Number 2015 • 2
Number 2015 • 2 (16)Glottodidactic perspectivesNumber editors: Aleksandra Achtelik, Agnieszka Madeja |
List of authors:
- Komorowska Hanna: On the development of glottodidactics and foreign language teachers training
- Pastuchowa Magdalena: The emancipation of the words. Teaching vocabulary and process of lexicalization
- Seretny Anna, Stefańczyk Wiesław: Between grammar and vocabulary – word formation in glottodidactics
- Janowska Iwona: Planning lessons and didactic units – models and schemas
- Seretny Anna: In the darkness of a tunnel. On lexical plateau
Selected problems:
- Maciołek Marcin: Problems (for foreigners and Polish language teachers) that pronunciation of numerals causes
- Wtorkowska Maria: Inflectional errors in texts written by Slovenian students of Polish Studies in Ljubljana
- Lipińska Ewa: An eclectic approach to teaching Polish language abroad based on the example of Stanisław Barańczak’s Garden party
- Niesporek-Szamburska Bernadeta: The efficiency in Polish of bilingual young people of Polish origin living in England
- Wileczek Anna: To make a text. About the textual competence of lower-secondary school students
- Baran Marzena: Teaching culture versus task-based teaching in the didactics of Polish as a foreign language
- Kisiel Marian: Poetics and a worldview. Review of Mariusz Kalandyk’s book Poetycki światopogląd Jarosława Marka Rymkiewicza. Próba antropologii literackiej
- Nęcka Agnieszka: Women’s emigrations. Review of Jolanta Pasterska’s book Emigrantki, nomadki, wagabundki. Kobiece narracje (e)migracyjne
- Kisiel Joanna: Homotextual Lechoń. Review of Barbara Czarnecka’s book Ruchomy na szali wagi. Lechoń homotekstualny
- Żórawska Natalia: Present deeply rooted in the past. Review of Bernadetta Darska’s book Pamięć codzienności, codzienność pamiętania. Szkice o reportażu polskim XXI wieku
- Tratsiak Volha: Review of Radosław Kaleta’s book Polsko-białoruska lapsologia glottodydaktyczna