Maria Wacławek – PhD, Department of Polish Studies, Institute of Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Doctor of humanities in the field of linguistics, currently a teacher of Polish language at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), previously (2008-2012) at the University of Debrecen (Hungary). Since 2003, she has been associated with the School of Polish Language and Culture at the University of Silesia, and since the time of her doctoral studies (2006), also with the Department of Didactics of Polish Language and Literature at the University of Silesia. Her research interests include linguistic worldview, linguistic and cultural stereotypes, advertising language and phraseology, glottodidactics, pronunciation laws, and theater workshops. She conducts classes on the above-mentioned topics in Poland and abroad. She is the author of dozens of articles (including co-authored ones), two chapters in books, and several reviews.
E-mail: waclawek.maria@gmail.com
Anna Wal – Doctor Habilitatus, Professor at the University of Rzeszów, Institute of Polish Studies and Journalism, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland.
A literary scholar at the Department of Polish Literature of the 20th and 21st Centuries of the Institute of Polish Studies and Journalism at the University of Rzeszów. Her main area of academic interest is 20th century Polish literature. Author of Twórczość w cieniu menory. O prozie Adolfa Rudnickiego [Creativity in the Shadow of the Menorah. On the Prose of Adolf Rudnicki] (2002) and Wierna życiu i literaturze. O pisarstwie Herminii Naglerowej [Faithful to Life and Literature. On the Writing of Herminia Naglerowa] (2014).
E-mail: anwall@o2.pl
Bogdan Walczak – professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, State Higher Vocational School in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland.
A senior professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and a full professor at the State Higher Vocational School in Gorzów Wielkopolski. His main areas of research activity include history of Polish language, contemporary Polish language, culture of linguistic communication, sociolinguistics, stylistics, onomastics, glottodidactics, Slavonic and general linguistics.
E-mail: olak@amu.edu.pl
Aleksandra Walkiewicz – PhD, Department of Romance Languages, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Toruń, Poland.
Author of monographs and articles devoted to Polish-French comparative grammar and the didactics of Polish as a foreign language, with particular emphasis on the verb system and the problem of word order. She published, among other things: Francuskie formy subjonctif i indicatif oraz ich polskie ekwiwalenty. Studium kontrastywne użyć w zdaniach złożonych [French forms of subjonctif and indicatif and their Polish equivalents. A Contrastive Study of Uses in Complex Sentences] (Toruń 2010), Revisiting the Correspondence Between the French Imparfait and the Polish Imperfective Aspect in the Distributed Grammar Framework, in: „Studies in Polish Linguistics” 7/2012 (with H. Włodarczyk), Teaching Word Order to Foreigners: From Theoretical Assumptions to Practical Solutions, in: „Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny” No. 4/2013 (with M. Gębką Wolak).
E-mail: aleksandra.walkiewicz@umk.pl
Lina Vasileva alias Magdalina Mitreva – PhD, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Doctor of humanities in the field of linguistics of the University of Warsaw. Teacher of Polish and Bulgarian as a foreign language, translator of Polish literature; author of Mówta, co chceta, czyli ściągawki z wiedzy o polszczyźnie i kulturze słowa [Say whatever you want. Cheat sheets on the knowledge of the Polish language and the culture of speaking] (2004, together with Stanisław Dubisz) and Kompetencja komunikacyjna bułgarskich użytkowników języka polskiego [Communicative Competence of Bulgarian Speakers of Polish] (2012); awarded with Polish state prizes (Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland and the medal of Merit for Polish Culture).
E-mail: linawas@abv.bg
Kinga Wawrzyniak – PhD, Department of Slavonic Philology, Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia.
A graduate of Polish philology at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Since 2004, she has been cooperating with Nicolaus Copernicus University as a lecturer of Polish as a foreign language. From 2007 to 2014, she worked at the Department of Slavonic Philology at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Comenius University in Bratislava, initially as a lecturer and since 2011 as an assistant professor. She specialises in teaching linguistics and has also taught Polish film, reality and translation seminars.
E-mail: kingawaw@wp.pl
Ewa Wąchocka – professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Institute of Cultural Sciences, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Her research interests include twentieth-century drama and theatre as well as drama theory, especially the evolution of forms in contemporary drama. She published the following monographs: Między sztuką a filozofią. O teorii krytyki artystycznej Stanisława Ignacego Witkiewicza [Between Art and Philosophy. On the Theory of Artistic Criticism of Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz] (1992), Autor i dramat [Author and Drama] (1999), Współczesne metody badań teatralnych [Contemporary Methods of Theatrical Research] (2003), Milczenie w dwudziestowiecznym dramacie [Silence in Twentieth-Century Drama] (2005). She is also the editor or co-editor of the following collective works: Od symbolizmu do post-teatru [From Symbolism to Post-Theatre] (1996), Pohledy II – Punkty widzenia II [Pohledy II – Points of View II] (2004), Teatr – media – kultura [Theatre – Media – Culture] (2006), Przestrzenie we współczesnym teatrze i dramacie [Spaces in Contemporary Theatre and Drama] (2009). She co-edits the website www.teatry.art.pl.
E-mail: ewa.wachocka@us.edu.pl
Małgorzata Więzik – MA, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
A graduate of Polish philology and cultural studies. Her research interests include the works of representatives of the Ukrainian school of Polish Romanticism, Slavonic folklore and travel writing.
E-mail: malgorzata.wiezik@gmail.com
Tomasz Wicherkiewicz – Doctor Habilitatus, professor of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan; Department of Oriental Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poznań, Poland.
Professor of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań; scholarship holder at Hokkaido University; sociolinguist, researcher on minority and lesser-used languages, language minorities, endangered languages and language policy, language planning, documentation and revitalisation of languages. Honorary Citizen of the Wilamowice Municipality (since 2015). Originator and manager of the project entitled “Dziedzictwo językowe Rzeczypospolitej. Baza dokumentacji zagrożonych języków” [Linguistic Heritage of the Republic of Poland. Documentation database of endangered languages”.
E-mail: wicher@amu.edu.pl
Anna Wileczek – PhD, Department of Literature and Language Culture, Faculty of Pedagogy and Arts, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland.
Member of the Polish Linguistic Society and The International Association for Research in L1 Education. Her research interests include analysis of the language and discourse of children and adolescents, educational discourse, as well as communicative and informational competence. She is the author and co-author of monographs such as“Jest i więcej prawd w piśmie”. Mickiewiczowskie „Zdania i uwagi” w kontekście Biblii [“And There are More Truths in the Script”: Mickiewicz’s “Thoughts and Remarks” in the Context of the Bible] (1994); Świadectwa – ślady – znaki. Lapidarium jako strategia formy [Testimonies – Traces – Signs. Lapidary as a strategy of form] (2010); Szkolna (nie)komunikacja. Bariery w dyskursie wczesnoszkolnym [School (non)communication. Barriers in early childhood discourse] (2015).
E-mail: wileann@gmail.com
Emilia Wilk – MA, Institute of Literary Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
PhD student at the Department of Contemporary Literature. A graduate of Polish philology (two specialisations: teaching and teaching Polish among foreigners) at the University of Silesia. She published reviews in “artPAPIER”. Her main research interests focus on Polish literature published after 1989. She is preparing a doctoral dissertation aimed at discussing the work of Małgorzata Szejnert.
E-mail: emilia-wilk@tlen.pl
Maciej Witkowski – Doctor Habilitatus, Department of Pedagogy, WSB University, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland.
Professor at the WSB University; his main research interests include intercultural research methodology, research on the situation of the Romani, issues of ethnic and national movements, stateless minority issues, and intercultural communication. Author of Polityka i antropologia. Praktyki integrowania Bergitka Roma w karpackich wioskach w Polsce [Politics and Anthropology. Bergitka Roma integration practices in Carpathian villages in Poland] (2016).
E-mail: mwitkowski@wsb.edu.pl
Bożena Witosz – professor, PhD, Institute of Polish Language, University of Silesia, Poland.
Her research interests focus on linguistic textology, genology, stylistics, and literary theory. She is the author of monographs Cechy strukturalno-składniowe monologu wypowiedzianego (na przykładzie literatury polskiej) [Structural and Syntactic Features of Spoken Monologue (on the Example of Polish Literature)] (1988), Opis w prozie narracyjnej na tle innych odmian deskrypcji [Description in Narrative Prose Against the Background of Other Varieties of Description] (1997), Kobieta w literaturze. Tekstowe wizualizacje od fin de siècle’u do końca XX wieku [Women in Literature. Textual Visualisations from Fin de Siècle to the End of the 20th Century] (2001), Genologia lingwistyczna. Zarys problematyki [Linguistic Genology. Outline of Problems] (2005), Dyskurs i stylistyka [Discourse and Stylistics] (2009), co-author of Style literatury (po roku 1956) [Styles of Literature (after 1956)] (2003). She is the editor of the series “Język Artystyczny” and is on the editorial board of the annuals “Stylistyka” and “Tekst i Dyskurs/Text und Diskurs”. She is the deputy chairperson of the Stylistic Commission of the Linguistic Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
E-mail: witoszb@gmail.com
Maria Wojtak – professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Institute of Polish Studies, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland.
Academic interests: stylistics (theoretical, practical, historical), history of language, culture of language, textology, genology, discourse studies, press studies. Author of articles and dissertations concerning the theory of style, the formation of stylistic varieties of Polish language and their history, in particular the artistic style (on the example of drama), the official, scientific and religious style, the concept of genre, the genre-text relation, characteristics of selected genres of speech: press genres; a prayer, a sermon and a pastoral letter, as well as other forms of religious message; official genres; non-literary texts; issues of linguistic etiquette (in the diachronic and synchronic perspective); the concept of communicative efficiency and error; various issues related to the functioning of such concepts as style (functional style), discourse, genre. Author of 290 scientific papers. Main publications: O języku i stylu Wesela Stanisława Wyspiańskiego [On the Language and Style of Stanisław Wyspiański’s Wesele] (1988); Dialog w komedii polskiej na przykładzie wybranych utworów z XVII i XVII wieku [Dialogue in Polish Comedy on the Example of Selected Works from the 17th and 18th Centuries] (1993); Gatunki prasowe [Press Genres] (2004); Analiza gatunków prasowych. Podręcznik dla studentów dziennikarstwa i kierunków pokrewnych [Analysis of press genres. A textbook for students of journalism and related fields] (2008, 2010); Głosy z teraźniejszości. O języku współczesnej polskiej prasy [Voices from the Present. On the Language of Contemporary Polish Press] (2010); Współczesne modlitewniki w oczach językoznawcy. Studium genologiczne [Contemporary Prayer Books in the Eyes of a Linguist. A Genological Study], Theolinguistics series, vol. 9, 2011; O języku i stylu polskiego dramatu. Studia i szkice [On the Language and Style of Polish Drama. Studies and Sketches] (2014).
E-mail: maria.wojtak@poczta.umcs.lublin.pl
Anna Wolny – PhD, Department of Portuguese Philology and Translation Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Kraków, Poland.
She completed a five-year master’s degree in Portuguese philology, part of which she spent in Lisbon and Curitiba. She defended her doctoral thesis entitled Nem polonesa, nem judia. A polaca na literatura brasileira do sec. XX (Neither a Pole nor a Jewess – polaca in Brazilian literature of the 20th century). She is interested in women’s identity, feminist theories and gender studies.
E-mail: anna.wolny@uj.edu.pl
Małgorzata Wójcik-Dudek – Doctor Habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
For many years, she worked as a Polish language teacher at the Stanisław Wyspiański Secondary School in Będzin. Her academic interests include the didactics of literature and literature for children and adolescents. Author of (Prze)Trwać w okolicach mitu. Funkcje mityzacji w poezji Tadeusza Nowaka (2007), W(y)czytać Zagładę. Praktyki postpamięci w polskiej literaturze XXI wieku dla dzieci i młodzieży (2016).
E-mail: malgorzata.wojcik-dudek@us.edu.pl
Agnieszka Wójtowicz-Zając – PhD student, Institute of Literary Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Literary critic (she published, among others, in “artPAPIER”, “Opcje”, “Śląsk”, “Topos”), author of articles and essays published in scientific volumes.
E-mail: agnieszka-wojtowicz1@wp.pl
Łukasz Wróblewski – MA, Department of Anthropology of Literature and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Polish Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland.
A doctoral student at the Department of Anthropology of Literature and Cultural Studies at the Jagiellonian University, a graduate of Polish philology and cultural studies, a student of postgraduate studies in social studies and introduction to entrepreneurship. He focuses on the issue of affects and, in particular, on repulsion in literature and art. He published, among other things, in “Maska”, post-conference monographs and on the cultural portal Wywrota.pl, with which he collaborates as a reviewer.
E-mail: lukasz2.wroblewski@uj.edu.pl
Maria Wtorkowska – PhD, Associate Professor, Institute of Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
She teaches linguistics at the Polish Studies Department in Ljubljana. Her academic interests focus on contemporary Polish and Slovenian language, teaching Polish as a foreign language, linguistic worldview, comparative phraseology and children’s bilingualism. She authored and co-authored dozens of articles. She promoted over forty specialists in Polish studies. Co-organiser of the international conference Individual and Group Bilingualism (Ljubljana 2011) and the Anniversary Symposium for the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Ljubljana Polish Studies School (Ljubljana 2015), to the establishment of which she contributed.
E-mail: mwtorkowska@yahoo.com