Lucyna Sadzikowska – PhD, Institute of Library Studies and Scientific Information, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Assistant Professor at the Department of Reading and Information Culture. Deals with, among others, literature for children and young people. Author of a book titled
Szukanie kluczy. O literaturze poobozowej Gustawa Morcinka [The Search for Keys. On the Post-Camp Literature of Gustaw Morcinek] (Katowice 2017). Together with Professor Doctor Habilitatus Krystyna Heska-Kwaśniewicz, she compiled, wrote the introduction to and annotated Listy z Dachau. Gustaw Morcinek do siostry Teresy Morcinek [Letters from Dachau. Gustaw Morcinek to His Siter Teresa Morcinek] (Katowice 2016).
E-mail: lucyna.sadzikowska@us.edu.pl

Paweł Sarna – PhD, Institute of Political Science and Journalism, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Author of two monographs:
Śląska awangarda. Poeci grupy Kontekst [Silesian Avant-Garde. Poets from the Kontekst (Context) Group] (2004), Przypisy do nicości. Poezja Zbigniewa Bieńkowskiego [Footnotes to Nothingness. Poetry of Zbigniew Bieńkowski] (2010) and several dozen scientific articles. His research interests include: sociocultural press, relationships between literature and media, journalistic rhetoric.
E-mail: pawel.sarna@us.edu.pl

Dennis Scheller­ Boltz – PhD, Institut für Slawische Sprachen, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria.
His research interests include: gender linguistics, sociolinguistics, word-formation and lexicography. Editor and co-author of the following publications: New Approaches to Gender and Queer Research in Slavonic Studies (2015), Język Polski – 25 lat po Przełomie [The Polish Language – 25 Years After the Transformation] (2014). His article titled On Gender Awareness in German, Russian, and Polish was published in “Przegląd Rusycystyczny” [“Russian Studies Review”] no. 4/2014.
E-mail: dennis.scheller­boltz@wu.ac.at

Tokimasa Sekiguchi – Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan.
Translator, specialist in Polish culture and literature. Between 2000 and 2004, he served as the Vice-President of the “Bristol” Association of Polish and Foreign Teachers of Polish Culture and Polish as a Foreign Language. One of the originators and an active participant of the Polish Studies Meetings of Three Countries – China, Korea, Japan. Received multiple awards for his services for the promotion of Poland in the world and for the Polish culture. Author of numerous articles published in, among others, “Teksty Drugie” [“Second Texts”], “Ruch Literacki” [“Literary Movement”], “Postscriptum Polonistyczne” [“Polish Studies Postscript”], in the series “Literatura polska w świecie” [“Polish Literature Around the World”], in “Slavia Occidentalis Iaponica” and in conference volumes of the Polish Studies Meetings of Three Countries. His works as a translator include Jan Kochanowski’s
Laments, Miłosz’s History of Polish Literature, Iwaszkiewicz’s Mother Joan of the Angels, Gombrowicz’s Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy and Chopin’s correspondence.
E-mail: sekiguchi@tufs.ac.jptokimasa.sekiguchi@nifty.ne.jp

Anna Seretny – Doctor Habilitatus, Centre for Polish Language and Culture in the World, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Krakow, Poland.
Author of numerous works on glottodidactics of the Polish language, including monographs
ABC metodyki nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego [The ABC of Methodology of Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language] (together with E. Lipińska, 2005), Kompetencja leksykalna uczących się języka polskiego jako obcego w świetle badań ilościowych [Lexical Competence of Learners of Polish as a Foreign Language in the Context of Quantitative Research] (2011), Słownictwo w dydaktyce języka. Świat słów na przykładzie języka polskiego jako obcego [Vocabulary in Language Teaching. The World of Words on the Example of Polish as a Foreign Language] (2015) as well as textbooks for teaching Polish to foreigners. Her research interests include lexical competence of learners of Polish, analysis of lexical accessibility of written and oral texts and conditions for effective lexical inference.
E-mail: anna.barbara.seretny@uj.edu.pl

Henryk Siewierski – Professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Department of Literary Theory and Literature, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil.
Literary historian, literary critic, essayist and translator. Author of, among others, books
Spotkanie narodów [The Meeting of Nations] (1984); Jak dostałem Brazylię w prezencie [How I Received Brazil as a Gift] (1998); História da Literatura Polonesa (2000); Raj nie do utracenia. Amazońskie silva rerum [A Paradise Not to Be Lost. Amazonian Silva Rerum] (2006); Livro do Rio máximo do Padre João Daniel (2012); Architektura słowa i inne szkice o Norwidzie [Architecture of Words and Other Essays on Norwid] (2012). His translations into Portuguese include the works of Brunon Schultz, and into Polish – Fernand Pessoi’s Mensagem (Message).
E-mail: hsbrasilia@hotmail.com

Rose Simpson – PhD, Aberystwyth University, Great Britain.
Rose Simpson’s first degree in English from York University was followed by a career in popular music (as the bassist and occasional singer in The Incredible String Band), teaching, arts administration and other sidelines. Following another first degree in French and German from Aberystwyth University, Simpson recently completed a PhD on the popular novels of Vicki Baum and Ina Seidel, considering the dilemmas of women caught in the conflict between modernity and the radical anti-modernism of National Socialism. In February 2021 her memoir Muse, Odalisque, Handmaiden: A Girl’s Life in the Incredible String Band was published by The Strange Attractor Press.
E-mail: rosepenbanc@gmail.com

Bogusław Skowronek – Professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Department of Cultural Linguistics and Social Communication, Department of Media and Cultural Studies, Institute of Polish Philology, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland.
His main research interests include cultural and cognitive linguistics, film studies, media studies, cultural studies and popular culture. Author of books
O dialogu na lekcjach w szkole średniej. Analiza pragmatyczno-językowa [On Dialogue in Secondary School Classrooms. A Pragmatic and Linguistic Analysis] (1999); Konceptualizacje filmu i jego oglądania w języku młodzieży. Studium kognitywno-kulturowe [Conceptualisations of Films and Film Viewing in Language Used by Young People. A Cognitive and Cultural Study] (2007); Film w przestrzeni kultury audiowizualnej. Studia. Szkice. Interpretacje [Films in the Audiovisual Cultural Space. Studies. Essays. Interpretations] (2011); Mediolingwistyka. Wprowadzenie [Media Linguistics. Introduction] (2013).
E-mail: bosko@up.krakow.pl

Aldona Skudrzyk – Professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Institute of Linguistics, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland.
Professor at the Department of Sociolinguistics and Social Practices in Communication. Her research interests focus on various sociolinguistic, pragmatic and stylistic aspects of variations in contemporary Polish. Her latest research concerns the state of the literate way of thinking (functional illiteracy), the impact of new media on the language used by the young generation and regions and regionality, especially the importance of language in building of local identities and communication in diglossic environments. She also deals with glottodidactics in theory and in practice. Authored or co-authored the following publications:
Czy zmierzch kultury pisma? O synestezji i analfabetyzmie funkcjonalnym [Is It the Twilight of the Writing Culture? On Synesthesia and Functional Illiteracy] (2005), Małe ojczyzny. Świadomość językowo-kulturowa społeczności lokalnych [Small Homelands. The Linguistic and Cultural Awareness of Local Communities] (2010), Kultura piśmienności młodego pokolenia [The Literacy Culture of the Young Generation] (2010), Literacy of the young generation in a diglossic environment (2012).
E-mail: aldona.skudrzyk@us.edu.pl

Marta Skwara – Professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Institute of Polish and Cultural Studies, University of Szczecin, Poland.
Her research interests include: comparative literature and comparative cultural studies, cultural translation and reception studies, European and transatlantic romanticism and (post)modernism. Major publications:
Wśród Witkacoidów: W świecie tekstów, w świecie mitów [Among Witkacoids. In the World of Texts, in the World of Myths] (2012); Polskie serie recepcyjne wierszy Walta Whitmana. Monografia wraz z antologią przekładów [Polish Reception Series of Walt Whitman’s Poems. Monograph with an Anthology of Translations] (2014); Between “minor” and “major”. The case of Polish literature, w: T. D’haen, I. Goerlandt and R.D. Sell, eds., Major versus Minor? – Languages and Literatures in a Globalized World (2015).
E-mail: martaskw@univ.szczecin.pl

Ivana Slivková – PhD, Katedra stredoeurópskych štúdií, Filozofická fakulta, Prešovska univerzita v Prešove, Slovakia.
Her research interests focus on such topics as: Belarusian literature, Polish literature, Rusyn literature in Slovakia, comparative literature, intercultural communication, national stereotype, translation. Major publications: Bieloruská poézia na prelome storočí (2012), Úvod do interkultúrnej komunikacie (2015), Moderná slovenská literatúra v stredoeurópskom kontexte (1890–1945) (2016, co-authored).
E-mail: ivana.slivkova@unipo.sk

Tadeusz Sławek – Professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland.
Rector of the University of Silesia between 1996 and 2002. Author of publications on literary history and theory. Recently published: NICowanie świata. Zdania z Szekspira [Turning the World Inside Out. Sentences from Shakespeare] (2012); U-chodzić. Rozważania o kolei rzeczy [To Escape. Reflections on the Turn of Things] (2015); Nie bez reszty. O potrzebie niekompletności [Not Without the Rest. On the Need for Incompleteness] (2018).
E-mail: tadeuszslawek@poczta.onet.pl

Ostap Sływynski – PhD, Department of Polish Philology, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine.
His research interests include: history of Polish literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, history of Bulgarian literature of the 20th century, Polish­Ukrainian and Bulgarian­Ukrainian cultural contacts, anthropology of literature and translation theory. His most important publications include:
Herbert, who looks at the cathedral tower (“New Eastern Europe” 2018, no. 5), Kriget Sovjet kapitalism och Tjernobyl. Ukrainsk litteratur på jakt efter historien (“10TAL” 2014, no. 17/18), Źródła i metamorfozy poetyki personizmu: szkoła nowojorska polski o’haryzm – poezja ukraińska XXI wieku [Sources and Metamorphoses of the Poetics of Personism: the New York School – Polish O’Harism – Ukrainian Poetry of the 21st Century] (“Postscriptum Polonistyczne” [“Polish Studies Postscript”] 2009, no. 1).
E-mail: ostap_sl@hotmail.com

Anna Sobiecka – Doctor Habilitatus, Institute of Polish Studies, Pomeranian University in Słupsk, Słupsk, Poland.
Expert in literary studies and theatre studies, author of monographs devoted to the dramatic art of
Michał Bałucki and monographic studies on the Słupsk theatre: Dzieje teatru w Słupsku 1945–2008. Zarys historyczno-dokumentacyjny [The History of the Słupsk Theatre between 1945 and 2008. A Historical and Documentary Outline] (2009); Teatr w Słupsku. Instytucja artystyczna [The Słupsk Theatre. An Artistic Institution] (2012); Teatr w Słupsku. Historie (o)powiedziane [The Słupsk Theatre. Stories Told] (2017). Her research interests focus on the history of the Polish theatre and drama in the 19th and 20th centuries, present day Polish dramatic art, issues related to local theatres as well as the borderline between theatre studies and literary studies.

E-mail: anna.sobiecka@apsl.edu.pl

Katarzyna Sobolewska – PhD student, Institute of Cultural Sciences, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Sociologist and expert in cultural studies. Her research interests focus on issues related to the sociology of theatre as well as changes in the theatre and drama in the 20th and the 21st centuries as seen in the context of a broadly defined category of “politicality”.
E-mail: katarzynasoblewska@poczta.fm

Marie Sobotková – Professor, PhDr., PhD, Department of Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Philology, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Her interests focus on such issues as: history of literature, comparative literature, Czech and Polish history of literature, Polish literature and film as well as Czech-Polish literary and cultural contacts from the 16th century to the present day. Author of several books (including
Studie z české a polské literatury or Najważniejsze zabytki piśmiennictwa polskiego. Od Bogurodzicy do Norwida [The Most Important Monuments of Polish Literature. From Bogurodzica to Norwid]) and several dozen scientific articles. Head and participant of many research grants implemented both at the Palacký University and in cooperation with other universities in the Czech Republic and in Poland.
E-mail: sobotkom@ffnw.upol.cz

Alina Sordyl – PhD, Institute of Cultural Sciences, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Expert in cultural studies, author of a book titled
Między historią, kreacją i mitem [Between History, Creation and Myth] (2001), devoted to Polish historical dramatic art between 1968 and 1989. Deals with theatre on TV, published a number of articles on the aesthetics, conventions and poetics of theatre on TV as well as a booklet titled Teatr telewizji – pomiędzy reprezentacją a symulacją teatru [Theatre on TV – Between Representation and Simulation of Theatre] (2010). Her current research interests focus on theoretical issues of theatrical adaptation.
E-mail: alina.sordyl@us.edu.pl

Prawda Spasowa – Professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Teaches philosophy at the Academy of Fine Arts and aesthetics as part of the curriculum of an English-language course in philosophy offered by the Sofia University. Published three books in philosophy. Translated from English and Polish philosophical works by such authors as R. Ingarden, W. Tatarkiewicz, J. Tischner, L. Kołakowski, S.I. Witkiewicz and literary works of E. Orzeszkowa, J. Głowacki, D. Masłowska.
E-mail: pravdaspasova@yahoo.com

Lucyna Spyrka – PhD, Institute of Slavonic Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Expert in Slovak studies, author of works on contemporary Slovak literature and culture as well as translation and reception theory. Author of a book titled
Radošinské naivné divadlo, editor of the third volume of Spotkanie Słowacystów Polskich [Meeting of Polish Experts in Slovak Studies]; published in Studia o przekładzie [Studies on Translation] (ed. P. Fast) and in Przekłady literatur słowiańskich [Translations of Slavonic Literature] (ed. B. Tokarz), in the yearbook of the Polish-Slovak Commission for the Humanities “Kontakty” [“Contacts”], in “Pamiętnik Słowiański” [“The Slavonic Diary”], in “Slovak Review of World Literature Research” and in joint volumes published in Poland and in Slovakia.
E-mail: lucyna.spyrka@us.edu.pl

Anna Stanisz – BA, Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
Studies General Linguistics and Comparative Philology at the University of Oxford and Linguistics with specialisation in translation and intercultural communication at the Jegiellonian University. Earned two Bachelor’s degrees with honours in English Philology and Polish Studies­-Comparative Literature under the Inter-faculty Individual Studies in the Humanities at the Jegiellonian University. Interested in conceptualisation and indirect meaning in language and literature and in theories of literary translation. Translates Ewa Lipska’s poetry into English. Winner of the 42nd Olympiad in Polish Literature and Language (2012) and recipient of multiple scholarships, including the Scholarship of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2015).
E-mail: ania.stanisz@interia.pl

Magdalena Steciąg – Doctor Habilitatus, Associate Professor at the University of Zielona Góra, Institute of Polish Philology, University of Zielona Góra, Zielona Góra, Poland.
Linguist with research interests focused on issues of mass communication and the ways language is used in various public discourses. Author of books Informacja, wywiad, felieton. Sposób istnienia tradycyjnych gatunków w radiu komercyjnym [Information, Interview, Column. How Traditional Genres Exist in Commercial Radio] (Zielona Góra 2006) and Dyskurs ekologiczny w debacie publicznej [Environmental Discourse in Public Debate] (Zielona Góra 2012), co-editor of a series of publications devoted to communication: Świadomość językowa w komunikowaniu [Linguistic Awareness in Communication] (Zielona Góra 2012), Tożsamość językowa w komunikowaniu [Linguistic Identity in Communication] (Zielona Góra 2014), Kontakty językowe w komunikowaniu [Linguistic Contacts in Communication] (Zielona Góra 2016) and Estetyka językowa w komunikowaniu [Linguistic Aesthetics in Communication] (Zielona Góra 2019). Received a scholarship from the University of Southern Denmark in 2010 and from the University of Hradec Králové in the Czech Republic in 2015.
E-mail: M.Steciag@ifp.uz.zgora.pl

Wiesław Stefańczyk – Doctor Habilitatus, Centre for Polish Language and Culture in the World, Jagiellonian University, Poland.
His research interests focus on contemporary Polish and comparative linguistics, especially Polish­-Hungarian. Author of several dozen publications, including six books:
Język Polonii węgierskiej. Ujęcie typologiczne [The Language of Poles Living in Hungary. A Typological Approach] (1995), Fleksja polska. Lengyel alaktan [Polish Inflection. Lengyel Alaktan] (1996), Po tamtej stronie Tatr [On That Side of the Tatras] (co-authored, 1998), Słownik estońsko­-polski [Estonian-Polish Dictionary] (co-authored, 2000), Poola keel. Podręcznik języka polskiego dla Estończyków [Poola Keel. A Polish Language Textbook for Estonians] (co-authored, 2000), Kategoria rodzaju i przypadka polskiego rzeczownika. Próba synchronicznej analizy morfologicznej [Category of Gender and Case of Polish Nouns. An Attempt at a Synchronous Morphological Analysis] (2007).
E-mail: reinhold5@interia.pl

Katarzyna Sujkowska-Sobisz – PhD, Institute of Polish Language, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Linguist. Her major academic papers revolve primarily around issues related to the communicative and genological status of various persuasive texts (advertisements, negotiations, arguments, disputes, and thus broadly defined commercial discourse). She is also involved in selected topics of translation, comparativism, cognitivism, intercultural communication and critical discourse analysis. Author of numerous scientific articles published, among others, in “Stylistyka” [Stylistics] and “Język Artystyczny” [Language of Art], co-author of
Mały słownik teorii tekstu [Little Dictionary of Text Theory].
E-mail: katarzyna.sujkowska-sobisz@us.edu.pl

Ewelina Suszek – PhD student, Department of Contemporary Literature, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
MA in Polish philology and philosophy (studies completed as part of the Inter-faculty Individual Studies in the Humanities). Her research interests revolve around Polish poetry of the second half of the 20th century and contemporary aesthetics. Winner of the second-place award in the Czesław Zgorzelski National Competition. Author of the monograph
Szybkość, pośpiech, kompresja. „Poetyka przyśpieszenia” w poezji Krystyny Miłobędzkiej [Speed, Rush, Compression. A Poetics of Acceleration in the Poetry of Krystyna Miłobędzka] (2014) and co-editor of the book Przygody nierozumu: szaleństwo – myśl – kultura [Adventures of the Reasonless: Madness – Thought – Culture] (2012).
E-mail: suszek.ewelina@gmail.com

Mustafa Switat – PhD, Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.
Sociologist, psychologist, graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy at the
Palacký University Olomouc (Czech Republic). His academic interests focus on cultural transfer, sociology of migration, globalisation processes, multiculturalism and clinical psychology. Author of a number of articles on broadly defined Polish-Arab cultural relations and issues of migration, as well as the monograph
Społeczność arabska w Polsce. Stara i nowa diaspora [The Arabic Community in Poland. The Old and the New Diaspora] (2017) distinguished in the 2018 ACADEMIA competition as the best academic publication.
E-mail: m.switat@uw.edu.pl

Galia Symeonowa-Konach – Doctor habilitatus, professor of Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Slavic Philology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland.
Academic interests: Bulgarian literature of the 20th and 21st centuries, particularly modernism, avant-garde, postmodernism; contemporary women’s writing; ideological paradigms of literature and culture; translation studies; culturological and sociological approaches to reception (including translations of literary works); contemporary pop culture and the media; cultural identity, cultural policy, traditions and cultural heritage of the Mediterranean. Published such works as:
Постмодернизмът. Българският случай (Postmodernism. A Bulgarian Case), Poeta i lilia. Idee chrześcijańskie w twórczości Nikołaja Liliewa [The poet and the lily. Christian ideas in the works of Nikolai Liliev], Поетът и лилията. Християнски идеи в творчеството на Николай Лилиев, Art of the World. Atlas of Monuments. Europe L-Z, vol. XV-XVI. She is the author of over 50 scholarly articles and 250 journal articles published in digital and traditional media in the years 1988 – 2012. In the 1990s, she was a correspondent in Poland. In the years 1998 – 2000 she held the position of director of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Warsaw. She has won numerous awards.
E-mail: gskonach@amu.edu.pl

Bożena Szałasta-Rogowska – PhD, Institute of Polish Literature, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Literary historian, university teacher. In her doctoral dissertation she examined the poetic works of Bogda Czaykowski (
Urodzony z piołunów. O poezji Bogdana Czaykowskiego [Wormwood-born. On the poetry of Bogdan Czaykowski], (Katowice-Toronto 2005). Author of reviews and interpretative studies on Polish contemporary literature. In the years 2002 – 2003, she taught Polish language and literature at the University of Toronto. Her academic interests include Polish literature and art of the 20th and 21st century as well as glottodidactics (she is the author of Dzień dobry. Zbór testów do podręcznika [Good morning. A collection of tests for textbook], Katowice 2006). She remains highly focused on Polish literature in Canada (has prepared a selection of Bogdan Czaykowski’s poems, entitled: Jakieś ogromne szczęście. Wiersze wybrane z lat 1956-2006,  [Some great happiness. Selected poems from the years 1956 – 2006], Kraków 2007, and edited a post-conference volume entitled Literatura polska w Kanadzie. Studia i szkice [Polish literature in Canada. Studies and sketches, Katowice 2010).
E-mail: bozenarogowska@poczta.onet.pl

Katarzyna Szewczyk-Haake – PhD, Institute of European Culture, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland.
Her academic interests revolve around literary expressionism and comparative studies in literature (especially Polish and Scandinavian), as well as correspondence of arts. She is the author of the book entitled:
Poezja Emila Zegadłowicza wobec światopoglądowego i estetycznego projektu ekspresjonizmu [Poetry of Emil Zegadłowicz and the world-oriented and aesthetic project of expressionism] (Kraków 2008) as well as numerous publications in journals and collective volumes.
E-mail: haaczyk@amu.edu.pl

Justyna Szlachta-Ignatowicz – PhD, Department of Central and East European Intercultural Studies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.
Her academic interests revolve around the broadly defined specificity and culture of the borderland and contemporary identity literature. Major publications:
Zróżnicowanie tematyczne pieśni “Śpiewnik Górnośląskiego” Feliks Nowowiejskiego [Thematic Diversity of the Songs in “Śpiewnik Górnośląski” by Feliks Nowowiejski], in: Interpretacja i recepcja. Nowe prace badawcze poświęcone muzyce Feliksa Nowowiejskiego [Interpretation and Reception. New Scientific Publications Dedicated to the Music of Feliks Nowowiejski], ed. K.D. Szatrawski (2016); “Ach jak cudowna jest podróż, jaka by ona nie była”. Polski blues Janoscha i Spis cudzołożnic Jerzego Pilcha, [“Ah how wonderful is the journey, whatever it may be”. Polish Blues by Janosch and the List of Adulteresses by Jerzy Pilch] in: Szczęśliwy, kto poznał Janoscha. Literackie korzenie tożsamości [Happy is the One who met Janosch. The Literary Roots of Identity], ed. A. Bajorek (2017); Rola rzeki w społeczeństwie pogranicza kulturowego. „Pierwsza polka” Horsta Bienka [The Role of the River in a Cultural Border Society. “The First Polka” by Horst Bienek], in: Śmierć w wodzie i inne motywy akwatyczne w horyzoncie wyobraźni [Death in Water and Other Aquatic Motifs in the Horizon of Imagination], ed. B. Pawłowska-Jądrzyk (2018).
E-mail: j.szlachta-ignatowicz@uw.edu.pl

Marek Sznajder – MA, Institute of Polish Philology, University of Zielona Góra, Poland.
Graduate of Polish philology at the University of Zielona Góra; current PhD student at the Department of Polish Literature of the 20th and 21st Century at the University of Zielona Góra. His scientific interests include contemporary literature, especially the works of Jewish authors, and the methodology of sciences (logic and philosophy). The subject of his latest publication, “Lilia pośród cierni” [A Lily Among Thorns] revolves around breathing techniques amid chaos. “On ‘Little Peter’ by Leo Lipsky” was published in the volume
Literatura i chaos [Literature and Chaos] issued by the University of Silesia Publishing House.
E-mail: mareksznajder@outlook.com

Julia Szołtysek PhD, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland.
Dr. Julia Szołtysek is an Assistant Professor at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. Her academic interests include literary and artistic representations of the Middle East, travel writing, queer theory, and opera studies. She is the recipient of the 2016 Peter Lang Young Scholars Award. Her monograph A Mosaic of Misunderstanding: Occident, Orient, and Facets of Mutual Mis/Construal was published in 2016 by Peter Lang.
E-mail: julia.szoltysek@us.edu.pl

Katarzyna Szopa – PhD, Institute of Literary Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Her scientific interests revolve around literature and contemporary feminist theories, in particular the philosophy of Luce Irigaray, whose seminars she attended and to whom she devoted her doctoral dissertation, written under the supervision of Professor Krystyna Kłosińska. Author of the academic monograph
Poetyka rozkwitania. Różnica płciowa w filozofii Luce Irigaray [The Poetics of Thriving. Gender Difference in the Philosophy of Luce Irigaray] (Lupa Obscura, the Publishing House of the Institute of Literary Research, print). Since 2014, she has been cooperating with and working as an assistant to Professor Luce Irigaray, organising academic events, conferences and book promotion events, as well as maintaining the philosopher’s website: https://workingwithluceirigaray.com/. She has taken part in numerous international conferences and seminars in Bristol, Barcelona, Nottingham, Paris and Utrecht, participated by, for example, Rosi Braidotti, Simon Critchley, Luce Irigaray, Michael Marder and Judith Still. She has translated works written by Luce Irigaray into Polish. Co-editor in charge of the “Opcje” [Options] magazine focused on discourses on hospitality. She has published in, among others: “Pamiętnik Literacki” [Literary Memoirs], “Czas Kultury” [Time of Culture], “Praktyka Teoretyczna” [Theoretical Practice], “FA­art” and “Śląskie Studia Polonistycznych” [Silesian Journal of Polish Studies].
E-mail: szopa.katarzyna2@gmail.com

Anna Szwed – MA, Warsaw, Poland.
Teacher of Bulgarian (she graduated from the Faculty of Slavonic Philology, Sofia University) and Polish (University of Warsaw) languages; expert in literary studies, translator. Lecturer of the Polish language at Sofia University in 1999-2001. Theater instructor, sociotherapist and addiction therapist. Director of the out-of-school educational institution “Ochota” Cultural Centre in Warsaw. She works as an editor of the Polish and Bulgarian edition of the “ArkA” bulletin in cooperation with the Batory Foundation.
E-mail: olimamisia@wp.pl

Weronika Szwedek – BA, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
A graduate of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań with a Bachelor’s degree. She is currently completing complementary studies at the University of St. Cyril and St. Methodius in Veliko Tarnovo. Her research interests include Balkan literature, Slavonic traditions, and applied linguistics. She is currently in the process of preparing her master’s thesis on the reception and creative dialogue between Wisława Szymborska and Blaga Dimitrova.
E-mail: weronikaszwedek@op.pl

Agata Szybura – MA, Faculty of Polish Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
Lecturer of Polish as a foreign and second language for primary and secondary school pupils, students and adults. She is preparing her doctoral dissertation in which she focuses, among other things, on the diagnosis of Polish language skills among immigrant students of Kraków schools and the process of their acquisition of Polish in an educational context.
E-mail: agata.szybura@gmail.com

Paulina Szydłowska – PhD student, Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
She obtained a degree in psychology and comparative civilization studies at Jagiellonian University. Her research interests include education of children with migration experience, studying acculturation strategies undertaken by Polish children and adolescents living abroad. She is a member of a research team and co-author of a report within a project entitled
(Nie)łatwe powroty do domu? Badanie funkcjonowania dzieci i młodzieży powracających z emigracji [(Un)troublesome return home? A study on the functioning of children and adolescents returning from emigration]. She works as a child psychologist in nursery schools. She conducts training courses on working with children with migrant experience for teachers, psychologists, educators.
E-mail: paulina.m.szydlowska@gmail.com