Natalia Żórawska – MA, Institute of Literary Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
A doctoral student at the Department of Contemporary Literature of the I. Opacki Institute of Polish Literature, University of Silesia in Katowice. Master’s degree in Polish philology (two specialisations: teaching and teaching Polish among foreigners) at the University of Silesia. She published sketches and reviews in collective volumes in such journals as: “Tematy i Konteksty”, “Czytanie Literatury”, “artPAPIER”. She deals with Polish literature published after 1989.
E-mail: n.e.zorawska@gmail.com
Sławomir Jacek Żurek – Professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Institute of Polish Philology, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland.
Director of the International Centre for Research on the History and Cultural Heritage of Jews of Central and Eastern Europe at the Catholic University of Lublin, Head of the Department of Didactics of Literature and Polish Language and the Polish-Jewish Literature Centre at the Catholic University of Lublin. Author of numerous scientific articles and monographs: „…lotny trud półistnienia”. O motywach judaistycznych w poezji Arnolda Słuckiego [.”…volatile effort of half-existence”. About Judaic motives in the poetry of Arnold of Slutsky] (1999); Synowie księżyca. Zapisy poetyckie Aleksandra Wata i Henryka Grynberga w świetle tradycji i teologii żydowskiej [Sons of the moon. Poetic recordings of Aleksander Wat and Henryk Grynberg in light of the Jewish tradition and theology] (2004); Z pogranicza. Szkice o literaturze polsko-żydowskiej [From the Borderland. Essays on Polish-Jewish Literature] (2008); Zastygłe w polszczyźnie. Szkice o świętach w poezji polsko-żydowskiej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego [Frozen in the Polish language. Sketches about holidays in Polish-Jewish poetry in the Interwar period] (2011); Literatura polska w Izraelu. Leksykon [Polish literature in Israel. Lexicon] (together with K. Famulska-Ciesielska) (2012). Member of, among others, the International Association for Polish Studies, Polish Society for Jewish Studies, Committee for Dialogue with Judaism of the Polish Episcopal Conference, Polish Council of Christians and Jews, “Więzi” Laboratory.
E-mail: zureks@kul.pl
Urszula Żydek-Bednarczuk – professor, Doctor Habilitatus, Institute of Cultural Sciences, Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Research interests: text linguistics, media and media discourses, new media, cultural linguistics, pragmatics, glottodidactics. Member of the international CULTMEDIA project, Member of the State Commission for the Certification of Polish as a Foreign Language. Author of numerous dissertations published in Poland and abroad, editor of scientific volumes, co-author of Polish language textbooks for secondary schools: Mów i pisz po polsku [Speak and Write in Polish] (2001) and secondary school textbooks: Współczesna polszczyzna [Contemporary Polish Language] (1996), Barwy epook [Colours of periods] (2002, 2003, 2004). Monographs:Struktura tekstu rozmowy potocznej [Text structure of colloquial conversation], 1994; Wprowadzenie do lingwistycznej analizy tekstu[Introduction to linguistic text analysis], 2005.
E-mail: urszula.zydek-bednarczuk@us.edu.pl