Mikołaj Paczkowski – MA, Institute of Polish Philology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland.
Graduate in Polish Philology and Cultural Studies, currently a PhD student at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. His research interests focus on the history of 20th century literature and artistic culture (with a particular emphasis on the interwar period), comparative cultural studies and comparative literature as well as anthropological contexts in literary studies.
E-mail: paczkowski.mikolaj@gmail.com
Małgorzata Anna Packalén Parkman – Professor, Institute of Modern Languages, Section of Languages, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
Head of Polish Studies. Prominent scholar of Polish literature and translator. Winner of multiple awards, including the Swedish Writers’ Union (Svenska Författarforbundet) Translation Award; in 2009, she received the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland for promoting Polish culture in Sweden. Author of, among others, a monograph titled Pokolenie 68. Studium o poezji polskiej lat siedemdziesiątych [Generation 68. A Study of Polish Poetry of the 1970s] (1987, 2nd ed. 1997) and a work on comparative studies of Swedish and Polish literature titled Under två kulturers ok (2001). She is also the co-editor and co-author of an anthology titled Swedish-Polish Modernism. Literature-Language-Culture (2003) and a joint publication titled The New Woman and the Aesthetic Opening. Unlocking Gender in Twentieth-Century Texts (2004). Her academic output also includes several dozen articles on Polish poetry and prose, including in the scope of gender studies. She also wrote over a hundred entries on Polish literature for the Swedish National Encyclopedia (National encyklopedin, 1990-1999, now also available online). She has translated novels by leading Swedish writers (including Vilhelm Moberg, Per Anders Fogelström, Göran Tunström).
E-mail: anna.packalen@moderna.uu.se
Marcelo Paiva de Souza – PhD, Departamento de Polonês, Alemão e Letras Clássicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil.
Literary scholar, expert in translation studies, translator. Published, among others, a book titled Teatr niepokoju: studium porównawcze dramaturgii Stanisława Ignacego Witkiewicza i Oswalda de Andrade [Theatre of Unease: A Comparative Study of the Dramatic Art of Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz and Oswald de Andrade] (2001). Co-edited a joint book titled Sob o signo de Babel: literatura e poéticas da tradução (2006). Translated, among others, Cyprian Norwid’s Chopin’s Piano (1994, together with H. Siewierski), Ida Fink’s Journey (1998), Witold Gombrowicz’s Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy (2003), Dorota Masłowska’s White and Red (2007) and Czesław Miłosz’s The Witness of Poetry (2012).
E-mail: mrclpvdsz@hotmail.com
Monika Pakura – MA, Institute of Linguistics, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland.
PhD student at the Institute of Polish Language at the University of Silesia; has been working as a teacher of Polish and a speech therapist for nearly ten years. Her research interests focus on Romani children, with whom she works. She is particularly interested in their language situation and the associated bilingualism and multiculturalism. In terms of speech therapy, stuttering is a topic that is close to her heart, which is why for several years she served as a coordinator of the Speaking People Club at the University of Silesia. She published in, among others, “Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Paedagogica”.
E-mail: monika_ita@op.pl
Ewelina Palian-Kobiela – MA, Institute of Library Studies and Scientific Information, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
PhD student at the Institute of Library Studies and Scientific Information at the University of Silesia, graduate in Cultural Studies and in Scientific Information and Library Studies at the University of Silesia. Her doctoral dissertation and research interests focus on books and libraries in contemporary novels. Author of a paper titled “Miłośnicy książki w wybranych powieściach współczesnych” [Book Lovers in Selected Contemporary Novels], “Nowa Biblioteka” 2014, no. 2 (15).
E-mail: epalian-kobiela@us.edu.pl
Agata Paliwoda – Doctor Habilitatus, Department of Polish Literature of the 20th and 21st Centuries, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland.
Her research interests concern contemporary literature, especially émigré literature, literature from cultural borderlands and popular literature. She wrote articles and essays published in joint publications and scientific journals and monographs Granice i pogranicza w powieściach Sergiusza Piaseckiego [Borders and Borderlands in Novels by Sergiusz Piasecki] (Rzeszów 2009) and “Swoja i obca”. Twórczość literacka Danuty Ireny Bieńkowskiej [“A Local and a Stranger”. Literary Works of Danuta Irena Bieńkowska] (Rzeszów 2015) and co-edited a book titled Liryka żołnierska. Estetyka i wartości [Lyric Poetry of Soldiers. Aesthetics and Values] (Rzeszów 2011).
E-mail: agatapaliwoda@gmail.com
Lajos Pálfalvi – Associate Professor, Institute of Central Europe, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary.
Hungarian literary historian, critic, prominent translator of Polish literature (including prose of Czesław Miłosz, Gustaw Herling Grudziński, Witold Gombrowicz, Kazimierz Brandys, Krzysztof Varga), winner of the Transatlantyk award (2017), Doctor Habilitatus, head of the Department of Polish Philology of the Institute of Central Europe at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest. Author of monographs dealing with Polish émigré prose written between 1945 and 1980 and with Gombrowicz Tény és metafora. A lengyel emigráció prózairodalma, 1945–1980 [Fact and Metaphor. Polish Émigré Prose Written Between 1945 and 1980] (Budapest 1993); A Transz Atlantik megállói. Gombrowicz [Transatlantic Stops. Gombrowicz] (Budapest 2015).
E-mail: idegen toll@t online.hu
Małgorzata Pamuła-Behrens – Doctor Habilitatus, Associate Professor at the Pedagogical University of Krakow, Centre for Research on Education and Integration of Migrants, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland.
Head of the Laboratory of Teaching of Polish as a Foreign and Second Language and the Centre for Research on Education and Integration of Migrants. Specialist in early foreign language teaching, teaching the language of education to students with migration experience, autonomy of teaching, individualisation as well as distance learning and professional development of foreign language teachers. Coordinator of the Polish versions of the European Language Portfolio for preschool and early school children, co-author of the core curriculum for preschool education in the scope of preparing children for using a foreign language. Author and editor of numerous publications on glottodidactics and methodology of foreign language teaching, including Metodyka nauczania języków obcych w kształceniu zintegrowanym [Methodology of Foreign Language Teaching in Early School Education] (Warsaw 2003 et seq.), Nauka czytania w języku obcym w okresie wczesnoszkolnym. Teoria i praktyka [Learning to Read a Foreign Language in Early School Education. Theory and Practice] (Krakow 2012).
E-mail: malgorzata.pamula@gmail.com
Jolanta Pasterska – Doctor Habilitatus, Associate Professor at the University of Rzeszów, University of Rzeszów, Poland.
Expert in literary studies working at the Department of Theory and Anthropology of Literature at the University of Rzeszów, head of the Laboratory of Research on and Documentation of Literary Culture, deputy editor-in-chief of the journal “Tematy i Konteksty” [“Themes and Contexts”]. Author of books Świat według Tyrmanda. Przewodnik po prozie fabularnej Leopolda Tyrmanda [The World According to Tyrmand. A Guide to Leopold Tyrmand’s Prose Fiction] (Rzeszów 1999); “Lepszy Polak”? Obrazy emigrantów w prozie polskiej po 1945 roku [“A Better Pole?” Images of Emigrants in Polish Prose After 1945] (Rzeszów 2008); Emigrantki, nomadki, wagabundki. Kobiece narracje (e)migracyjne [Emigrants, Nomads, Vagabonds. Women’s (E)migrant Narrations] (Rzeszów 2015); Wygnanie i mit. Szkice o pisarzach (e)migracyjnych [Exile and Myth. Essays on (E)migrant Writers] (Rzeszów 2019). Editor of the series Z Archiwum Pisarza [From a Writer’s Archive]. Editor and co-editor of thematic issues of the journal “Tematy i Konteksty” [“Themes and Contexts”]: Wielka Emigracja – Druga Emigracja Niepodległościowa – (E)migracja końca XX wieku [The Great Emigration – The Second Independence Emigration – (E)migration at the end of the 20th century] (2011, no. 2); Proza nowa i najnowsza [Modern and Present Day Prose] (2015, no. 5); Literatura polska 1918–2018. Narracje, dyskursy, dzieła [Polish Literature Between 1918 and 2018. Narratives, Discourses, Works] (2018, no. 8) and of 33 other joint monographs. Her research interests include: contemporary Polish literature, especially Polish emigrant and migrant prose, present day Polish prose, issues of identity in literature and culture in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
E-mail: jolapas@ur.edu.pl
Janusz Pasterski – Doctor Habilitatus, Associate Professor at the University of Rzeszów, Institute of Polish Studies and Journalism, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland.
Literary critic, editor of the quarterly “Fraza” [“Phrase”]. Author of books Tristium liber. O twórczości literackiej Stefana Napierskiego [Tristium Liber. On the literary works of Stefan Napierski] (Rzeszów 2000), Inne wyzwania. Poezja Bogdana Czaykowskiego i Andrzeja Buszy w perspektywie dwukulkturowości [Other Challenges. Poetry of Bogdan Czaykowski and Andrzej Busza from the point of view of biculturalism] (Rzeszów 2011) andŚwiat wiersza. Szkice o polskiej poezji (nie tylko) współczesnej [The World of Poems. Essays on (Not Only) Contemporary Polish Poetry] (2019). Editor and co-editor of five joint monographs. His interests include Polish literature of the 20th and 21st centuries, especially poetry of the interwar period, works created by authors during independence emigration and literature after 1989.
E-mail: janpaste@ur.edu.pl
Magdalena Pastuchowa – Doctor Habilitatus, Associate Professor at the University of Silesia, Institute of Polish Language, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland.
Doctor Habilitatus of Humanities, Associate Professor at the Department of Lexicology and Semantics at the Institute of Polish Language. She is primarily interested in the history of language in its many facets – from historical word-formation to historical semantics and stylistics. She conducts research on historical lexis, the formation and variation of terms and the processes of lexicalization and grammaticalization in Polish. Her other major research direction is glottodidactics. She has written many articles on this subject and co-authored a textbook for foreigners, which has already seen several editions. Her most important books include: Ukryte dziedzictwo. Ślady dawnej leksyki w słownictwie współczesnej polszczyzny [A Hidden Legacy. Traces of Old Lexis in Contemporary Polish Vocabulary] (2008); Słowotwórstwo czasowników staropolskich. Stan i tendencje rozwojowe [Word-formation of Old Polish Verbs. Status and Development Trends] (co-author) (2005); Zmiany semantyczne i strukturalne czasowników odrzeczownikowych w polszczyźnie [Semantic and Structural Changes in Denominal Verbs in Polish] (2000).
E-mail: magdalena.pastuch@us.edu.pl
Katarzyna Pastuszek – MA, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
PhD student at the Department of History of Literature of Enlightenment and Romanticism. Her research interests include geocriticism and geopoetics in relation to study of Polish literature of the second half of the 19th century and the influence that Romantic traditions had on it.
E-mail: katarzynapastuszek.pol@gmail.com
Karolina Pawlik – PhD student, Institute of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland; Inter-University Programme of Interdisciplinary PhD Studies at the “Art Liberales” Academy, Warsaw, Poland.
Between 2010 and 2012, taught Chinese at the University of Economics in Katowice. On a two-year research and scientific internship at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Shanghai University since September 2012. Lecturer at L’École de Design Nantes Atlantique in Shanghai. Her doctoral dissertation concerns Shanghai typography of the Republic period. Her primary research interests include: transculturalism, reading and writing practices, changes in Chinese writing and the art of republican Shanghai.
E-mail: karolinapawlik@vp.pl
Olga Pavliuk – PhD, Adam Mickiewicz Association of Polish Culture of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
President of the Adam Mickiewicz Association of Polish Culture of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast since 2006. Actively promotes Polish language and traditions and strives to find and preserve Polish traces in Zaporizhzhia. Her research interests focus on the study of contemporary identity issues in cultural borderlands. Author of publications: Losy Polaków Zaporoża [The Fate of the Poles of Zaporizhzhia] (Zaporizhzhia 2006), Losy Polaków Zaporoża c.d. [The Fate of the Poles of Zaporizhzhia cont.] (Zaporizhzhia 2014) published in Polish and Russian and based on diaries, archival photos and interviews collected by her; Adaptacja kulturowa wybranych grup etnicznych, w tym Polaków, na początku XXI wieku (na przykładzie obwodu zaporoskiego) [Cultural Adaptation of Selected Ethnic Groups, Including Poles, at the Beginning of the 21st Century (on the Example of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast)], Rozważania nad odrodzeniem i wzrostem zainteresowania językiem polskim na tle wielokulturowości południowo-wschodniej Ukrainy na przykładzie obwodu zaporoskiego [Reflections on the Revival and Growth of Interest in the Polish Language in the Context of Multiculturalism of Southeastern Ukraine on the Example of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast].
E-mail: polonia.nick@gmail.com
Pavel Pl. Petrov – PhD student, Department of Slavonic Studies, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
Author of doctoral dissertation titled Marginalność, mityzacja, destrukcja w twórczości Brunona Schulza [Marginality, Mythization, Destruction in the Works of Bruno Schulz]. Has been dealing with contemporary Polish literature for several years. In 2010, defended his thesis titled Marginalia. Projekcje graniczności w biografii i twórczości Brunona Schulza [Marginalia. Projections of Boundaries in the Biography and Works of Bruno Schulz]. Author of several scholarly publications related to works of Bruno Schulz.
E-mail: paffcho_petroff@abv.bg
Radostina Petrova – PhD student, Department of Slavonic Literature, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Her research interests include Polish literature of the interwar period, contemporary Polish and Bulgarian literature and translation. Her publications include Литературният манифест на полския междувоенен авангард (Literary Manifesto of the Polish Interwar Avant-Garde, 2012).
E-mail: diqnova@yahoo.com
Aleksandra Piasecka-Till – PhD, Departamento de Polonês, Alemão e Letras Clássicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil.
She conducts research on media discourse, gender issues and issues related to identity and internationalisation of education. She educates teachers of English and Polish, developing their intercultural competences. She deals with theory and practice of translation. Author of Buscando o Significado em um Corpus: PC, Sexismo e suas Inflexões no Banco de Língua Inglesa do Cobuild (2006) and Using Metaphors to Disparage Political Correctness: a critical discourse analysis of lexical choices in British newspapers (2005).
E-mail: piasecka@yahoo.com
Aleksandra Pluta – MA, Instituto de Letras, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil.
CAPES Scholarship Recipient. Master’s degree in journalism conferred by Università La Sapienza in Rome. Author of books dealing with Polish immigration in Latin American countries, including Na fali historii. Wspomnienia Polaków w Chile [On the Waves of History. Memories of Poles in Chile] (2009), Ten piekielny polski akcent. Ziembiński na brazylijskiej scenie [That Infernal Polish Accent. Ziembiński on the Brazilian Stage] (2015), Droga do Rio. Historie polskich emigrantów [The Road to Rio. Stories of Polish Emigrants] (2017). Her books have been translated into Spanish and Portuguese.
E-mail: pluta.aleksandra1@gmail.com
Teresa Podemska-Abt – PhD, Australian Institute of Indigenous Studies, Adelaide, Australia.
Deals with Aboriginal literature and its translation. Graduate of University of Wrocław, University of Adelaide and University of South Australia (PhD). Interests: literary theory, interpretation, sociology of literature, migrant literature, Polish literature, multiculturalism. Author of Spaces of literary Wor(l)ds and Reality: Australian Aboriginal Literature, numerous articles and dissertations (e.g. Dreaming and Dreamtime, czyli życie i śnienie Pierwszych Mieszkańców Australii [Dreaming and Dreamtime, or Life and Dreaming of The First Residents of Australia], “Poezja Dzisiaj” [“Poetry Today”] no. 106; Let’s play the game; Readers and renderings of AL, in: Rozmowy o komunikacji 5 [Conversations about Communication 5], ed. G. Hebrajska, Łódź 2011).
E-mail: tesspa@gmail.com
Agnieszka Podruczna – PhD, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Agnieszka Podruczna, PhD, has completed her PhD dissertation on the subject of the body in postcolonial speculative fiction. Her current research continues to focus on various aspects of speculative fiction (particularly North American speculative fiction) in the context postcolonial studies, and her academic in–terests include postcolonial studies, gender studies and the theory of science fiction.
E-mail: agnieszka.podruczna@us.edu.pl
Beata Popczyk-Szczęsna – Doctor Habilitatus, Institute of Cultural Sciences, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Her research deals with poetics and aesthetics of drama; she is currently preparing a dissertation on Polish dramatic art after 1989. Author of many publications, the most important of which are: Postać Judasza w dramacie polskim XX wieku. Potyczki z referencją [The Character of Judas in Polish Drama of the 20th Century. Clashes with Reference] (2003), Zamknięci i wyobcowani. Przestrzeń subiektywna w dramacie współczesnym [Closed and Alienated. Subjective Space in Contemporary Drama], in: Przestrzenie we współczesnym dramacie i teatrze [Spaces in Contemporary Drama and Theatre], ed. V. Sajkiewicz, E. Wąchocka (2006), Tekstualność i teatralność [Textuality and Theatricality] (“Przestrzenie Teorii” [“Spaces of Theory”] 2007, vol. 7), W poszukiwaniu zdarzeń. O dramaturgii Michała Walczaka [In Search of Events. On the Dramatic Art of Michał Walczak] (“Dialog” [“Dialogue”] 2007, no. 9), Dramat [Drama], in: Widowisko – teatr – dramat. Skrypt dla studentów kulturoznawstwa [Spectacle – Theatre – Drama. Script for Students of Cultural Studies], ed. E. Wąchocka (2010).
E-mail: beata.popczyk-szczesna@us.edu.pl
Albena Popova – MA, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Author of a master’s thesis titled Badanie aktualnego wyobrażenia Bułgarów o polskiej tożsamości w aspekcie historii [Study of the Current Perception of Bulgarians about Polish Identity in the Aspect of History]. Completed specialisations in Poland (2008), France (2009 and 2010) and South Africa (2009). Currently works at the Programme Department of the Polish Institute in Sofia.
E-mail: sofia.info@instytutpolski.org
Venche Popova – Professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Specialises in issues related to stylistics. Taught at the Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv and the Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen as well as many foreign universities (in Krakow, Uppsala, Regensburg, Hamburg, Melbourne). Head Teacher of the Summer School of Bulgarian Language and Culture between 1975 and 1986. Author of numerous scientific papers, including Българската стилистика до 50-те години на XX век (Bulgarian Stylistics up to the 1950s), Чудесата на детската реч (The Wonders of Children’s Speech; co-authored with Blazho Blazhev), Zwięzła gramatyka języka bułgarskiego [Concise Grammar of the Bulgarian Language].
E-mail: sofiakb@abv.bg
Ivo Pospíšil – Professor, PhDr., D.Sc., Institute of Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Philology, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic.
Expert in literary studies, educator and translator. His research focuses primarily on literary theory and history; he also deals with theory of literary genres, theory of area studies, comparative literature, theory and history of Slavonic literature as well as literary criticism and journalism. As a translator from English and Russian, he translates mainly artistic prose and scientific literature. Author of several hundred articles and over a dozen books.
E-mail: ivo.pospisil@phil.muni.cz
Karolina Pospiszil – PhD, Department of Comparative Literature, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Researcher of Central European culture; also interested in the issues of cultural borderlands, geocriticism, regionalism, intermediality and contemporary literature. Wrote a doctoral dissertation titled Swojskość i utrata. Obraz Górnego Śląska w literaturze polskiej i czeskiej po 1989 roku [Familiarity and Loss. The Image of Upper Silesia in Polish and Czech Literature after 1989]. Author of scientific articles published in Polish and foreign journals and in joint volumes; editor of scientific books and works of fiction, translator from Czech. Key publications: W głąb. Rozważania o górnośląskim ruchu [Into the Deep. Reflections on the Upper Silesian Movement] (“Anthropos?” 2014, no. 22-23), “Ke slovu je potřeba se doposlouchat”. Audio art a tekstowo-dźwiękowa twórczość Jaromíra Typlta [“Ke slovu je potřeba se doposlouchat”. Audio Art and the Text and Sound Works of Jaromír Typlt] (“Bohemistyka” [“Bohemistics”] 2013, no. 2), “Widziałem uśmiechnięte twarze”, czyli puste marginesy mowy. Słów kilka o podróżach Tadeusza Różewicza po Chinach [“I Saw Smiling Faces”, or Empty Margins of Speech. Several Words about Tadeusz Różewicz’s Travels around China] (in: Różewicz: dodawanie [Różewicz: Addition, ed. E. Bartos, M. Cuber, Katowice 2012), U siebie. Literacki obraz Górnego Śląska jako swojskiej, ale nieoswojonej przestrzeni pogranicza [At Home. Literary Image of Upper Silesia as a Familiar but Untamed Borderland Space] (“Postscriptum Polonistyczne” [“Polish Studies Postscript”] 2012, no. 1), Prawdziwy bohater śpiewa piosenki. Przyczynek do dyskusji nad genologią „wierszy bohaterskich” Rafała Wojaczka [A True Hero Sings Songs. Contribution to the Discussion on the Genology of Rafał Wojaczek’s ‘Heroic Poems'”] (“Studia Slavica” 2011, no. XV).
E-mail: pospiszil@gmail.com
Justyna Poznańska – PhD student, Institute of Polish Literature, University of Warsaw, Poland.
Her research interests focus on 19th century autobiographism and psychoanalysis as a method for literary studies. She is preparing a doctoral dissertation on the Journal of Marie Bashkirtseff. She published her papers in “Gazeta Kulturalna” [“Cultural Newspaper”] and “Podteksty” [“Subtexts”].
E-mail: justyna_poznanska@wp.pl
Renata Przybylska – Professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Department of History of Language and Dialectology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Author of publications Wyrażanie stosunków czasowych w polskim zdaniu pojedynczym [Expressing Temporal Relations in Polish Simple Sentences] (1990), Polisemia przyimków polskich w świetle semantyki kognitywnej [Polysemy of Polish Prepositions in light of Cognitive Semantics] (2002), Wstęp do nauki o języku polskim [Introduction to Polish Language Studies] (2003), Schematy wyobrażeniowe a semantyka polskich prefiksów czasownikowych do-, od- prze-, roz-, u- [Imaginal Schemas and the Semantics of Polish Verb Prefixes do-, od- prze-, roz-, u-] (2006).
E-mail: renata.przybylska@uj.edu.pl
Jaśmina Puchała – MA, Department of Foreign Literature, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
Teaches Polish culture with elements of literature and Polish language classes. PhD student at the Institute of East Slavonic Philology at the University of Silesia; her dissertation is devoted to the issue of value judgment in animated films for children. Author of articles on artistic translation and the language of animated films.
E-mail: jasminagreen@gmail