Marcin Maciołek – PhD, Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
His scientific interests include: development of lexical resources of contemporary and historical Polish, influence of technology on language evolution (in particular, influence of virtual reality on Polish and communication behaviour of Poles), history and historical grammar of Polish, glottodidactics of Polish language (especially teaching Polish pronunciation to foreigners). He is the author of books:
Obrazki do kształtowania percepcji słuchowej oraz wymowy cudzoziemców uczących się języka polskiego [Pictures for Shaping Auditory Perception and Pronunciation of Foreigners Learning Polish] (2018), U źródeł słów [At the Root of Words] (2017), Na tropie form i znaczeń słów [Tracing Forms and Meanings of Words] (2015), Kształtowanie się nazw owadów w języku polskim. Procesy nominacyjne a językowy obraz świata [Formation of Insect Names in Polish. Nomination Processes and the Linguistic Image of the World] (2013), Głosy polskie. Przewodnik fonetyczny dla cudzoziemców i nauczycieli uczących języka polskiego jako obcego [Polish Voices. A Phonetic Guide for Foreigners Learning Polish and Teachers of Polish as a Foreign Language] (2012, the second, supplemented edition – 2014, the third, extended edition – 2018) and the compendium Tęczowa gramatyka języka polskiego w tabelach [Rainbow Grammar of the Polish Language in Tables], which was re-issued several times (in 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2016), as well as the co-editor of the volumes: Ruch w języku – język w ruchu [Motion in Language – Language in Motion] (2012), Granice w języku – język w granicach [Borders in Language – Language in Borders] (2014), and Społeczność w języku – język w społeczności [Community in Language – Language in Community] (2019).
: marcin.maciolek@wp.pl

Agnieszka Madeja – PhD, School of Polish Language and Culture, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Her interests include issues related to glottodidactics and linguistics, in particular historical lexicography and the development of lexical resources of Polish. She has been teaching Polish as a foreign language at different levels since 1998. She is the co-author of textbooks and learning materials for foreigners. She is a member of ministerial recruitment committees for persons of Polish descent applying for studies in Poland, as well as an examiner and inspector for the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language.
E-mail: agnieszka.madeja@us.edu.pl

Zbigniew Majchrowski – Doctor habilitatus, professor of the University of Gdańsk, Department of Literary Anthropology and Art Criticism, University of Gdańsk, Poland.
Literary historian, theatrologist. Author of
Poezja jak otwarta rana. Czytając Różewicza [Poetry as an Open Wound. Reading Różewicz] (1993), Gombrowicz i cień wieszcza. Eseje o dramacie i teatrze [Gombrowicz and the Bard’s Shadow. Essays on Drama and Theatre] (1995), Cela Konrada. Powracając do Mickiewicza [Konrad’s Cell. Returning to Mickiewicz] (1998 – the Leon Schiller Award and a nomination for the 1999 NIKE Award), Różewicz (2000), Mickiewicz i wiek dwudziesty [Mickiewicz and the Twentieth Century] (2006) and numerous dissertations published in magazines and collective volumes.
E-mail: zbigniew.majchrowski@ug.edu.pl

Marzena Makuchowska – Doctor habilitatus, Study of Polish Culture and Language, Institute of Polish and Cultural Studies, Opole University, Opole, Poland.
She is the co-author (together with S. Gajda, M. Krzempek and D. Lech) of a textbook
Podstawy gramatyki polskiej wraz z tekstami i ćwiczeniami. Kompendium dla kursów języka i nauki własnej [Fundamentals of Polish Grammar with texts and exercises. A compendium for language and self-study courses] (2007). Her main field of interest is the religious discourse. She published several dozen articles and books about this topic, including Modlitwa jako gatunek języka religijnego [Prayer as a Genre of the Religious Language] (1998), Bibliografia języka religijnego 1945-2005 [Bibliography of the Religious Language 1945-2005] (2007) and Od wroga do braci. Posoborowe zmiany w dyskursie Kościoła katolickiego [From Enemies to Brothers. Post-Conciliar Changes in the Discourse of the Catholic Church] (2011).
E-mail: marzena.makuchowska@uni.opole.pl

Jagna Malejka – PhD, School of Russian and Eurasian Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China.
She currently teaches the Polish language and culture at the Shanghai International Studies University She worked in China and Japan for more than 13 years. She is the author and co-author of articles on Chinese linguistic politeness and address forms, autostereotypes of Chinese people, Japanese borrowings in Polish, as well as teaching the Polish language and culture in Asia. She has co-edited numerous publications, including post-conference volumes:
Spotkania Polonistyk Trzech Krajów — Chiny, Korea, Japonia [Meetings of Polish Studies in Three Countries – China, Korea, Japan] (Beijing 2011; Tokyo 2015), Obrazkowy słownik języka chińskiego [Chinese Picture Dictionary] (Beijing 2010), Współczesny język chiński. Podręcznik dla studentów polskojęzycznych [Contemporary Chinese. A Textbook for Polish-Speaking Students] (Beijing 2010), Polski jest prosty! Podręcznik do nauki języka polskiego dla osób japońskojęzycznych [Polish is Easy! A Textbook for Japanese-Speaking Students] (Katowice 2016).
E-mail: jagnamalejka@163.com

Małgorzata Małyska – MA, Fundacja dla Edukacji “POLIS” [“POLIS” Foundation for Education], Nałęczów, Poland.
President of the “POLIS” Foundation for Education. Long-standing consultant-teacher of early childhood education at the Polish Teacher Centre in Lublin. Graduate of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin and postgraduate studies in the field of educator’s work, distance teaching and voice emission. Author of curricula, methodological materials for teachers and textbooks for teaching Polish to children in the early school age. Her professional interests revolve around children’s literature and elementary literacy.
E-mail: fundacjapolis@gmail.com

Piotr Marecki – PhD, Institute of Culture, Department of Modern Culture, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Kraków, Poland.
Cultural studies scholar and assistant professor at the Department of Modern Culture, Institute of Culture of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Manager of the research project “Twórcze programowanie. Laboratorium” [Creative Programming. Laboratory] (the National Programme for the Development of Humanities). His areas of interest include Polish literature after 1989, independent culture and digital literature. Recently, he prepared two technical reports “Stickers as a Literature-Distribution Platform” (2014) and “Textual Demoscene” (2015) for the Trope Tank lab at MIT, among other things. He is also the co-author of an academic textbook
Literatura polska po 1989 roku w świetle teorii Pierre’a Bourdieu [Polish Literature after 1989 in the Light of Pierre Bourdieu’s Theory] (2015).
E-mail: piotr.marecki@uj.edu.pl

Roland Marti – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Slavistik, Philosophische Fakultät, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany.
He studied Slavonic, German and Oriental languages in Basel and Moscow. Doctor habilitatus in Slavonic studies; since 1989, professor of Slavonic Philology at the Saarland University (Germany) and teacher at the universities of Basel and Paris (INALCO). He specialises in the Old Church Slavonic language and literature studies, graphematics of Slavonic languages, language policy, languages of Slavonic minorities, as well as Lower Lusatian language and literature.

E-mail: rwmslav@mx.unisaarland.de

Martyna Markowska – PhD student, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
She graduated in philosophy and cultural studies within Inter-faculty Individual Studies in the Humanities at the University of Silesia in Katowice. In 2010-2011, she was a research fellow at the University of Zurich. Her main academic interests focus on the aesthetics of the image, intermediality, and the relationship between photography and literature. Currently, she is preparing a dissertation on the relationship between photography and literature in contemporary Finnish, Polish and British novels.
E-mail: m.j.markowska@gmail.com

Michał Masłowski – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, France.
Former director of Polish Studies at Sorbonne University (Paris IV). He has published books on Romanticism, theatre, Central Europe, as well as the relationship between religion and culture. He works as a lecturer at the University of Warsaw. Together with J. Donguy, he translated Adam Mickiewicz’s
Dziady [Forefathers’ Eve], Juliusz Słowacki’s Kordian, Czesław Miłosz’s poetry, as well as Zbigniew Herbert’s and Tadeusz Różewicz’s dramas. He is a foreign member of PAU [Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences] and a Knight of the Order of Polonia Restituta. His major publications include Gest, symbol i rytuały polskiego teatru romantycznego [Gesture, Symbol and Rites in Polish Romantic Theatre] (1998); Zwierciadła Kordiana. Rola i maska bohatera w dramatach Słowackiego [Kordian’s Mirrors. The Role and Mask of a Hero in Słowacki’s Dramas] (2002); Etyka i metafizyka. Perspektywa transcendencji poziomej we współczesnej kulturze polskiej [Ethics and Metaphysics. A Perspective on Horizontal Transcendence in the Contemporary Polish Culture] (2011).
E-mail: michel.maslowski@paris-sorbonne.fr

Anna-Maria Meyer – PhD, Institute of Slavonic Studies, Department of Slavonic Linguistics, Otto-Friedrich University in Bamberg, Germany.
Her research interests consist of language contact, multilingualism, language substandard, language policy, interlinguistics/artificial languages, and writing. She is the author of articles: “Thanks from the mountain! – Humorous literal translations in Ponglish as an output of language creativity” published in Journal of Slavic Linguistics 2015, No. 23/1; “Zum Gebrauch der Glagolica heute (anhand von Tätowierungen und Aufdrucken)” published in Die Welt der Slaven 2015, No. LX/1; “Wiederbelebung einer Utopie. Probleme und Perspektiven slavischer Plansprachen im Zeitalter des Internets” (2014).
E-mail: anna-maria.meyer@uni-bamberg.de

Ewa Michna – Doctor habilitatus, Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Kraków, Poland.
Sociologist and anthropologist. Her academic interests focus on the sociology of a nation and ethnic relations, national and ethnic minorities in Central and Eastern Europe, emancipatory strategies of groups without a country, and particularly the ways history and language are used in identity politics. ­ She has been researching groups struggling for recognition, i.e. Lemkos and Silesians in Poland and ethnic Ruthenian activists in Slovakia and Ukraine for more than twenty years.
E-mail: ewa.michna@uj.edu.pl

Małgorzata Mikołajczak – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Polish Philology, University of Zielona Góra, Zielona Góra, Poland.
Professor, Head of the Department of Literary Theory and Literary Criticism, Head of Literary Studies in the PhD Programme. Member of the Committee on Literary Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (since 2011). Member of associations, scientific advisory boards of journals and serial publications, as well as editorial boards of periodicals. Editor and co-editor of ten research books and two poetry anthologies. Author of five research books and approx. 180 articles (studies, essays, reviews) published in, among others, “Pamiętnik Literacki” [Literary Memoirs], “Ruch Literacki” [Literary Movement], “Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich” [The Problems of Literary Genres], “Teksty Drugie” [Second Texts], “Ethos”, “Twórczość” [Creativity], “Odra” [Oder], and “Kwartalnik Artystyczny” [The Artistic Quarterly]. Between 2012 and 2017, she headed the inter-university project “Nowy regionalizm w badaniach literackich” [New Regionalism in Literary Studies].
E-mail: M.Mikolajczak@ifp.uz.zgora.pl

Jacek Mikołajczyk – PhD, Institute of Cultural Sciences, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Literary manager in the Gliwice Musical Theatre. He specialises in the history of Polish and international musicals, as well as the history of musical theatre. He is a translator of musicals, such as 42 ulica [42nd Street], Ragtime, Hair and Przebudzenie wiosny [Spring Awakening]. He also completed studies in directing opera and other forms of musical theatre at the State Higher School of Theatre in Kraków. He published
Musical nad Wisłą. Historia musicalu w Polsce w latach 1957-1989 [Musical on the Vistula River. Musical in Poland in 1957-1989] (Gliwice 2010), Zabójczy flirt. Literatura i terroryzm [The Destructive Flirtation: Literature and Terrorism] (Bielsko-Biała 2011) and Bogowie i herosi. Mity greckie w obrazach wielkich mistrzów [Gods and Heroes. Greek Myths in the Works of Great Masters] (Bielsko-Biała 2013). He co-edited the collective work Jaki jest kabaret? [What About Cabaret?] (Katowice 2012).
E-mail: jacek.mikolajczyk@us.edu.pl

Michal Mikoś – Professor, PhD, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, USA.
He specialises in studying Polish literature, language and culture. He is also a translator and author of many academic publications, including
Adam Mickiewicz. The Sun of Liberty (Warsaw 1998), Juliusz Slowacki. This Fateful Power (Lublin 1999), Polish Literature from 1864 to 1918. An Anthology (Bloomington 2006), Polish Literature from 1918 to 2000. An Anthology (Bloomington 2008), Zarys historii polonistyki w Ameryce Północnej [An Outline of the History of Polish Studies in North America] (Katowice 2012).
E-mail: mikos@uwm.edu

Marián Milčák – PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, University of Presov, Slovakia.
He graduated in Slovak philology and German studies at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Presov. He worked as a lecturer of Slovak at the University of Warsaw and the University of Silesia in Katowice. He is the author of scientific and literary texts, as well as translations (primarily from Polish and Russian). He was the editor of the literary notebooks “Cicha woda” [Silent Water] (Košice). His poetic work is close to that of Rudolf Jurolek, Daniel Pastirčák and Erik Groch. He cooperates with the journal “Pobocza”. His poems have been translated into numerous languages, including English, Czech, Polish, German, French, Hungarian, and Lithuanian. He published theoretical and literary books entitled
O nezrozumitežnosti básnického textu (Levoča 2004) andMýtus a báseň (7 úvah o poézii) (Levoča 2010).
E-mail: milcak@vmnet.sk

Władysław T. Miodunka – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Department of Polish as a Foreign Language, Faculty of Polish Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland.
Retired professor. Between 1980 and 2016, he worked at the Department of Polish as a Foreign Language at the Faculty of Polish Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Linguist specialising in the study of Polish in the world, Polish-foreign bilingualism and research in the field of Polish glottodidactics.­ He has been teaching Polish as a foreign and second language in Poland and abroad since 1973. He is the author of many academic dissertations revolving around this topic and the editor of a series of textbooks and scientific papers on Polish language glottodidactics. In 2003-2016, he headed the work of the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language. He is a member of the Council for the Polish Language and the founder of the Cracow School of Comparative Glottodidactics.
E-mail: w.miodunka@uj.edu.pl

Wirginia Mirosławska – Associate Professor, Department of Slavonic Studies, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
Teacher of the Polish language. She teaches practical classes in Polish, as well as descriptive and historical grammar. Among other works, she published a monograph “Nazwy osobowe mieszkańców Lutomierska (XVII–XVIII w.)” [Names of the Inhabitants of Lutomiersk (17th – 18th c.)] (Łódź 1997), collections of phonetic exercises and compendia on Polish inflexion for Russian and Bulgarian students. She is the author of numerous articles on onomastics and glottodidactics. She is a translator from Slovak and the co-author of the academic textbook
Slovenčina a poľština. Synchrónne porovnanie s cvičeniami (Prešov 2012).
E-mail: miroslawska@op.pe

Barbara Mitrenga – PhD, Institute of Linguistics, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Member of the Polish Linguistic Society, the Committee on Linguistics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Katowice branch), the Society of Polish Language Enthusiasts (Katowice branch) and the treasurer of the “Via Linguae” Association. Her research interests include the history of Polish, historical grammar, semantics and intensifiers. She is the author of the monograph
Zmysł smaku. Studium leksykalno­-semantyczne [The Sense of Taste. A Lexical-Semantic Study] (2014) and the co-author of the book Polskie intensyfikatory w ujęciu historycznym [Polish Intensifiers. A Historical Approach] (2015) and Słownik zapomnianych wyrażeń funkcyjnych [Dictionary of Forgotten Functional Expressions] (2015). She is also the scientific editor of the “Linguarum Silva” annual.
E-mail: barbara.mitrenga@us.edu.pl

Barbara Morcinek-Abramczyk – PhD, School of Polish Language and Culture, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
From 2006 to 2009, she worked in the Polish Section of the Department of Russian and East European Studies at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. From August 2011 until May 2012, she was employed in the Department of Slavonic Languages and Literature at Indiana University. She is interested in Polish literature, teaching Polish as a foreign language and intercultural differences. Her most important publications include “Oczy jak maliny w cukrze, czyli postrzeganie wszystkimi zmysłami” [Eyes Like Raspberries in Sugar, or Perception through All Senses] (“Postscriptum Polonistyczne” 2002, No. 4), “Wizerunek gorola w trzech odsłonach” [The Image of a Gorol in Three Versions] (in:
My som tukej, Katowice 2004), “Elementy przekładu intersemiotycznego w nauczaniu grup zaawansowanych” [Elements of Intersemiotic Translation in Education of Advanced Groups] (“Postscriptum Polonistyczne” 2005, No. 2), Polski mniej obcy. Podręcznik do nauki języka polskiego dla średnio zaawansowanych [Get to Know Polish. A Textbook on Polish for Intermediate Learners] (Katowice 2007), “Gesty po polsku i po japońsku. Komunikacja niewerbalna w procesie nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego” [Gestures in Polish and Japanese. Non-Verbal Communication in the Process of Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language] (in: Studia polonistyczne w Azji [Polish Studies in Asia], Seoul 2007), “Tłumaczenie kultur – oswajanie kultur? Kilka uwag o kuchni” [Translation of Cultures – Taming Cultures? A Few Notes on Cuisine] (in: Spotkania Polonistyk Trzech Krajów – Chiny, Korea, Japonia [Meetings of Polish Studies in Three Countries – China, Korea, Japan] – annual 2009, Tokyo 2010).
E-mail: bmorcinek1@gmail.com

Adrian Mrówka – PhD, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
In 2013, he defended his dissertation “Podmioty ‘intensywne’ w wybranych powieściach Stanisława Przybyszewskiego” [“Intensive” Subjects in Selected Novels by Stanisław Przybyszewski]. He is a graduate of gender studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. His interests revolve around the literature of Young Poland, psychoanalysis, post-structuralist theories and post-modern issues of subjectivity and gender.
E-mail: adr.mr@poczta.fm

Jiří Muryc – PhDr, Ph.D., Department of Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.
Head of the Department of Slavonic Studies at the UO. He teaches linguistics and translation. He is the author of the monograph
Obecné a specifické rysy polsko-české jazykové interference na českém Těšínsku. His scientific interests include sociolinguistics, the comparative grammar of Polish and Czech, as well as translation and interpretation.
E-mail: jiri.muryc@osu.cz

Barbara Myrdzik – Professor, Institute of Polish Philology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland.
Her scientific interests focus on the theory and practice of Polish language education. The results of her research were included in the following books:
Poezja Zbigniewa Herberta w recepcji maturzystów [Zbigniew Herbert’s Poetry in the Reception of High-School Students], Rola hermeneutyki w edukacji polonistycznej [The Role of Hermeneutics in Polish Language Education], Nowoczesność i tradycja w kształceniu literackim [Modernity and Tradition in Literary Education], Nowe wyzwania dla polonisty. Metodyka – pomiar dydaktyczny – ewaluacja [New Challenges for the Polish Language Teacher. Methodology – Didactic Measurement – Evaluation], Zrozumieć siebie i świat. Szkice i studia o edukacji polonistycznej [Understanding Oneself and the World. Essays and Studies on Polish].
E-mail: barbara.myrdzik@poczta.onet.pl