Number 2017 • 1
Number 2017 • 1 (19)On linguistic studies
Number editor:Marcin Maciołek, Maria Czempka-Wewióra |
List of authors:
- Nowak Tomasz: Experimental research in the field of natural language semantics. Contribution to the discussion on the psychological reality of linguistic hypotheses
- Lisczyk Karolina: To postpone or change the time of a meeting? On the conceptualization of the idea of moving a planned activity to a later time
- Dąbrowska Anna: Movable suffixes of past verbs
- Tambor Jolanta: Some ‘academic’ pluralia tantum – semantic, pragmatics and structure
- Seretny Anna, Stefańczyk Wiesław Tomasz: Contemporary approaches to the practice of determining grammatical gender and teaching Polish as a foreign language
- Kołodziejek Ewa: Economy of syntactic innovations in the context of linguistic norms
- Łukomska Natalia: Macedonian participle and Polish perfect adverbial participle. Does the lack of formal symmetry make translation impossible?
- Zeller Jan Patrick: The influence of the Polish language on morphological and syntactic variantivity in the Lemkos’ language – declined noun as a predicate
- Mitrenga Barbara: Determinants of Silesian origin of old and contemporary surnames of the inhabitants of Upper Silesia
- Czempka-Wewióra Maria, Graboń Karolina: Diagnosis of speech disorder and speech therapy in teaching Polish as a foreign language
- Scheller-Boltz Dennis: Ideology of the gender in monolingual Polish language dictionaries
- Wileczek Anna: Kidult (not only) a language phenomenon
- Maciołek Marcin: C-radiation. On the influence of the IT sector on Polish language
- Ślawska Magdalena: On the role of the hero in a press interview (the case of Sławomir Mrożek)
- Dutka Elżbieta: Silesian essay writing? Silesian school of essay writing? On Mariusz Jochemczyk’s book, Facing tradition. Sketches in Silesian oikology
- Żórawska Natalia: ‘There are more and more of us and more of us will be dying’. On Grochów by Andrzej Stasiuk
- Stanisz Anna: Sztuczne raje prawdopodobieństwa. O funkcjach negowania w wierszu pt. Dworzec Wisławy Szymborskiej i jego angielskim przekładzie autorstwa Stanisława Barańczaka i Clare Cavanagh
- Tambor Agnieszka: Polish film shelf 2016 (and a little bit of 2017)
- Nęcka Agnieszka: Literary Shelf 2016