.
E-mail: kardhen@gmail.com

Danuta Krzyżyk – Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Her main research interests revolve around issues of pragmalinguistics, phraseology, orthography and language didactics, as well as language communication disorders. She has published over 80 articles, one monograph, four co-authored books and a language textbook for secondary school students. She is the author and co-author of several collections of language and spelling tests, as well as the “Dyktando” [Spelling test] computer programme. She is a member of the Didactic Commission of the Council for the Polish Language (Rada Języka Polskiego), the Orthographic-Onomastic Commission of the Council for the Polish Language, the Association of Religious Language Commission Enthusiasts of the Council for the Polish Language and a member of the Society of Polish Language Enthusiasts. Since 2009, she has been working as an appraiser for the Ministry of Education.
E-mail: danuta.krzyzyk@us.edu.pl

Małgorzata Książek-Czermińska – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Polish Philology, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland.
Historian of Polish literature, literary theoretician, member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, chair of the International Academic Committee for Polish Studies (2001-2006), organiser of the Second International Congress of Polish Studies (Gdańsk 2001). In 2007, she received the Jan Heweliusz Award in humanities for outstanding achievements in literary theory. She is the author of the following books:
Czas w powieściach Parnickiego [Time in Parnicki’s Novels] (1972), Teodor Parnicki (1974), Autobiografia i powieść, czyli pisarz i jego postacie [Autobiography and the Novel, or the Writer and His Characters] (1987), Autobiograficzny trójkąt: świadectwo, wyznanie i wyzwanie [The Autobiographical Triangle: Witness, Confession, Challenge] (2000), Gotyk i pisarze. Topika opisu katedry [Gothic and Writers. The Topics of Cathedral Description] (2005) and numerous dissertations published in journals and collective volumes.
E-mail: spomkc@univ.gda.pl

Agnieszka Kulig – PhD student, Department of Polish Teacher Training, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Kraków, Poland.
Her research interests revolve around the issues of overcoming students’ reception barriers relating to the literature via information and communication technology and non-literary cultural texts (visual arts). As the author of didactic tools, she takes part in a nationwide research project entitled “Dydaktyka literature i języka polskiego w gimnazjum w świetle nowej podstawy programowej” [The didactics of Polish literature and language in middle schools in the light of new curriculum].
E-mail: agnieszka2.kulig@uj.edu.pl

Michał Kumor – MA, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China.
Graduate of the University of Silesia, majoring in English Philology: Translation Programme with Chinese. Currently pursuing a master’s degree in Chinese­-Polish translation at Beijing Foreign Languages University.

Kamila Kuros­-Kowalska – PhD, Institute of Linguistics, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland.
Linguist and speech therapist, assistant professor at the Institute of Linguistics at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Silesia in Katowice. In 2016, she defended her dissertation entitled
Metody stymulowania rozwoju słownictwa w języku polskim u dzieci dwujęzycznych na emigracji [Methods of Stimulating Polish Vocabulary Development in Bilingual Children Living Abroad] with distinction. She is the author and co-author of many publications, particularly in the fields of speech therapy, bilingualism, glottodidactic error studies, discourse linguistics and language culture. In her research and practice in speech therapy, she focuses especially on bilingualism and speech disorders. Her scientific interests include bilingualism, language acquisition, language disorders, as well as language and communication skills. Her most important publications include: Poprawność językowa i jej wpływ na komunikację wśród dzieci i młodzieży ze szkół polskich za granicą [Linguistic Correctness and Its Influence on Communication Among Children and Youth from Polish Schools Abroad] (Kielce 2019, co-author: N. Moćko), Diagnoza poziomu słownika dziecka dwujęzycznego w języku prymarnym i sekundarnym. Studium przypadku [A Diagnosis of a Bilingual Child’s Vocabulary Range in the Primary and Secondary Language. A Case Study] (Katowice 2016), Komunikacja międzyludzka w opinii współczesnych uczniów – przyczyny powstawania barier komunikacyjnych i sposoby radzenia sobie z nimi [Interpersonal Communication in the Opinion of Contemporary Students – Reasons for Communication Barriers and Methods of Coping with Them] (Kraków 2014, co-author: N. Moćko).
E-mail: kamila.kuros@gmail.com

Koichi Kuyama – PhD, Polish Institute in Tokyo, Japan.
Long-time lecturer at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. He specialises in Polish culture and language, in particular, Romantic literature and post-war Polish cinematography. In 2013, received a Medal for Merit to Culture from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage One of his most important publications is:
Sonety Mickiewicza a sonet rosyjski w dobie romantyzmu [Mickiewicz’s Sonnets versus the Russian Sonnet in the Age of Romanticism] (Stęszew 1996). He is also the author of learning materials for studying Japanese.
E-mail: koichi.kuyama@sea.plala.or.jp

Katarzyna Kwapisz Williams – PhD, Visiting Fellow at the Centre for European Studies, Australian National University in Canberra.
The subject of her research revolves around literary anthropology, minority literature and migration narratives, while her research interests focus on cultural effects of migration, issues of memory, otherness/alienness and utopia. She is the author of numerous publications, including a special issue of “Life Writing” entitled “Displaced Women: East European-Australian Postwar Narratives” (2014),
Life Narratives, Common Language and Diverse Ways of Belonging (2015), and Between Utopia and Autobiography.
E-mail: kasia.williams@anu.edu.au

Barbara Kyrc – PhD student, Department of Polish as a Foreign Language, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Kraków, Poland.
She works as a speech therapist and a teacher of Polish as a foreign/second language, conducting diagnosis and therapy of children primarily at the stage of preschool and early school education. Her research interests include childhood bilingualism, school maturity and language communication disorders in bilingual children.

E-mail: barbarakyrc@wp.pl