Agnieszka Tambor – PhD, Institute of Cultural and Religious Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland.Film studies and glottodidactics scholar whose research interests focus on film, TV series and the use of these media in the educational process. Director of the Cen–tre for Chinese Language and Culture at the University of Silesia. Author and editor of papers and books related to the teaching of Polish culture and language, in–cluding Nowa polska półka filmowa. 100 filmów, które każdy cudzoziemiec zobaczyć powinien (Katowice 2012 i 2015), Krótkometrażowe filmy aktorskie i animowane w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego (Katowice 2018), (Nie)codzienny polski. Teksty i konteksty (Katowice 2018), Licz na Banacha (Katowice 2019) and Polska pół–ka historyczna: 100 faktów z historii Polski, które każdy cudzoziemiec znać powinien (Katowice 2020). She runs a blog and a film channel entitled Polska Półka Filmo–wa [Polish Film Shelf]: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeXpIj05NyRVcWKg–85wOiTw, https://www.facebook.com/Polska-Półka-Filmowa-100108104897142.
E-mail: tamboragnieszka@gmail.com
Jolanta Tambor – professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Philology; School of Polish Language and Culture, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Her academic and research interests focus on the following issues: phonetics and phonology of contemporary Polish language, artistic language (especially of science fiction prose), language situation in Silesia, teaching Polish language to foreigners. She is vice president of the International Association of Polish Studies and a member of, among others, the Commission for Sociolinguistics and the Commission on Slavic Language Contact of the International Committee of Slavists. Author of Język polskiej prozy fantastyczno-naukowej [The Language of Polish Science-Fiction Prose] (1991), Mowa Górnoślązaków oraz ich świadomość językowa i etniczna [Oral Language of Upper Silesians and their Linguistic and Ethnic Consciousness] (2006, 2008), Oberschlesien – Sprache und Identität (2011), repeatedly renewed textbook Fonetyka i phonologia współczesnego języka polskiego [Phonetics and Phonology of Contemporary Polish](together with Danuta Ostaszewska, 2000 and the next issue) as well as the author of a collection of exercises for that very textbook – Fonetyka i fonologia współczesnego języka polskiego. Ćwiczenia [Phonetics and Phonology of Contemporary Polish. Exercise Book] (2007); she is also the editor of numerous scientific and popular science articles.
E-mai: jolanta.tambor@us.edu.pl
Lidija Tanuševska – professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Saints Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia.
She works at the Slavonic Studies Department at the Blaze Koneski Faculty of Philology of Saints Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia, where she teaches Polish literature and translation practice from Polish into Macedonian. Her research interests include mainly translation studies but also comparative linguistics and literary studies. She is an outstanding translator of Polish literature into Macedonian. She has been awarded several translation prizes, including the Ryszard Kapuściński Award for her translation of Imperium into a new language (2015) and the Golden Pen of the Macedonian Association of Literary Translators in 2008 for her translation of Olga Tokarczuk’s Prawiek i inne czasy [Primeval and Other Times]. In 2017, she published the monograph Przyczynek do gramatyki konfrontatywnej języka macedońskiego i języka polskiego [A contribution to contrastive grammar of Macedonian and Polish]. She translated the novels Bieguni [Flights] andE.E. by Olga Tokarczuk, as well as short stories and novellas by Cyprian Kamil Norwid, Bruno Schulz, Stefan Grabiński, and others.
E-mail: lidkapol@yahoo.com
Beata Tarnowska – Doctor Habilitatus, Professor of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Institute of Polish Philology, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland.
She is the author of the following books: Geografia poetycka w powojennej twórczości Czesława Miłosza [Poetic Geography in the Post-War Works of Czesław Miłosz] (Olsztyn 1996), Między światami. Problematyka bilingwizmu w literaturze. Dwujęzyczna twórczość poetów grupy „Kontynenty” [In-Between Worlds. Issues of Bilingualism in Literature. Bilingual works of poets of the “Kontynenty” group] (Olsztyn 2004); Wokół „Kontynentów”. Szkice i rozmowy z poetami [Around the “Continents”. Sketches and conversations with poets] (Olsztyn 2011), as well as a volume of translations of Amir Or’s poetry – Wiersz [Poem] (Olsztyn 2006). Her research interests focus on the issues of space presented in a literary work, literary bilingualism, Polish-Israeli literary relations and artistic translation. Most of Beata Tarnowska’s works concern Polish literature created in exile after 1945.
E-mail: beatatarn@interia.pl
Dmitrij Timofejew – MA, Institute of Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.
A Slavist, he studied in Moscow and is currently a PhD student at Charles University in Prague. His main interests include the development of the Czech language in the eighteenth century, eighteenth-century literature, folk chronicles; he is also interested in Polish culture and literature as well as translation (he translates from Czech, Russian, English and Polish). He has authored several publications in journals and collective volumes.
E-mail: dm.timofeyev@gmail.com
Irina Titova – PhD student, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Graduate of the University of Krasnoyarsk and Silesian University in Katowice. She is interested in comparative studies, primarily in the scope of contemporary literature. Shee is preparing a dissertation on marginality in literature.
E-mail: wsedozwoleno@gmail.com
Sandra Toffel – MA, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.
She has a degree in comparative studies and studies in the field of teaching Polish as a foreign language at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Her master’s thesis in the field of glottodidactics was a description of the author’s project of a Polish language course at B1 level, prepared in accordance with the task-based approach and conducted within the framework of the Summer School of Polish Language and Culture at the Jagiellonian University. Author of a lesson unit entitled Żyć na walizkach [Living out of a Suitcase] in the collection 40 koncepcji dobrych lekcji [40 Good Lesson Concepts] (2011, ed. A. Rabiej et al.). Currently a lecturer of Polish language at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium).
E-mail: sandra.toffel@arts.kuleuven.be
Volha Tratsiak – MA, Department of Belarusian Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland.
MA in Belarusian philology, linguist. Her research interests focus on onomastics, language policy in Poland and Belarus, Belarusian language culture, teaching Belarusian as a foreign language. Her most important publications are articles in “Acta Albaruthenica”, the scientific journal of the Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw: Dvuchmounyja nazvy na Belastoczczyne (2014); Historyja perajmenavannjau na Belarusi (2010); Semantyczny analiz ajkonimau u Hrodzenskaj voblasci (2009).
E-mail: vtratsiak@uw.edu.pl
Sandra Trela – PhD, Institute of Central Europe, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary.
Doctor of humanities in the field of literary studies, affiliated with the Institute of Literary Studies of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Silesia until 2019. Currently a lecturer of Polish and researcher at the Department of Polish Studies of the Institute of Central Europe at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest. Research interests: history of Polish literature of the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, editorial and textual studies, cultural research, Ukrainian and Hungarian literature, methodology of teaching Polish as a foreign language. Major publications: Poezja Jacka Malczewskiego. Edycja i interpretacja [The Poetry of Jacek Malczewski. Editing and Interpretation] (Warsaw 2013); “Skłócona spoistość” – romantyczna tradycja czy modernistyczny bunt? W kręgu poetyki Jacka Malczewskiego [“Incoherent Cohesiveness – a Romantic Tradition or a Modernist Rebellion. Within the Circle of Jacek Malczewski’s Poetics”, in: Olejniczak J., Kukulak Sz.P., eds., Wyjść poza tekst. Literatura wobec tradycji i rzeczywistości [Going Beyond the Text. Literature in the Face of Tradition and Reality] (Katowice 2016); Sygnatura i rytm. Rękopisy poetyckie Jacka Malczewskiego jako pieczęć osobowości [Signature and Rhythm. Jacek Malczewski’s Poetic Manuscripts as a Stamp of Personality], in: Piotrowska Grot M., Suszek E., Świeściak A., eds., Kontrinterpretacje [Counter-Interpretations] (Kraków 2018).
E-malil: sandra.trela@gmail.com