Rolf Fieguth – Professor, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Polish and Russian studies expert, comparatist, theoretician of literature, translator of Polish (and other) literature. Until his retirement in 2007, he was a professor of Slavonic studies at the University of Fribourg (Switzerlan) on the lignuistic border between France and Germany. He is currently trying to focus on the works of Kochanowski, Kniaźnin and Norwid. He is an honorary member of the A. Mickiewicz Literary Society, the Polish PEN Club and PAU, doctor honoris causa of the University of the Opole. He is also in constant contact with various other centers in Poland (UAM, UJ, UG, UW, UKSW, UWr, UMCS, KUL) and Paris.
E-mail: rolf@fieguth.ch, rolf.fieguth@unifr.ch
Magdalena Fizgał – PhD, Institute of Culture Sciences, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
She is currently working on a dissertation on the function of music in performing arts theater. She is also interested in theatre criticism and cooperates with the Silesian Opera in Bytom. Main academic interests: stage music, opera theater, gender in drama and theater.
E-mail: magdalena.fizgal@poczta.fm
Wacław Forajter – Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Literary historian, critic, translator from French. Author of numerous articles published in Pamiętnik Literacki [“Literary Memoirs”], “Teksty Drugie” [“Second Texts”] and Wiek XIX” [“19th Century”] as well as two book monographs (“Zły” Leopolda Tyrmanda jako literatura środka. Tekst i Konteksty [“Evil One” by Leopold Tyrmand as cross-genre literature. Text and contexts] , Krakow 2007; Kolonizator skolonizowany. Przypadek Sygurda Wiśniowskiego [A Colonised Coloniser. The Case of Sygurd Wiśniowski], Katowice 2014). Academic interests: history of positivist and Young Poland literature, literary theory, social and economic history of Europe, postoclonial theory, psychoanalysis.
E-mail: wforajter@o2.pl
Dorota Fox – Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Cultural Sciences, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Theatrologist. Her academic interests revolve around three main issues: history of theater criticism, the theater of the interwar period, and stage art forms. He is a member of the Society of Theatre Historians and the Polish Cultural Studies Society. In 2006, she published a book monograph entitled Kabarety i rewie międzywojennej Warszawy. Z prasowego archiwum Dwudziestolecia [Cabarets and revues of interwar Warsaw. From the press archive of the interwar period].
E-mail: dorota.fox@us.edu.pl
Sonia Front – PhD, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Sonia Front is a literary scholar. Her research interests include time and temporality as well as representations of consciousness in twenty-first-century literature, film and television. Her last book is a monograph Shapes of Time in British Twenty-First Century Quantum Fiction (Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2015).
E-mail: sonia.front@us.edu.pl
Katarzyna Frukacz – PhD, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Katarzyna Frukacz is a literary scholar who studies reporting and new media. Her research interests revolve around literary feature journalism, media convergence, mass communication, press and online opinion journalism, and literary and journalistic genre theory. She is the author of the following works: Polski reportaż książkowy. Przemiany i adaptacje (Katowice 2019), volume 12 in the series Czytaj po polsku. Materiały pomocnicze do nauki języka polskiego jako obcego (Katowice 2016), chapters and articles in Polish and foreign academic publications, as well as opinion pieces and general interest articles published online on review and cultural sites.
E-mail: katarzyna.frukacz@us.edu.pl