Olesia Nachlik – PhD, Institute of Computer Science and Information Technology, Department of Applied Linguistics, “Lviv Polytechnic” National University, Lviv, Ukraine.
Specialist in literary studies; comparativist. Author of the book
Ukraińska kulturowo-­aksjologiczna recepcja polskiej literatury XX wieku [Ukrainian Cultural and Axiological Reception of Polish Literature of the 20th Century] (print) and over 30 publications devoted to the specifics of Ukrainian reception of Polish literature of the 20th century, discussing the most important trends in contemporary Polish-­Ukrainian cultural relations, including articles: “Terytorium zaufania” – polski dyskurs wokół reportażu ukraińskiego oraz ukraińska recepcja reportażu polskiego jako wskaźniki zmian w polsko­-ukraińskim dialogu kulturowym XXI wieku [“Territory of Trust” – Polish Discourse Concerning Ukrainian Reportage and Ukrainian Reception of Polish Reportage as Indicators of Changes in the Polish-Ukrainian Cultural Dialogue of the 21st Century] (2019), Inny opisany przez Innego: ukraińska recepcja reportaży Lidii Ostałowskiej i Hanny Krall [The Other Described by the Other: Ukrainian Reception of Reportages by Lidia Ostałowska and Hanna Krall] (2019), Borderlands as a Territory of Understanding/Dialogue or Hostility/Conflict in the Ukrainian Reception of Polish Literature the Second Half of the XX – Beginning of XXI Cent. (2019). She specialises in issues concerning receptive aesthetics and intercultural dialogue. Recently, she has been researching the Ukrainian canon of contemporary Polish non-­fiction literature.
: czudo@ukr.net

László Kálmán Nagy – Doctor habilitatus, Professor of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Department of Hungarian Philology, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland; Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary.
Specialist in Polish and Slavonic; author of two doctoral theses. The first one was written in Debrecen and concerned the methodology of teaching Polish (1983), while the second one at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 1998 and focused on the Polish camp and Gulag literature. After obtaining a doctoral degree in Poland, he received his next academic degree (CSc) in Budapest, at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2000). He is involved in literary comparative studies and research on contemporary Polish and Hungarian literature. He is the author of numerous scientific publications.
E-mail: nagy.laszlo@interia.eu

Alina Naruszewicz-Duchlińska – Doctor habilitatus, Professor of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Institute of Polish Philology, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland.
Her research interests include internet communication, linguistic genology and anthroponymics.
E-mail: alina.naruszewicz@uwm.edu.pl

Nęcka Agnieszka – professor (dr hab. prof. UŚ), University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Nęcka-Czapska is a literary critic and a literary scholar. She has published the following books: Granice przyzwoitości. Doświadczenie intymności w prozie najnowszej (Katowice 2006); Starsze, nowsze, najnowsze. Szkice o prozie polskiej XX i XXI wieku (Katowice 2010); Cielesne o(d)słony. Dyskursy erotyczne w polskiej prozie po 1989 roku (Katowice 2011); Co ważne i ważniejsze. Notatki o prozie polskiej XXI wieku (Mikołów 2012); Emigracje intymne. O współczesnych polskich narracjach autobiograficznych (Katowice 2013); Polifonia. Literatura polska początku XXI wieku (Katowice 2015). She is the editor of the literary criticism section of “Postscriptum Polonistyczne”. In 2009 she won a scholarship awarded by the Marshall’s Office of the Silesian Voivodeship in the category of culture.
E-mail: agnieszka.necka@us.edu.pl

Bernadeta Niesporek-Szamburska – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Linguist and didactician. Her scientific interests focus on the linguistic image of the world of children and youth, the language of children and young people, literature for children and youth, teaching of Polish, also as a foreign language, and teaching of Polish diaspora. Selected publications:
Nauczanie i promocja języka polskiego w świecie: diagnoza – stan – perspektywy [Teaching and Promotion of the Polish Language in the World: Diagnosis – State – Perspectives] (Katowice 2018, co-authored), Stereotyp czarownicy i jego modyfikowanie. Na przykładzie tekstów dla dzieci i wypowiedzi dziecięcych [Witch Stereotypes and Its Modification. Study of Children’s Texts and Speeches] (Katowice 2013), Wiedza o języku i kompetencje językowe uczniów [Knowledge About Language and Students’ Linguistic Competences] (Katowice 2012), Językowy obraz pór roku i tradycji kulturowych w twórczości dzieci [A Linguistic Image of Seasons and Cultural Traditions in Children’s Work] (Katowice 2004), Język wierszy dla dzieci (na materiale „Świerszczyka”) [Language of Poems for Children (on the example of “Świerszczyk”)] (Katowice 1990); co-author of the textbook for children teaching Polish as a foreign language Bawimy się w polski 1 [Let’s Play Polish] (Katowice 2009 et al., co-author: A. Achtelik).
E-mail: bernadeta.niesporek-szamburska@us.edu.pl

Ekaterina Nikitina – PhD, Department of Comparative Literature, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Her scientific interests include literary theory, comparative studies, the philosophical and cultural issue of the man-machine, as well as animal studies. She published the article “Motyw człowieka-automatu w dramaturgii Leonida Andriejewa i Stanisława Ignacego Witkiewicza” [Motive of a Man-Machine in the Dramaturgy of Leonid Andreyev and Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz] in the fifth volume of
Literatura polska w świecie [Polish Literature in the World].
E-mail: katya.althea@gmail.com

Aneta Nott-Bower – PhD, Language Support Consultancy, Manchester, United Kingdom.
She supports Polish language development in bilingual children, organises courses and is creating an Internet website for parents, teachers and speech therapists. Her academic interests include bilingualism and biculturalism. Major publications: Diagnoza oraz terapia zaburzeń mowy i języka u osób dwujęzycznych [Assessment, Evaluation and Therapy of Speech and Language Disorders in Bilingual Patients] (Katowice 2015); Skutecznie przekazać język polski. Charakterystyka polonijnych rodzin dwujęzycznych [Effective Ways to Pass on the Polish Language. Characteristics of Polish Bilingual Families Living Abroad] (Gliwice 2017); Bezobrazkowe badanie poziomu rozwoju kompetencji narracyjnej u dzieci jedno- i dwujęzycznych [Picture-Free Evaluation of Narrative Competence Among Monolingual and Bilingual Children] (Katowice 2018).
E-mail: nott­ bower@live.co.uk

Beata Nowacka – Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Her interests revolve around issues of reportage, family science and the reception of Polish literature in the world. She is the author of the book
Magiczne dziennikarstwo. Ryszard Kapuściński w oczach krytyków [Magical Journalism. Ryszard Kapuściński in the Eyes of Critics], Katowice 2004, 2006 (2nd ed.) and – together with Zygmunt Ziątek (Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences) – Ryszard Kapuściński. Biografia pisarza [Ryszard Kapuściński. Biography of the Writer], Kraków 2008. Its Spanish translation was published in 2010: Kapuściński. Una biografia literaria, traducción de Francisco Javier Villaverde, introducción, Jose Maria Faraldo, Madrid. In 2009, the book received the Silesian Literary Laurel award.
E-mail: beata.nowacka@us.edu.pl

Dariusz Nowacki PhD, Institute of Literature Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland.
Literary scholar, professor of the University of Silesia in Katowice, as well as literary critic. His main fields of interests are contemporary Polish prose, postmodern literary culture, and aesthetic transformations of the cultural and political sphere. In the recent years, he has published collections of essays on prose: Ukosem (Katowice 2013) and Kobiety do czytania (Katowice 2019).
E-mail: dnowacki@poczta.onet.pl

Iliana Nowak – PhD student, University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
In 1994, she graduated from the National School of Music Lyubomir Pipkov in Sofia with a specialisation in violin. In 1999-2007 (with breaks), she studied Slavonic philology and Polish at the Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv. In 2007, she defended her thesis on fairy tales in the literature of Young Poland. She teaches Polish literature and language: orthography, lexicology, phraseology, theory and practice of translation. Currently, she is working on her doctoral dissertation on Jan Potocki’s
Manuscript Found in Saragossa. She is also a sworn translator.
E-mail: iliana.nowak@abv.bg

Tomasz Nowak – Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Linguist. The subject of his research revolves around grammar and semantics of contemporary Polish, in particular the following issues: a formal description of the Polish language and interpretation of meanings of selected units of language. In his descriptions, he pays particular attention to methodological issues, for example, by testing various linguistic models based on the collected linguistic material. His current interests focus on experimental research on language and speech. He is the author of many books, including the monographs:
Od przesłanki do konkluzji. Polskie czasowniki wnioskowania [From a Premise to a Conclusion. Polish Verbs of Inference] (2013), Język w świetle odkryć nauki [Language in the Light of Scientific Discoveries] (2011), Przyimki lokatywno­-inkluzyjne we współczesnym języku polskim w głębi, w obrębie, w środku, we wnętrzu [Locative and Inclusive Prepositions in the Contemporary Polish (in the background, in the vicinity, in the middle, inside)] (2008).
E-mail: tomasz.nowak@us.edu.pl

Ryszard Nycz – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw; Department of Anthropology of Literature and Cultural Research, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland.
Historian of Polish literature and literary theorist. Editor-in-chief of “Teksty Drugie” [Second Texts]; chairman of the editorial committee of the series “Horyzonty nowoczesności” [The Horizons of Modernity], the Committee on Literary Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Committee on Culture Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences; correspondent of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is the author books:
Sylwy współczesne: problem konstrukcji tekstu [Contemporary Silvae (Non-Genre Literature). Problem of Text Construction] (1984), Tekstowy świat: postructuralalizm a wiedza o literaturze [The Text World: Poststructuralism and the Knowledge of Literature] (1995), Język modernizmu: prolegomena historycznoliterackie [The Language of Modernism: Historical and Literary Prolegomena] (1997), Literatura jako trop rzeczywistości: poetyka epifanii w nowoczesnej literaturze polskiej [Literature as a Track of Reality. Poetics of Epiphany in Modern Polish Literature] (2001), and numerous dissertations published in journals and collective volumes.
E-mail: ryszard.nycz@uj.edu.pl