Anita Račáková – MA, PhD, Department of Slavonic Languages, Faculty of Philology, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia.
Assistant Professor at the Department of Slavonic Languages of the Faculty of Philology at the Matej Bel University. Teaches classes in translation studies (consecutive and simultaneous interpreting for EU institutions, translation of specialist texts – non-literary, advertising, economic, legal, scientific). Her research work concerns teaching of translation from related languages, Slovak-Polish intercultural dialogue and comparative studies of collocations.
E-mail: anita.racakova@umb.sk

Jana Raclavská – Associate Professor, PaedDr., PhD, Department of Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.
Works at the Division of Polish Studies of the Department of Slavonic Studies at the University of Ostrava. Teaches classes in descriptive grammar of contemporary Polish, history of language, stylistics and phraseology. In terms of research, she deals with the history of the Polish language in Cieszyn Silesia. In this field, her publications include, among others, monographs
Język polski na Śląsku Cieszyńskim w XIX wieku (Polský jazyk na Těšínsku v XIX. století) [Polish Language in Cieszyn Silesia in the 19th Century] and Historia języka polskiego na Śląsku Cieszyńskim do roku 1848 [History of the Polish Language in Cieszyn Silesia up to 1848]. She is a co-editor of the journal “Studia Slavica”.
E-mail: jana.raclavska@osu.cz

Małgorzata Radkiewicz – Doctor Habilitatus, Associate Professor at the Jagiellonian University, Institute of Audiovisual Arts, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.
A film scholar, she deals with the issues of cultural identity in contemporary cinema and audiovisual arts. She conducts research on the works of women in cinema, photography and art. Her interests are expressed through her publication
“Władczynie spojrzenia”. Teoria filmu a praktyka reżyserek i artystek [Rulers of the Gaze. Film Theory and the Practical Work of Female Directors and Artists] (2010) and her book Oblicza kina queer [Faces of Queer Cinema] (2014). She also wrote books W poszukiwaniu sposobu ekspresji. O filmach Jane Campion i Sally Potter [In Search of a Way of Expression. On Films by Jane Campion and Sally Potter] (2001) and „Młode wilki” polskiego kina. Kategoria gender a debiuty lat 90. [“Young Wolves” of the Polish Cinema. Gender Category and the Debuts of the 1990s] (2006). Coordinator of the National Science Centre research project titled “Pionierki kina i fotografii w Galicji 1896–1945” [“Female Pioneers of Cinema and Photography in Galicia between 1896 and 1945]. Recipient of the Scholarship of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in 2015.
E-mail: m.radkiewicz@uj.edu.pl

Marcin Raiman – MA, Centre for Polish Language and Culture in the World, Institute of Romance Philology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Teacher of Portuguese language. Deals with the history and current situation of the Polish language in Brazil and the language policy in Europe and South America. Published the following papers:
Pogranicze w twórczości Ádáma Bodora [Borderlands in the Works of Ádám Bodor] (2010), Conceptualização da actividade mental na língua portuguesa (co-author, 2011), Rumantsch grischun – ponaddialektalny język retoromański w Szwajcarii [Rumantsch Grischun – A Supradialectal Rhaeto-Romance Language in Switzerland] (2012).
E-mail: zold83@gmail.com

Ivan Raychev – PhD, Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Author of doctoral dissertation titled Obraz żołnierza-tułacza w literaturze polskiej [The Image of a Soldier-Wanderer in Polish Literature]. Interested in medieval literature and literature of World War II. Translator of poetry from Polish and German. His translations were published in a series of collections titled “Пресътворение”, 2001, 2002.
E-mail: brougham1977@abv.bg

Teresa Rączka – PhD, Institute of Literary Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Core interests: Romantic literature (with a particular emphasis on Polish-Livonian and Ukrainian literature), Polish literature in the eastern borderlands in the context of post-colonial studies, Polish-Baltic borderlands, cartography of the 17th-19th centuries, relationships between geography and literature, artistic translation. She has published several dissertations on these topics in Poland and Latvia. Recipient of the Prime Minister’s Award in the “distinguished doctoral dissertations” category.
E-mail: terenia.raczka@interia.pl

Anastasia Reis – MA, Institut für Slavistik, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany.
Born in Omsk (Russia), studied German Philology at the Omsk State Pedagogical University as well as German Studies and Slavonic Philology at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (Germany), where she currently works at the Institute of Slavonic Studies. Conducts research titled “Endogenne i egzogenne zmiany językowe w mikrojęzykach w zakresie morfologii fleksyjnej: język łemkowski pomiędzy polszczyzną, słowacczyzną a ukraińszczyzną” [“Endogenous and Exogenous Linguistic Changes in Microlanguages in terms of Inflectional Morphology: the Lemko Language between Polish, Slovak and Ukrainian”]. Her research interests include: comparative Slavonic linguistics, corpus linguistics, linguistic changes, sociolinguistics and contact linguistics, Slavonic microlanguages.
E-mail: anastasia.reis@web.de

Kamen Rikew – PhD, Institute of Slavonic Philology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland.
Worked at the Department of Slavonic Literature at the Sofia University (2000-2011), teaches Bulgarian language, literature and culture at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (since 2011). Author of an anthology of Polish literature from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment titled
Зубър, видра и паун (2008) as well as over fifty scientific and popular science articles in Bulgarian, Polish and Ukrainian. Research interests: Bulgarian-Polish literary and cultural relations, cultural history of Balkan and Slavonic nations, Christian roots of Bulgarian and Polish literature.
E-mail: kamenrikev@yahoo.co.uk

Joanna Rokita-Jaśkow – Doctor Habilitatus, Associate Professor at the Pedagogical University of Krakow, Department of English Language Teaching, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland.
For over ten years, she has been dealing with research and teaching methods in the scope of foreign language learning by small children. Author of over 40 publications, among them 3 monographs, including
Foreign language learning at pre-primary level: parental aspirations and educational practice (Krakow 2013). Founder of a qualification postgraduate course for those who teach foreign languages to children. Organiser of international conference Child Foreign Language Learning. Reconciling theory and practice (Krakow 2016).
E-mail: jrokita@up.krakow.pl

Lidia Romaniszyn-Ziomek – PhD, Department of Polish Literature and Culture, University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland.
Between 2013 and 2015, taught Polish at the University of Lisbon in Portugal. Her research focuses on 19th and 20th century literature. Author of a monograph titled
Między filozofią a dramatem. „Maria Stuart”, „Balladyna”, „Beatryks Cenci” [Between Philosophy and Drama. “Mary Stuart”, “Balladyna”, “Béatrix Cenci”] (2012) and co-author of a book titled „Gdzie ziemia się kończy, a morze zaczyna”. Szkice polsko-portugalskie [“Where the Land Ends and the Sea Begins”. Polish-Portuguese Essays] (2016).
E-mail: lidia_romaniszyn@op.pl

Stanisław Rosiek – Professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Institute of Polish Philology, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland.
Literary historian, essayist and publisher. Professionally connected with the University of Gdańsk, served as a Deputy Dean for Scientific Affairs and a Head of the Doctoral School of Philology. Author of the following works:
Zwłoki Mickiewicza. Próba nekrografii poety [Mickiewicz’s Corpse. An Attempt at the Poet’s Necrograph] (1997), [nienapisane] [[Unwritten]] (2008), Władza słowa: szkice, notatki, świadectwa [The Power of Words: Essays, Notes, Testimonies] (2011). Together with Stefan Chwin, he wrote a book awarded by the Kościelski Foundation titled Bez autorytetu. Szkice [No Authority. Essays] (1981). He is a co-author of Słownik schulzowski [Schulzian Dictionary] (2003) and a series of five secondary school textbooks for learning Polish (Między tekstami [Between Texts]). Together with Maria Janion, he edited three volumes from the Transgresje [Transgressions] series (Galernicy wrażliwości, Osoby, Maski [The Galley Slaves of Sensitivity, Persons, Masks]).
E-mail: rosiek@terytoria.com.pl

Anna Roter-Bourkane – PhD, School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland.
She teaches groups at all levels and specializes in introducing foreigners to cultural and literary topics. She does not shy away from new media and likes to use them in classes. She lectures in English about the material history of the 19th century under the AMU PIE programme.
E-mail: arobou@amu.edu.pl

Agata Rudzińska – MA, School of Polish Language and Culture, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Her research interests include: theatre, theatre on TV, films (especially Polish) and teaching Polish as a foreign language. Completed a Postgraduate Qualification Course in Teaching Polish Culture and Polish Language as a Foreign Language. Worked as a teacher of Polish as a foreign language at the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages in Almaty, Kazakhstan. For several years an associate, and since 2014 an employee of the School of Polish Language and Culture at the University of Silesia. Taught classes, lectures and seminars in foreign academic centres, including in Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Croatia and Canada. 
E-mail: agatarudzinska@gmail.com

Renata Rusin Dybalska – PhD, Department of Central European Studies, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.
Linguist, researcher at the Charles University in Prague. Primary interests include pragmatic linguistics, media studies and glottodidactics. Author of several articles published in scientific journals and joint works (including in
Polonistyka bez granic [Polish Studies without Borders], ed. R. Nycz, Krakow 2010); also wrote several books (including Sekundarne gatunki mowy w reklamie [Secondary Genres of Speech in Advertising], Prague 2010).
E-mail: renata.rusindybalska@ff.cuni.cz

Andrzej Ruszer – PhD, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China.
Linguist, graduate in Polish Philology at the Jagiellonian University. Considers linguistic pragmatics to be the main discipline of his research interests. Interested in text and discourse theory as well as issues related to legal language and language of the law and genology of legal texts. Author of a textbook titled
Oswoić tekst. Podręcznik kompozycji i redakcji tekstów użytkowych dla poziomu B2 i C1 [Taming the Text. A Guide for Composing and Editing Non-Literary Texts for the B2 and C1 Levels] (Krakow 2011).
E-mail: andrzej.ruszer@gmail.com

Janusz Ryba – Professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
The researcher’s interests focus on the Age of Enlightenment. The most important Enlightenment figures and phenomena on which he focuses his attention include: the works of Jan Potocki, the masquerade culture, salons, conversation and the lifestyle of social and intellectual elites. He wrote approx. 70 publications. The most important of these include:
Motywy podróżnicze w twórczości Jana Potockiego [Travel Motifs in the Works of Jan Potocki] (1993), Maskarady oświeconych [Masquerades of the Enlightened] (1998), Uwodzicielskie oblicza oświecenia I [The Seductive Faces of Enlightenment I] (1994), Uwodzicielskie oblicza oświecenia II [The Seductive Faces of Enlightenment II] (2002), W kręgu oświeceniowej parodii [In the Domain of Enlightenment Parody] (2004) and Oświeceniowe tutti frutti. Maskarady – konwersacja – literatura [Enlightenment Tutti Frutti. Masquerades – Conversation – Literature] (2009).
E-mail: janusz.ryba@us.edu.pl

Renata Ryba – Doctor Habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland.
Her research interests revolve around issues related to Old Polish literature, especially the seventeenth century, and therein – the Baroque epic. She is also interested in nineteenth century references to past eras. Book publications: „
Książę Wiśniowiecki Janusz” Samuela Twardowskiego na tle bohaterskiej epiki biograficznej w XVII wieku [Samuel Twardowski’s “Prince Janusz Wiśniowiecki” in the Context of Heroic Biographical Epics of the 17th Century] , Katowice 2000; Literatura staropolska wobec zjawiska niewoli tatarsko­ tureckiej [Old Polish Literature in view of the Phenomenon of Tatar-Turkish Oppression], Katowice 2014.
E-mail: ryba.r@wp.pl