Number 2013 • 1 (11)
Number 2013 • 1 (11)Number editors: Agnieszka Nęcka
List of authors:
In the issue:
- Fieguth Rolf: European Humanism and National Consciousness. Thoughts of a Literary Critic
- Delaperrière Maria: Polish Literature from the Perspective of Contemporary European Comparative Studies
- Adelhejm Irina: „Polishness” and „Europeanness” in Young Polish Prose after 1989
- Sekiguchi Tokimasa: Polish Texts in Non-Polish Studies Oriented Contexts
- Cybienko Olga: The Origin of Balmont’s Love for Poland (On the Material of His Autobiographical Novel Under the New Moon)
- Grigorova Margreta: Creative Phenomenon of Borderland: the Effect of Borderland in Biographies of the Artists, History and Geography of Literature
- Kita Małgorzata: Polish Discourse of Privacy
- Ładoń Monika: Rape in Włodzimierz Odojewski’s Prose
- Romaniszyn-Ziomek Lidia: Romance with Balladyna
- Bernacki Marek: ‘Reportage Story’ by Mariusz Szczygieł
- Frukacz Katarzyna: Between Literariness and Subjectiveness. The New Dimension of Contamination in Polish Reportage (Based on Zapiski na biletach by Michał Olszewski)
- Czapliński Przemysław: Beyond the Rule of Autonomy. Review of the Book Kto mi dał skrzydła by Dariusz Nowack
- Kita Małgorzata: New Manual for Lexicography and a Culture of Language for Ukrainian Polonists: Needed and Valuable. Review of the Book: Leksykologia i kultur
- Kisiel Marian: On Choromański from Beyond the Grave. Review of the Book: Nietrafiony rytm. Wybrane problemy twórczości prozatorskiej Michała Choromańskiego by Maciej Chowaniok
- Dutka Elżbieta: Diary as a Gift. Review of the Book: Dziennik by Julia Hartwig
- Zug Aleksandra: Two Sides of the World. Memories from a One-Way Journey. Review of the Book: Sami swoi i obcy. Z kresów na kresy. Reportaże by Mirosław Maciorowski
- Nęcka Agnieszka: Miron’s Home Circle. Review of the Books: Tajny dziennik by Miron Białoszewski and Człowiek Miron by Tadeusz Sobolewski
- Makuchowska Marzena: Polish Studies Facing the Challenges of the Future, 5th Congress of Foreign Polish Studie
- Roter-Bourkane Anna, Zduniak-Wiktorowicz Małgorzata: Conference: Teaching Polish Culture and Polish Language as a Foreign
- Dunin-Dudkowska Anna: Conference: 70 years of Contemporary Polish Language. Phenomena, Processes, Tendencies
- Buń Zoriana: 5th International Festival of Bruno Schulz in Drohobycz
In Memoriam: