2021 • 2 (28)
Number 2021 • 2 (28)Number editors:Maria Czempka-Wewióra, Wioletta Hajduk-Gawron |
Glottodydaktyka i edukacja humanistyczna dla klimatu
- Bernadeta Niesporek-Szamburska, Olga Przybyla: Ecological/climate education in the core curriculum and in series of school textbooks for teaching Polish (as a native language)
- Gabriela Olchowa: Climate education in textbooks for teaching Polish as a foreign language for A2 level
- Wioletta Hajduk-Gawron: Pro-environmental content in Polish glottodidactics on the basis of textbooks and surveys in the perspective of task-based language teaching
- Magdalena Zakrzewska-Verdugo: Climate and natural environment in Polish as a foreign language textbooks for Slovaks
- Justyna Budzik: Poster – Poland by Ryszard Kaja: on landscapes and ecology in teaching Polish as a foreign language
Glottodydaktyka podczas/po pandemii
- Ewa Komorowska: The PFL teacher in a time of plague – lessons learnt from the pandemic
- Barbara Łukaszewicz: Shaping intercultural competence in teaching Polish in the time of pandemic: changes, limitations, opportunities
- Iryna Bundza, Chrystyna Nikołajczuk: The role of nonverbal communication during remote foreign language learning (based on surveys)
- Iwona Morawska, Małgorzata Latoch-Zielińska: “Polish language beyond borders” during the pandemic. Description of selected communication and educational strategies
- Adriana Prizel-Kania: Technology-enhanced teaching of Polish as a foreign language, yesterday and today. A recapitulation of one year of online teaching
(Glotto)dydaktyka – nurty i tendencje
- Waldemar Martyniuk: CEFR 2020: the new, updated Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
- Szymon Gębuś: The short story genre in teaching world literature. Outline of a teaching idea for language and literature studies
- Nina Augustynowicz: Contamination and Consumption in Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market:
A Food Studies Perspective - Aleksandra Achtelik: Literary images of the city in teaching Polish to foreigners