Dalecka TeresaPhD, Centre for Polish Studies, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Literary historian, doctor of humanities. She graduated from the University of Warsaw. In 2002, she was awarded the academic degree of doctor of humanities. She completed a scientific internship at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She has participated in the Erasmus academic staff exchange programme (universities in Warsaw, Łódź, Katowice, and Kielce). She is interested in Polish literature of the 20th centrury, interwar literary life in Vilnius, Polish-Lithuanian literary relations and the reception of Polish literature in Lithuania. She is the author of the book
Dzieje polonistyki wileńskiej 1919-1939 [History of Polish Studies in Vilnius from 1919 to 1939] (Kraków 2003). She publishes scientific articles in Lithuania and abroad, and she is the author of literature textbooks for secondary school students and a translator of Lithuanian literature into Polish.
: teresa.dalecka@flf.vu.lt

Dankowa StelianaMA, Department of Slavonic Studies, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
She conducts classes in practical Polish language and translation. She is a co-author of the textbook for teaching Polish as a foreign language
Jeśli chcesz wiedzieć więcej… [If you want to know more…] (together with Mira Kostova, 2005). She is preparing a doctoral dissertation on the theory of translation.
: steliana.vtu@gmail.com

Darska Bernadetta Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Journalism and Social Communication, University of Warmia and Mazury­ in Olsztyn, Poland.
Literary critic, specialist in literary studies. Lecturer at the School of Pen Masters at Collegium Civitas. From 2002 to 2009, she was the editor-in-chief of “Portret” literary and cultural magazine­. She is the author of eight books. She has recently published a paper entitled
Pamięć codzienności, codzienność pamiętania. Szkice o reportażu polskim XXI wieku [Remembering the Everyday Life, the Everyday Life of Remembering. Sketches on Polish Reportage of the 21st Century] (2014) and Maski zła. (Nie)etyczność postaw i zachowań jako temat współczesnego reportażu polskiego [Masks of Evil. (Un)ethical attitudes and behaviours as a theme in contemporary Polish reportage] (2016). She is working on a book about the youngest generation of Polish reporters. From 2009, for six years, she was running a literary criticism blog A to książka właśnie!. Currently, she invites all persons interested to Nowości książkowe(www.bernadettadarska.blogspot.com).
: bernadet.darska@wp.pl

Daskałow NikołajProfessor, doctor habilitatus, Department of Slavonic Studies, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
Specialist in Slavonic and Polish studies, specialist in Polish literature. Co-founder of the following fields of study: Slavonic philology, with a specialisation in Polish language and literature, and Department of Slavonic Studies (1995). Founder of the Polish Centre (2002) at St. Cyril and St. Methodius University. Dean of the Faculty of Philology (1996-2003) and Head of the Department of Slavonic Studies (1995-2005) at the University. The main focus of his research is the Polish historical novel, especially the works and foreign reception of works by Henryk Sienkiewicz, Bolesław Prus, Adam Mickiewicz, and Stefan Żeromski. In his books
Оспорвани шедьоври(Podważane arcydzieła [Challenged Masterpieces], 1994) and Сюжетите на историята и реваншът на духа (Tematy historii i rewanż ducha [Themes of History and Revenge of Spirit], 2001), he analyses the Bulgarian reception of Polish writers, and inСлавянски литературни взаимоотношения (Słowiańskie stosunki literackie [Slavonic literary relations], 1999) – the Slavonic reception of Polish writers.
: yarmich@yahoo.com

Dąbrowska Anna Professor, doctor habilitatus, Institute of Polish Philology, University of Wrocław, Poland.
Director of the School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners, Head of the Department of Applied Linguistics. Member of the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language. She participated in the creation of the Polish certification system. Her academic interests focus on cultural linguistics, the history of teaching Polish as a foreign language, Polish language for foreigners and contemporary Polish language. She is the author of several books, including
Eufemizmy współczesnego języka polskiego [Euphemisms of Contemporary Polish Language] (1993), Słownik eufemizmów polskich, czyli w rzeczy mocno, w sposobie łagodnie [Dictionary of Polish Euphemisms, i.e. to the point in a gently way] (1998), Język polski [Polish Language] (1999), and more than one hundred articles, as well as the scientific editor of the journal “Język a Kultura”.
: anna.dabrowska@uwr.edu.pl

Delaperrière MariaProfessor, doctor habilitatus, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris, France.
For many years, she has been the head of the Department of Polish Studies at Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales in Paris and the Centre for Central European Studies at this university. She is the author of the books:
Les avant-gardes polonaises et la poésie européenne (1991); Panorama de la littérature polonaise des origines à 1822 (in cooperation with F. Ziejka, 1992); Dialog z dystansu [Dialogue from a distance] (1998); Polskie awangardy a poezja europejska [Polish avant-gardes and European poetry] (2004); Pod znakiem antynomii [Under the sign of antinomy] (2006); La littérature polonaise à l’épreuve de la modernité (2008); Literatura polska w interakcjach [Polish literature in interactions] (2011) and 150 scientific articles. She has edited 30 books on Polish and Central European literature.
She is interested in the culture of Central Europe, literary comparative studies and contemporary Polish literature.
: maria.delaperriere@gmail.com

Demadre-Synoradzka AnnaPhD, University of Lille, France.
Specialist in literature studies, passionate about teaching Polish; author of the biography of Jerzy Andrzejewski (
Andrzejewski, Krakow 1997) and the introduction and notes to the edition of Miazga by the same author in the BN series (Wrocław 2002). She paints in her spare time.
: ania-s-d@wanadoo.fr

Dembińska-Pawelec JoannaPhD, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Author of books:
Światy możliwe w poezji Stanisława Barańszczaka [Possible Worlds in Stanisław Barańszczak’s poetry], Vilanella. Od Anonima do Barańczaka [Vilanella. From Anonym to Barańczak] and „Poezja jest sztuką rymu”. O świadomości rymu w poezji polskiej XX wieku (Miłosz – Rymkiewicz – Barańczak) [“Poetry is the Art of Rhyme”. On the awareness of rhyme in Polish poetry of the 20th century (Miłosz – Rymkiewicz – Barańczak)].
E-mail: joanna.dembinska-pawelec@us.edu.pl

Denczewa DilianaPhD, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria; University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland.
She is interested in phraseology, poetic language, theory of translation, and artistic translation. Major publications: Двойната актуализация на фразеологизмите в поезията и техники в превода им. Девети българо-полски колоквиум (Юбилейни паисиеви четения), Пловдив, 5–6 ноември 2002; Няма го Майстора, Маргарита, ІХ Национални славистични четения, София, 17–19 април, 2008 г. published in „Истина, мистификации, лъжа в славянските езици, литератури и култури”, 2011;Тенденции в съвременната детска реч, Проблеми на устната комуникация, 2010; Поетичните превъплъщения на един фразеологизъм. Интеркултурният диалог – традиции и перспективи. Паисиеви четения, Пловдив, Научни трудове, том 46. кн. 1, сб. А, 2008; Бреме и предателство. Камъкът и ножът като фразеологични компоненти в български лирични творби. Научни трудове на ПУ. „Език – литература – обществени институции”. Т. 47, кн. 1, сб. А, 2009; Актуализиране на дословното значение на фразеологични единици в полски и български рекламни текстове. „Истина, мистификации, лъжа в славянските езици, литератури и култури” (Х национални славистични четения) 2011; Фразеологизъм и метафора – подобие и различност. Време и история в славянските езици, литератури и култури (ХI национални славистични четения) 2012.
E-mail: diliana_d_d@abv.bg

Dębski RobertDoctor habilitatus, Department of Polish as a Foreign Language, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland.
Associate Professor and director of the Horwood Language Centre at the University of Melbourne (1996-2008) as well as director of the Jagiellonian University School of Polish Language and Culture (2009-2011). Author of many academic works, the most important of which are:
Dwujęzyczność angielsko-polska w Australii: języki mniejszościowe w dobie globalizacji i informatyzacji [English-Polish bilingualism in Australia: minority langauges in the era of globalization and computerization] (WUJ, 2011), Project-oriented CALL: Implementation and Evaluation (CALL Journal, 2000), Language learning through social computing (Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, 1997). His academic interests include aspects of bilingualism in speech pathology, maintenance and loss of minority languages as well as computer-aided language teaching.
E-mail: robert.debski@uj.edu.pl

Dimitrowa MarinełaPhD student, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
Topic of doctoral dissertation: Koncepcja ziemi i człowieka w powieści „Chłopi” Władysława Reymonta [The concept of land and man in “The Peasants” by Władysław Reymont]. She is interested in literature, anthropology and problems related to translation.
E-mail: marinella.d.dimitrowa@gmail.com

Dobrotová Ivana – Doc. PhDr., PhD, Department of Slavonic Studies, Polish Studies Section, Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Head of the Polish Studies Section. Her academic interests include contemporary Polish langague, trends related to the development and internationalization of the Polish langauge in comparative contexts. She is also interested in studying journalistic texts with regard to the media images of Poland in the Czech Press. Author of several dozens of articles poblished in journals and collective volumes.
E-mail: ivana.dobrotova@upol.cz

Dojczynowa Stanka BonowaDoctor habilitatus, Department of Slavpnic Studies, Department of Philology, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
She specializes in phraseology, semantic grammar and teaching Polish as a foreign language. In the years 2008 – 2012 she taught Bulgarian at the Jagiellonian University. Author of the book entitled
Jednostki frazeologiczne związane z chrześcijaństwem. Paralele bułgarsko-polskie [Phraseological units associated with Christianity. Polish-Bulgarian parallels. 
: s_bonowa@abv.bg

Dunin-Dudkowska AnnaDoctor habilitatus, Center of Polish Language and Culture for Polish Diaspora and Foreigners, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland.
Since 2016, she has held the position of the director of the Centre. In 2008, she defended her doctoral dissertation entitled: Akt notarialny jako gatunek wypowiedzi [Notarial deed as a genre of expression]. Her academic interests include textology and genelogy, primarily in relation to administrative and legal genres. Sworn translator of English. She is the author and co-author of 5 books, 30 scientific articles and numerous translations, mainly in the field of economy and law.
: anna.dunin-dudkowska@poczta.umcs.lublin.pl

Dutka ElżbietaProfessor, Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
In her research, she focuses on Polish literature of the 20th and 21st century, especially borderland prose, regional literature and didactics of literature. She is the author of
Ukraina w twórczości Włodzimierza Odojewskiego i Włodzimierza Paźniewskiego [Ukraine in the works of Włodzimierz Odojewski and Włodzimierz Paźniewski] (2000), Okolice nie tylko geograficzne. O twórczości Andrzeja Kuśniewicza [Not only geographical neighborhood. On the works of Andrzej Kuśniewicz] (2008), Zapisywanie miejsca. Szkice o Śląsku w literaturze przełomu wieków XX i XXI [Recording a place. Sketches on Silesia in the literature of the turn of the 20th and 21st century (2011), Próby topograficzne. Miejsca i krajobrazy w literaturze polskiej XX i XXI wieku [Attempts at topography. Places and landscapes in Polish literature of the 20th and 21st century] (2014), Centra, prowincje, zaułki. Twórczość Julii Hartwig jako auto/bio/geo/grafia [Centres, provinces, nooks. Works of Julia Hartwig as an auto/bio/geo/graphy] (2016).
: elzbieta.dutka@us.edu.pl

Joanna Durlik – PhD student, Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Member of the Psychology of Language and Bilingualism Lab. In her research, she focuses on cognitive mechanisms of bilingualism and the impact that various types of contact with two languages (for example, learning a foreign language at school, living abroad, working in a multilingual environment) can exert on the development of bilingualism. In addition to her academic work, she is also involved in raising awareness of bilingualism by conducting workshops for parents, teachers, and practicing psychologists. She cooperates with the website dwujęzyczność.info, and runs practical classes for psychology students, preparing them for work with multilingual and multicultural people.

E-mail: joanna.durlik@doctoral.uj.edu.pl

Dziadek AdamProfessor, Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia, Poland.
His academic interests include literary theory, comparative literary studies, history of 20th-century literature as well as translation of scholarly texts. He is a member of the Committee on Literature of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the editorial committee of “Pamiętnik Literacki” [“Literary Memoirs”], and the editor-in-chief of the semi-annual “Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne” [Silesian Polish Studies]. Author of books:
Rytm i podmiot w liryce Jarosława Iwaszkiewicza i Aleksandra Wata [Rhythm and Subject in the Lyrics of Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz and Aleksander Watt] (1999), Obrazy i Wiersze. Z zagadnień interferencji sztuk w polskiej poezji współczesnej [Images and Poems. Interference of arts in Polish contemporary poetry] (2004 ed. 1, 2011 – 2nd edition, 2), Na marginesach lektury. Szkice teoretyczne. [In the margins of reading. Theoretical sketches (2006), Obrazy i teksty. Interferencje i interpretacje [Images and texts. Interferences and interpretations] (2007). He also compiled the Selection of poems by Aleksander Wat as part of the National Library series. (2008).
: adam.dziadek@us.edu.pl

Dziak AleksandraPhD, Department of Didactics of Literature and Polish Language, John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin, Poland.
Academic interests: the use of digital tools in the teaching process and research in the field of humanities. Selected publications:
Edukacja polonistyczna w dobie dygitalizacji [Polish language education in the era of digitalization], Lublin 2012, e-polonistyka, ed. A. Dziak, S.J. Żurek, Lublin 2009, e-polonistyka 2, ed. A. Dziak, S.J. Żurek, Lublin 2012.
E-mail: adziak@kul.pl