Andrea F. de Carlo – Professor, Dipartimento di Studi Letterari, Linguistici e Comparati, Polish Language and Literature, Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, Naples, Italy.
From 2006 to 2011 he was a professor on a contract basis at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Salento in Lecce (Italy), where he conducted classes in literature, translation and Polish. Since 2011 he has been teaching Polish language and literature at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. In his academic work, he focuses mainly on three research areas: Italian-Polish literary relations, poetic translation and textual criticism. His research results have been published in Italian and foreign journals and periodicals. One of his most recent studies is a research project – an analysis of Józef Ignacy Kraszewski’s translation of Dante’s Divine Comedy.
E-mail: afdecarlo@unior.it
Sonia Caputa – PhD, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Literary Studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Sonia Caputa holds a Ph.D. in American literature from the same university, she is a fellow of 2014 and 2016 Salzburg Seminar American Studies Association Symposium, a participant of the summer Fulbright scholarship “The United States Department of State 2015 Institute on Contemporary U.S. Literature” (University of Louisville, Kentucky) and a member of the Polish Association for American Studies. She is a guest coeditor of RIAS Online Journal (Review of International American Studies Association): Wor(l)ds Apart: Navigating Differences, and a co-editor of the upcoming volume of Wielkie tematy literatury amerykańskiej: Miłość [Grand Themes of American Literature: Love] (Silesian University Press). She teaches contemporary American ethnic literature and the survey courses of the history of American literature, her interests include but are not limited to: ethnicity, assimilation as well as stereotypes in literature and films.
E-mail: sonia.caputa@us.edu.pl
Irena Chawrilska – PhD, Institute of Polish Philology, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland.
Specialist in literary studies, teacher of Polish as a foreign language and teacher of Polish as a second language, teacher of Polish, philosophy and ethics in a secondary school, member of the editorial board of the “Język – Szkoła – Religia” journal, editor and proofreader, author of publications on Polish language glottodidactics, literary theory and comparative studies. Academic interests: international Polish studies, Polish language glottodidactics, cultural texts in teaching Polish as a foreign and second language, transmedial and transcultural research in teaching Polish as a foreign and second language, aesthetics of transmediality and intermediality, interdisciplinary comparative studies, phenomenon of convergence and hybridity in culture, hybrid discourses, electronic literature. Author of the article entitled Korekta za pomocą literówki. Literatura w kontekście rozważań genologicznych [Correction through typo. Literature in the Context of Genological Reflections], “Er(r)go, no. 32 (1/2016).
E-mail: irena.chawrilska@ug.edu.pl
Sungeun Choi (Estera Czoj) – Professor, Department of Polish, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul, South Korea.
Her academic interests include comparative studies, contemporary Polish poetry and literary translation. Her major publications include: Korea w polskich utworach literackich: od pierwszej wzmianki do współczesności [Korea in Polish literary works: from the first mention to the present day], in: Spotkania Polonistyk Trzech Krajów – Chiny, Korea, Japonia, vol. 1, 2009; Poezja Wisławy Szymborskiej z perspektywy filozofii Lao-Zhuanga [Wisława Szymborska’s Poetry from the perspective of Lao-Zhuang’s philosophy], in: R. Cudak, ed., Literatura polska w świecie, vol. 3, Obecności(2010); Recepcja poezji Wisławy Szymborskiej w Korei Południowej [Reception of Wisława Szymborska’s poetry in South Korea], “Pamiętnik Literacki” 2014, vol. 4. In 2012, she was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland.
E-mail: estera90@naver.com
Przemysław Chojnowski – PhD, Institute of Polish Philology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland.
He works in the borderland between Poland and Germany at Collegium Polonicum in Słubice. He was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Viadrina University on the basis of his dissertation Zur Strategie und Poetik des Übersetzens. Eine Untersuchung der Anthologien zur polnischen Lyrik von Karl Dedecius (Strategy and Poetics of Translation. An Analysis of the German Anthologies of Polish Poetry by Karl Dedecius) (Berlin, 2005). The book was prepared based on the private collection of the translator – Karl Dedecius Archives at Collegium Polonicum. Academic supervisor of the Karl Dedecius Archives (2001-2003), lecturer of Polish at the Viadrina University (2006-2008), Visiting Fulbright Lecturer of Polish Studies at the University of Washington Seattle, USA (2008-2010). He recently published a bilingual book, Dedecius-Miłosz. Listy / Briefe 1958-2000 [Dedecius-Miłosz. Letters 1958-2000] (Łódź, 2011).
E-mail: pch@amu.edu.pl
Wiktor Choriew – Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Slavonic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
Russian specialist in Slavonic studies, scholar of Polish literature. Author of over 300 works on the history of Polish literature, Russian-Polish cultural and literary contacts and literary comparative studies. His major book publications are: O literaturie narodnoj Polszy, Władisław Broniewskij, Stanowlenije socjalisticzeskoj literatury w Polsze, Polsza i poljaki głazami russkich literatorow, Polskaja literatura XX wieka. 1890-1990, Powojenna literatura polska w oczach rosyjskiego polonisty [Postwar Polish literature as seen by a Russian specialist in Polish studies]. In June 2010, he received the “Polish Pegasus” prize for his monograph on Polish literature of the 20th century.
Joanna Ciesielska – PhD, Department of Slavonic Philology, Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia.
She graduated in Slovak Studies at the University of Silesia in Sosnowiec, and completed her doctoral studies in Bratislava at the Institute of World Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. From 2012 to 2015, she worked as an assistant professor in the Department of Slavonic Philology at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Comenius University in Bratislava. She was responsible for cultural and literary classes as well as translation classes for students of Polish studies. She deals with specialised translation.
E-mail: ioanac@wp.pl
Beata Cieszyńska – PhD, Centro de Literaturas e Culturas Lusófonas e Europeias da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
Specialist in literary studies, literary historian, comparatist. Her research interests include myths and stereotypes in reading “Obcy” from the Polish-British and Iberian-Slavonic perspectives. Coordinator of the CLEPUL 5 Scientific Group studying Iberian-Slavonic contacts and comparisons (Inter culturalidad Ibero-eslava). Author of the book Okna duszy. Pięć zmysłów w literaturze barokowej [Windows of the Soul. The Five Senses in Baroque Literature] (2006). Editor of the collection Iberian and Slavonic Cultures: Contact and Comparison (2007), “IberoSlavica” annual journal; co-editor of the “Letras Com Vida” semi-annual journal and books: Peripheral Identities. Iberia and Eastern Europe between the Dictatorial Past and the European Present (2011); Estudos de género na perspectiva ibero-eslava (2014, together with F.M. Silva); A Missão e o Messianismo na perspectiva ibérica e eslava (2016, together with F.M. Silva).
E-mail: b_ciesz@poczta.onet.pl
Nina Cieślik – PhD student, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland.
Author of articles and reviews devoted to Florian Śmieja. Academic interests: Polish literature and art of the 20th century, archival studies in literary research, didactics of literature.
E-mail: ninacieslik@interia.pl
Linda Cracknell – independent scholar and writer, Highland Perthshire, Scotland.
Linda Cracknell is a writer of fiction, non-fiction and occasional radio drama as well as a selfemployed teacher, mentor and facilitator of creative writing in various settings which have included a children’s hospital and the former home of poet Hugh MacDiarmid. Landscape (cultural and physical), place and memory are key themes in her work. Her last two published books (Freight Books, 2013 & 2014) have been a novel, Call of the Undertow, about a cartographer working in isolation in Caithness, and Doubling Back: Ten Paths Trodden in Memory, an account of a series of walks, each of which follow a story from the past. Her latest novel, The Other Side of Stone, has been published in March 2021 by Taproot Press. Linda lives in Highland Perthshire in Scotland.
E-mail: lcracknell0@gmail.com
Romuald Cudak – Doctor habulitatus, Professor of the University of Silesia in Katowice, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Editor-in-Chief of “Postscriptum Polonistyczne”. Author of numerous publications on literary studies (Polish poetry of the 20th century, literary geneology, reception of literature) and glottodidactics, such as: Czytając Białoszewskiego [Reading Białoszewski] (Katowice 1999), Świetopełna trześć dziwosłów: interpretacje wierszy i szkice o współczesnej poezji polskiej [Świetopełna trześć dziwosłów: interpretations of poems and sketches on contemporary Polish poetry] (Katowice 1999), Inne bajki. W kręgu liryki Rafała Wojaczka [Other tales. In the circle of Rafał Wojaczek’s poetry] (Katowice 2004), Recepcja literatury jako wyzwanie rzucone polonistyce literackiej? [Reception of literature as a challenge for Polish literary studies?] (2010), Edukacja literacka na kursach języka polskiego jako obcego [Literary education in courses in Polish as a foreign language] (Katowice 2010), Światowość jako kategoria w badaniach nad recepcją literatury [Worldliness as a category in studies on literary reception] (Katowice 2013), Gatunek literacki i granice. Rozważania pograniczne [Literary genre and borders. Borderline reflections] (Katowice 2015). Editor and co-editor of many collective volumes and monographs, including: Inne optyki [Other optics] (together with J. Tambor, Katowice 2002), Polska genologia literacka [Polish literary genology] (Katowice 2007), Literatura Polska w Świecie [Polish literature in the world] series (Katowice 2006–2016), Czytaj po Polsku [Read in Polish] series (together with J. Tambor, W. Hajduk Gawron, Katowice 2003–2016).
E-mail: romuald.cudak@us.edu.pl
Olga Cybienko – PhD, Institute of Slavonic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
Author of works about Polish rural prose, the works of T. Konwicki, G. Herling-Grudziński, J. Iwaszkiewicz, the reception of Polish Romanticism in Russia, the articles of V. Solovyov, K. Leontiev, V. Rozanov, about Poles and Poland.
E-mail: cybenko@mail.ru
Zoriana Czajkowska (Buń) – PhD, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland.
Graduate in English and Polish philology at the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University (Ukraine), Polish philology at the University of Silesia in Katowice and Postgraduate Qualification Studies in Teaching Polish Culture and Language as a Foreign Language. In 2019, she defended her doctoral dissertation Lwów w twórczości współczesnych pisarzy polskich, ukraińskich i rosyjskich [Lviv in the works of contemporary Polish, Ukrainian and Russian writers]. Her academic interests include Lviv-related issues in literature in various languages, geopoetics, the reception of Polish literature in Ukraine, translation of specialised texts, and teaching Polish as a foreign language.
E-mail: zoriana.czajkowska@us.edu.pl
Barbara Czarnecka – PhD, Department of Polish Literature, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland.
Graduate in biology and Polish philology at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, researcher of émigré literature and literature of the interwar period. Her current interests include cultural studies and literature from the feminist and gender perspective. She devoted her doctoral dissertation to the works of Jerzy Pietrkiewicz. She published, among other things, a selection of this author’s poetry and essays, and prepared an edition of his poems published under a pen name in the “Kultura” magazine based in Paris (J. Pietrkiewicz: Nieznane poematy (Jana Nepomucena Rzeckiego) [J. Pietrkiewicz: Uknown poems (by Jan Nepomucen Rzecki)], prepared for print and preceded with an introduction by B. Czarnecka, Toruń 2013). In 2013, she published a book interpreting the threads, tropes, and allusions that make up Jan Lechoń’s homotextual self-portrait Ruchomy na szali wagi. Lechoń homotekstualny [Moving on the scale. Homotextual Lechoń].
E-mail: bwitch@wp.pl
Racho Chavdarov – Associate professor, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Bulgaria.
He taught the history of Slavonic literature and comparative grammar of Slavonic languages from 1975 to 2012. From 1975 to 1983 he conducted classes in Polish. His academic interests include literary comparative studies and the history of Slavonic literature. He published a textbook on the history of Polish literature from the Renaissance to Positivism, a textbook on modernism in West and South Slavonic literature, as well as a textbook on Slavonic avant-gardes. He defended his doctoral dissertation entitled “Nurt chłopski w prozie polskiej” [Peasant current in Polish prose]. Habilitation thesis: Awangardyzm w literaturze polskiej, czeskiej, serbskiej i chorwackiej [Vanguardism in Polish, Czech, Serbian and Croatian literature].
E-mail: d.tchavdarova@gmail.com
Maria Czempka-Wewióra – PhD, School of Polish Language and Culture, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.Her interests focus on cognitive cultural and glottodidactic issues, as well as the possibilities of using speech therapy theory and practice in the process of teaching Polish as a foreign language. She is the author of academic articles on the category of remembrance in language and literature and on teaching Polish as a foreign language. She has lectured at universities in Bulgaria, Ger–many, Slovakia, Ukraine and Italy. Since 2017, she has been a certified exam–iner for the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language.
E-mail: maria.czempka-wewiora@us.edu.p
Tamara Czerkies – PhD, Centre for Polish Language and Culture in the World, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Kraków, Poland.
In 2011, she was awarded the academic degree of Doctor in Polish language glottodidactics at the Faculty of Polish Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. She graduated in Polish philology and postgraduate studies at the Jagiellonian University – specialisation in teaching Polish as a foreign language (2003-2004). From 2005 to 2007, she worked at the Trinity College in Dublin, where she taught Polish language and culture. Her interests include literature as an important element in the education of foreigners and cultural identity strengthened through contact with literature. She is the author of the monograph Tekst literacki w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego (z elementami pedagogiki dyskursywnej) [Literary text in teaching Polish as a foreign language (with elements of discursive pedagogy) (2012) and articles on the use of literary texts in teaching Polish as a foreign language.
E-mail: tamaraczerkies@wp.pl