Number 2018 • 1 (21)
Number 2018 • 1 (21)Between Poland, Portugal and Brazil. Literature – culture – language – educationNumber editors: Magdalena Bąk, Agnieszka Madeja |
List of authors
Polish-Portuguese essays
- Cieszyńska Beata: : Sarmatism and Sebastianism in Ibero-Slavonic perspective. A ‘Vieira Global’ project in Lisbon
- Łukaszyk Ewa: Raczyński in Portugal. Heritage of the ‘clash of cultures’
- Bąk Magdalena: Appetite for Braga. On intertextual dialog between Adolf Pawiński and Oswald Crawfurd and the 19th century travelling
- Romaniszyn-Ziomek Lidia: Capa e batina. On academic traditions in Portugal
- Fernandes Swiatkiewicz Teresa: Preliminary norms in direct Polish-European Portuguese literary translation in the period between 1985 and 2010
- Ziomek Marcin: Lisbon – a capital of European street art(?)
Polish-Brazilian essays
- Paiva de Souza Marcelo: A stone and a horizon: Siciliana by Murilo Mendes regarded through Zbigniew Herbert’s writing
- Kilanowski Piotr: What can be found on the other side of the mirror. On reflections, translations and poems
- Borowski Gabriel: On the presence of Brazilian poetry in Poland: the case of Carlos Drummond de Andrade
- Wolny Anna: Margins of history and literature – a few remarks on Brazilian figure of polaca
- Pluta Aleksandra: Mrożek and his Tango in Brazil
- Goczyła Ferreira Alicja: Poles on the antipodes. Selected historical and language aspects of Polish presence in Brazil
- Raiman Marcin: : On the possibility of introducing Polish language as a co-official one in the area of Brazilian municipalities
- Miodunka Władysław T.: Polish-Portuguese bilingualism in Brazil. Speaking Polish and translating Polish literature
- Tambor Jolanta: Speaking Polish, Brazilian and Portuguese – on language awareness of Polish diaspora in Brazil. Revival and disappearance of a language
- Piasecka-Till Aleksandra: We teach Polish in Curitiba: university project Licenciar
- Bring closer together. Henryk Siewierski interviewed by João Vianney Cavalcanti Nuto
- Workshops for teachers in Curitiba. Interview with Paulo Kochanny (Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Curitiba)
- Jamrozek-Sowa Anna: Review of Aleksandra Pluta’s book: Droga do Rio. Historie polskich emigrantów
- Więzik Małgorzata: Travel sketches from Portugal. Review of the book by Magdalena Bąk and Lidia Romaniszyn-Ziomek: „Gdzie ziemia się kończy, a morze zaczyna”. Szkice polsko-portugalskie
- Madeja Agnieszka: Mr. Cogito in Brazil. Review of Zbigniew Herbert’s poetry book: Podróż Pana Cogito. A viagem do Senhor Cogito