2016 • 2
Number 2016 • 2 (18)VI World Congress of Polish Studies
Number editors: Bożena Szałasta-Rogowska |
List of Authors:
- Delaperrière Maria: Between literary canon and multiplied culture
- Święch Jerzy: Acts of translation. The history that does not exist
- Skwara Marta: The languages of Polish and bicultural writers. Was (and is) Polish literature a multicultural one?
- Pasterska Jolanta: A different perspective. The English in the eyes of Polish ‘colonizers’ (Angole by Ewa Winnicka)
- Żurek Sławomir Jacek: Poland and the Poles in poetical works of the authors writing in Polish in Israel
- Siewierski Henryk: To see more of the world: challenges for transatlantic Polonistics
- Bunjak Petar: An attempt to advocate for the research on literary reception
- Choi Sungeun (Czoj Estera): Reception of Wisława Szymborska’s poetry in Korea – part two
- Janus Sitarz Anna: Make some place for the others. Challenges for university Polonistic didactics: between pressure and mission
- Masłowski Michał: Particularistic and universal elements in the national literatures of the Central European countries
- Pastuchowa Magdalena: Many trends in Polonistic linguistic research. Suggested typology
- Meyer Anna Maria: Poland as a multilingual country – Romani language in contact with Polish language
- Van Heuckelom Kris: Silver screen and ‘the Paris pavement’. Images of Polish immigrant in foreign and international film productions (1976-2011)
- Li Yinan: Reception of Polish Literature in China: theory and history
- Marecki Piotr: ‘Belonging to the nation of no importance’. Soren Gauger as a Polish writer from Canada
- Darska Bernadetta: Things as a source of memory about that which is final. On Zbigniew Domarańczyk’s Kampucza godzina zero
- Szybura Agata: Comparing in Polonistic glottodidactics. Review of Przemysław E. Gębal’s book: Krakowska szkoła glottodydaktyki porównawczej na tle rozwoju glottodydaktyki ogólnej i polonistycznej
- Dutka Elżbieta: Silesian microcosm of fear and terror. Review of Szczepan Twardoch’s book: Wieloryby i ćmy. Dzienniki 2007–2015
- Żórawska Natalia: Tailor-made literature. Review of Jerzy Jarzębski’s book: Proza: wykroje i wzory
- Wilk Emilia: Literature as the most important element of culture. Review of Ryszard Koziołek’s book: Dobrze się myśli literaturą