Artur Jabłoński – PhD, Institute of Linguistics, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland.
Graduate in history at the University of Gdańsk. Journalist and writer involved in the Kashubian movement since 1990. He was affiliated with the student magazine “Tatczëzna”, the television magazine “Rodnô Zemia” and the monthly magazine “Pomerania”. He co-founded Radio Kaszëbë and “Kaszëbskô Jednota”- the association of people of Kashubian nationality. Founder of the first Kashubian-Polish primary school. He conducts research on the works of Kashubian writer Jan Rompski in the context of identity. He is the author of the essay “Kaszubi. Wspólnota narodowa” [The Kashubians. National Community] (2012) and three novels in Kashubian: Namerkôny (2013), Smùgã (2014), and Fényks (2015).
E-mail: a.jablonsczi@najaszkola.eu
Diana Jagodzińska – PhD student, Institute of Linguistics, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Master of philology, lawyer and court mediator. Author of articles on the linguistic image of the world in normative texts and on the popularisation of legal issues in school education. Her research interests focus on special educational needs, the organisation of psychological and pedagogical assistance at school, the language of acts of educational law, and the legal awareness of society.
E-mail: diaanus@o2.pl
Piotr Jakubowski – PhD, Institute of Cultural and Religious Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland.
Doctor of humanities in the field of cultural studies, graduate of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Author of the book entitled “Pułapki tożsamości. Między narracją a literaturą” [Identity Traps. Between Narrative and Literature] (Kraków 2016) and more than a dozen scientific articles, editor of collective works and issues of thematic journals. His research interests focus on the semiotics of culture, problems of interculturalism, theory of visual culture, and socio-cultural transformations resulting from the domination and expansion of the new media.
E-mail: pjakubowski@ymail.com
Anna Jamrozek-Sowa – PhD, Institute of Polish Philology, University of Rzeszów, Poland.
Her academic work focuses on the study of migration narratives of the 19th to 21st centuries, post-independence literature, Central European and Balkan literature, literary journals as culture-forming environments, and the heritage of Polish avant-garde theatre. She is the author of scientific monographs on the works of Zofia Romanowiczowa and Władysław Lech Terlecki, and the editor of books, among other things, on theatre studies. She is a member of the editorial team of the literary and artistic magazine “Fraza” and “Warstwy”, which is an annual magazine published by the Department of Art of the University of Rzeszów.
E-mail: a_js@op.pl
Maria Janoszka – PhD, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
Se specialises in the works of Jan Potocki, in particular Rękopisem znalezionym w Saragossie [Manuscript Found in Saragossa] and its presence in the literature of the 20th and 21st centuries.
E-mail: m.janoszka@gmail.com
Iwona Janowska – PhD student, Department of Polish as a Foreign Language, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Kraków, Poland.
Her research work focuses on the application of action-oriented approaches to language teaching/learning. She is the author of many articles on glottodidactics and methodology of teaching foreign languages, curricula for teaching French and Polish as a foreign language, sets of tasks for teaching French and Polish as a foreign language, as well as the monographs Planowanie lekcji języka obcego [Planning Foreign Language Lessons] (2010) and Podejście zadaniowe do nauczania i uczenia się języków obcych [Task-oriented Approach to Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages] (2011). She conducts classes in Master’s and postgraduate courses at the Faculty of Polish Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and training workshops in Poland and abroad for teachers of Polish as a foreign/second language.
E-mail: iwona.janowska@uj.edu.pl
Anna Janus-Sitarz – Doctor habilitatus, Professor of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Faculty of Polish Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland.
Associate professor in the Department of Polish Teacher Training; Head of the Centre for Educational Research and Continuing Education at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków; scientific editor of the publishing series “Edukacja Nauczycielska Polonisty” [Training of a Polish Teacher]; Chair of the Commission of Education of the Committee on Literary Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences; initiator and organiser of the first Polish Language Didactics and Literature Congress in Kraków in 2013. The subject of her research revolves around literary studies, literary education and glottodidactics. Author of the books: Groteska literacka. Od diabła w Damaszku po Becketta i Mrożka [Literary Grotesque. From the Devil in Damascus to Beckett and Mrożek]; Lekcje teatru [Lessons in Theatre]; Przyjemność i odpowiedzialność w lekturze. O praktykach czytania literatury w szkole [Pleasure and Responsibility in Reading. On the Practices of Reading Literature at School]; W poszukiwaniu czytelnika. Diagnozy, inspiracje, rekomendacje [In Search of a Reader. Diagnoses, Inspirations, Recommendations]; co-author of textbooks for secondary school students.
E-mail: ajanus-sitarz@wp.pl
Andrzej Jaroszyński – Ambassador, Institute of Political Science, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland.
Graduate of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (1970), assistant professor at the Department of Comparative Literature and long-standing director of the School of Polish Language and Culture of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), consul at the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago in 1990-1994, deputy ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Washington in 1994-1998, director of the Department of Security Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1998-2001, ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Norway and Iceland in 2001-2005, director of the Department of the Americas of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2005-2008, ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Australia in 2008-2013, guest lecturer at the Institute of European Studies and currently at the Institute of Political Science at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, organiser of “KUL Diplomatic Debates”.
E-mail: ajaroszynski@o2.pl
Jerzy Jarzębski – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Department of Contemporary Criticism, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Kraków, Poland.
Member of the editorial board of “Teksty Drugie” [Second Texts], the jury of the Nike Literary Award (2001-2003) and the Kościelski Foundation Award (since 1993). Author of Gra w Gombrowicza [Playing Gombrowicz] (1982), Powieść jako autokreacja [The Novel as Self-Creation] (1984), Zufall und Ordnung. Zum Werk Stanislaw Lems (1986), W Polsce, czyli wszędzie. Studia o polskiej prozie współczesnej [In Poland, that is Everywhere. Studies on Contemporary Polish Prose] (1992), Apetyt na Przemianę. Notatki o prozie współczesnej [Appetite for Change. Notes on Contemporary Prose] (1992), Pożegnanie z emigracją. O powojennej prozie polskiej [Farewell to Emigration. On Postwar Polish Prose] (1998), Schulz (2000), Podglądanie Gombrowicza [Spying on Gombrowicz] (2000), Wszechświat Lema [Lem’s Universe] (2002), Słownik schulzowski [Schulz Dictionary] (with Włodzimierz Bolecki and Stanisław Rosiek, 2003), Gombrowicz (2004), Proza dwudziestolecia [Prose of the Twenty Years] (2005), Prowincja centrum. Przypisy do Schulza [Center Province. Notes to Schulz] (2005), Natura i teatr. 16 tekstów o Gombrowiczu [Nature and Theater. 16 Texts about Gombrowicz] (2007) and numerous dissertations published in journals and collective volumes. Co-author of the series “Lekcja Literatury z Jerzym Jarzębskim i Andrzejem Zawadzkim” [Lesson in Literature with Jerzy Jarzębski and Andrzej Zawadzki]. Winner of many awards, including the Kościelski Foundation Award (1985).
E-mail: jerzy.jarzebski@uj.edu.pl
Ewa Jaskóła – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
She is interested in the problems of 20th and 19th-century literature and didactics. She acknowledges that interpretative skills and literary awareness constitute the basis of educational activities of a teacher of Polish at school. She is the author of publications on twentieth-century poetry and methods of its interpretation at school, as well as works related to issues of teaching Polish as a native and foreign language. Author of publications: Poetyckie podróże Stanisława Balińskiego [Poetical Journeys of Stanisław Baliński] (Katowice 1988); Od poezji kosmosu do poezji czasu. Studium o twórczości Stanisława Ciesielczuka [From the Poetry of Space to the Poetry of Time. Study of the Works of Stanisław Ciesielczuk] (Katowice 1997).
E-mail: ewa.jaskola@me.com
Krzysztof Jaworski – Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Polish Philology, Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce, Poland.
To this date, he has published four scientific books on the life and work of leading Polish futurist Bruno Jasieński, the most recent monograph being Dandys. Słowo o Brunonie Jasieńskim [Dandy. A Word about Bruno Jasieński], published by the Warsaw “Iskry” publishing house in 2009. He is also the author of research articles on Polish futurism and issues related to popular literature, avant-garde poetry after 1989 and intersemiotic relations between “high” and “low” art (literature).
E-mail: jaworsky@poczta.onet.pl
Franck Jedrzejewski – PhD, Paris-Sud University, Paris, France.
Mathematician. Holder of doctorates in philosophy and musicology. Vice-chairman of the Collège International de Philosophie. He has published several books, including Ontologia kategorii [Ontology of Categories] and Słownik muzyki mikrotonalnej [Dictionary of Microtonal Musics]. He has been conducting transdisciplinary research on music, philosophy and mathematics, focusing on the meaning, categories, atonality and the Russian musical avant-garde.
E-mail: franckjed@gmail.com
Artur Jacek Jędrzejewicz – PhD, Institute of Linguistics and Literary Studies, University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce, Siedlce, Poland.
He received his PhD in literary studies (University of Lodz, 2010). He graduated in film directing (University of Silesia, K. Kieślowski WRiTV, 2002). Occasionally, he makes documentaries for TVP. He examines the relationships between literature, film and culture. He compares cultural texts in the relationship of collective (un)consciousness – the Author as an Anthropological Phenomenon. His major publications include Luis Buñuel – Sacrum ukryte [Luis Buñuel – Hidden Sacrum] (Gdańsk 2013), Umieranie za życia – analityczna refleksja nad filmem „Życie jako śmiertelna choroba przenoszona drogą płciową” [Living Death – an Analytical Reflection on the Film “Life as a Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease”] (Kraków 2015), Luis Buñuel. Paradoksy uduchowionego ateisty [Luis Buñuel. Paradoxes of a Spiritual Atheist] (Siedlce 2016), Przełom wieków w kinie. Czas w kulturze i edukacji [Turn of the Century in Cinema. Time in Culture and Education] (Siedlce 2018).
E-mail: artur.jedrzejewicz@uph.edu.pl
Nikolaj Jež – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Slavonic Studies, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
He studied Slovenian language and literature as well as comparative literature at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Ljubljana. In the years 1979-2002, he taught Polish at the Institute of Slavonic Languages and Literatures. After Slavonic studies became a separate institute, he was one of the founders of the Department of Western Slavic Langages and Literatures. In 2003, he was appointed the head of the Department of Polish Language and Literature and has held the position ever since. In the autumn of 2008, he became director of the Institute of Slavonic Studies. In his research, he investigates trends in Polish prose of the inter- and postwar period, and he complements his comparative studies on Polish-Slovenian literary relations with studies on Slovenian-Polish literary and cultural contact in the 19th and 20th century. He is a member of the “Bristol” Association of Polish and Foreign Teachers of Polish Culture and Polish as a Foreign Language. He translates fiction and specialist literature from Polish into Slovenian. In the year 2000, he received the most important translation award in Slovenia, the Anton Sovre Award, for his translation of Gombrowicz’s and Kapuściński’s prose. In 2005, he received a special award from the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Ljubljana. In 2008, he was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland by the President of Poland. He co-edited the monograph Čopovi galicijski dopisniki (Ljubljana 1989) and was the co-author of Slovenian translations of Z. Herbert’s poems published in the anthology entitled Beli raj vseh možnosti (Ljubljana 1992). He has translated such works as Trans-Atlantyk by W. Gombrowicz (Ljubljana 1998), The Emperor by R. Kapuscinski (Ljubljana 1999) and Madame by A. Libera (Ljubljana 2003).
E-mail: nikolaj.jez@guest.arnes.si
Karolina Jędrych – PhD, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
She conducts classes on the didactics of Polish literature and literature for children and young adults. Her doctoral dissertation investigated female protagonists in novels by Maria Krüger. She also works as a Polish teacher in an elementary and middle school. She is interested in literature for children and young adults as well as media and cultural education.
E-mail: karolina.jedrych@us.edu.pl
Andrzej Juchniewicz – Faculty of Philology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Student of Polish Philology. His academic interests include Polish poetry from the seconf half of the 20th century, the Holocaust, Jews in Polish literature as well as literary genology. He is regularly cooperates with “artPAPIER” and “Znak”. He published in the cultural quarterly “Opcje”, “Polityka” and “Narracje o Zagładzie”. Supervised by prof. dr hab. Danuta Opacka-Walasek, he is currently working on his thesis entitled: “Posadzę cię, pokołyszę tarczy słonecznika. Przenikanie się postaci gatunkowej kołysanki w poezji polskiej XX i XXI wieku.” [“I’ll put you, I’ll rock you a sunflower bed. Intertwining of genre form of lullaby in the Polish poetry of the 20th and 21st century].
E-mail: andrzejjuchniewicz@o2.pl