2014 • 1
Number 2014 • 1 (13)Number editors: Magdalena Bąk, Agnieszka NęckaView or download the file to your computer |
List of Authors:
- Seretny Anna: Extensive reading – text in glottodidactic perspective
- Czerkies Tamara: : Strategies of using literary texts as means of seduction. On reading literary text while teaching Polish as a mother tongue and as a foreign language
- Brzezowska Magdalena: Self-stereotypes of Poles in selected manuals for teaching Polish as a foreign language
- Poznańska Justyna: ‘I am beautiful, what more do I want?’ Dandyish project of Maria Baszkircew
- Bernacki Marek: : Andrzej Stasiuk’s experience of spacial Nothingness. Notes from a trip to Mongolia
- Bardadyn Ksenia: : Anna, Another and the Excluded. On Zbigniew Kruszyński’s prose
- Wójtowicz Agnieszka: Auctorial subject in Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną by Dorota Masłowska
- Zając Jan: Vampire and passionate cyborg – psychoanalysis of the two man infatuated by femme fatale
- Titova Irina: Margins of literature
- Kałuzińska Emilia: Consequences of media socialization. TV-inspired phrasems in children’s statements
- Ryba Janusz: Paris in the literature of Polish Age of Enlightenment (a few remarques)
- Pawlik Karolina: Silesian-Chinese Dictionary for unprepared translators
- Kalisz Aleksandra: Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approches in researching the media. Review of the book Transdyscyplinarność badań nad komunikacją medialną, vol. 1, Stan wiedzy i postulaty badawcze edited by Małgorzata Kita, Magdalena Ślawska
- Ładoń Monika: Proof of fascination. Review of the book Śląski socrealizm. Władza – literatura – rzeczywistość by Magdalena Piekara
- Czarnecka Barbara: Polish Institute of Arts and Science of America rediscovered. Review of the book Nowojorski pasjans. Polski Instytut Naukowy w Ameryce – Jan Lechoń – Kazimierz Wierzyński. Studia o wybranych zagadnieniach działalności 1939–1969 by Beata Dorosz
- Kisiel Marian: Axiological aspects of creativity. Review of the book Różewicz i Herbert by Joanna Adamowska
- Pasterska Jolanta: : Surgical cuts. Review of the book Przekraczanie obcości. Problemy przekładu w programach i twórczości poetów Nowej Fali by Arkadiusz Luboń
- Nęcka Agnieszka: Literary shelf of the year 2013
- Tambor Agnieszka: Film shelf of the season 2013–2014
- Kania Agnieszka, Kulig Agnieszka: Diagnosis and perspectives for teaching Polish language and literature. Reflections on the Congress of Polonistic Didactics
- Kania Agnieszka, Kulig Agnieszka: Media and social competences in Polonistic education. Reflections on the 2nd Congress of Polish Education
- Bartos Ewa: Experiencing and experiences of America. Conference: Polish literature in the two Americas
- Bunjak Petar: Obituary for Professor Władysław Lubaś
- Piper Predrag: Obituary for Professor Władysław Lubaś