Sandra Habrych – MA, Faculty of Humanities, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland.
Graduate in Polish philology. In 2017, she defended her Master’s thesis, which focused on psychoanalytic approaches to pop culture novels. Her research interests include psychoanalysis, sexology, and developmental psychology.
E-mail: sandra.habrych@gmail.com

Wioletta Hajduk-Gawron – PhD, University of Silesia, Poland / PhD, Department of Polish Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea.

Her scientific interests concern the reception of Polish literature in the world, the  methodology of teaching Polish as a foreign language, the theory of adaptation and the  experience of migration in the process of education. Author of articles, including Arcydzieła literatury polskiej w praktyce glottodydaktycznej. Zaadaptować czytelnika i tekst (2013), Uczeń z doświadczeniem migracyjnym w szkole polskiej i irlandzkiej (2018), editor and co-editor of the series Adaptacje (2013, 2015, 2018), author and co-editor of  the series Czytaj po polsku (2004 and subsequent editions), co-author of certification materials Bądź na B1. Zbiór zadań oraz testy przykładowe z języka polskiego na poziom B1 (2009). Examiner of the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language. Employed since 2002 at the University of Silesia in Kato
E-mail: wioletta.hajduk-gawron@us.edu.pl

Dimitrina Hamze PhD student, Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Assistant in the field of Slavonic Philology in the section: Polish Studies. Her academic interests and research include linguistics, semantics and pragmatics, literary studies, translatology, aesthetics, cultural studies, history and theory of art. She is the author of approx. 80 articles published in national and international specialised publications.
E-mail: didiham@abv.bg

Michał Hanczakowski PhD, Department of Slavonic Studies, Polish Studies Section, Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Graduate in Polish Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. His research work focuses on literary and historical issues related to the early modern period, with particular emphasis on the issue of Polish-Czech cultural relations. In addition, he is interested in the issue of egodocuments and historiography.
E-mail: michal.hanczakowski@upol.cz

Agnieszka Handzel MA, Department of Polish Teacher Training, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Kraków, Poland.
She works at the Educational Facilities in Kobielnik. Research interests: modern methods of teaching Polish language at various stages of education, using new technologies in teaching Polish language, adapting the achievements of other disciplines to the Polish language education.
E-mail: aga.handzel@gmail.com

Andrzej Hejmej Doctor habilitatus, professor of the Jagiellonian University, Department of Theory of Literature, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Kraków, Poland.
Comparatist, author of many scientific articles published, among other things, in “Pamiętnik Literacki”, “Przestrzenie Teorii”, “Teksty Drugie”. He wrote two extensive books on the issue of the relationship between music and literature:
Muzyczność dzieła literackiego [The Musicality of a Literary Work] (2001) and Muzyka w literaturze: perspektywy komparatystyki interdyscyplinarnej [Music in Literature: Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives] (2008). He has edited several collective volumes, includingDysonanse. Twórczość Stefana Kisielewskiego (1911–1991) [Dissonances. Creativity of Stefan Kisielewski (1911-1991)] (together with K. Hawryszków and K. Cudzich-Budniak).
E-mail: a.hejmej@uj.edu.pl

Jan Herold MA, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Kraków, Poland.
International journalist in Polish and Bulgarian media. Member of the Association of Interpreters and Translators in Bulgaria. Author of the book
Bułgaria – roztrwoniony dar Boga [Bulgaria – wasted gift of God] (2008).
E-mail: herold@icon.bg

Kris  Van Heuckelom Professor, PhD, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
Specialist in Polish studies. His most recent books are:
(Un)masking Bruno Schulz. New Combinations, Further Fragmentations, Ultimate Reintegrations (2009, co-ed. Dieter De Bruyn), Polish Literature in Transformation (2013, ed. Ursula Phillips in cooperation with Knut Andreas Grimstad and Kris Van Heuckelom), European Cinema After the Wall. Screening East-West Mobility (2014, co-ed. Leen Engelen), Polish Migrants in European Film 1918-2017 (2019).
E-mail: kris@vanheuckelom.be

Wojciech Hofmański – PhD, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic / PhD, Institute of Polish Philology, Adam ­Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland.
Graduate of the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology at the Adam ­Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Winner of a scholarship competition of the Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation (2012) and a four-time scholarship holder at the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University in Prague. Member of the ­ Polish-Czech Scientific Society, member of the “Biuletyn Polonistyczny” Council at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the “Bristol” Association. Since 2013, he has been working at the Department of Central European Studies at the Charles University in Prague, and since 2017, he has been affiliated with the Institute of Polish Philology at the Adam Mickiewicz University. He conducts research in psycholinguistics, contact linguistics, and Polish language glottodidactics. He is particularly interested in the phenomenon of interlingual communicativeness and the issue of interaction of related linguistic cultures.
E-mail: wojciech.hofmanski@gmail.com

Piotr Horbatowski Doctor habilitatus, Centre for Polish Language and Culture in the World, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Kraków, Poland.
He graduated in theatre studies. His research interests focus on the history of the functioning of Polish theatres abroad in the 20th and 21st centuries, with particular emphasis on the territories of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. In his glottodidactic work, he focuses on innovative techniques of teaching Polish language and culture, especially teaching through theatre and by editing press texts in the form of a student newspaper. His articles and presentations during scientific sessions were devoted to the above-mentioned issues. He has published two books on the history of Polish theatre in Kiev in the years 1905-1918 and 1919-1938.
E-mail: piotr.horbatowski@uj.edu.pl

Ewa Horwath PhD, Department of Polish Teacher Training, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Kraków, Poland.
He is mostly interested in the didactics of language and the integration of the study of language with the study of literature and culture. His major publications include: a series of Polish textbooks for lower secondary school
Bliżej słowa [Closer to the Word] and methodological guides for teachers Lekturowe karty pracy [Reading Work Sheets]; lesson scenarios for a series of lower secondary school textbooks Świat w słowach i obrazach [World in Words and Pictures], methodological articles in the series Edukacja nauczycielska polonisty (Kształcenie językowe. Od wiedzy do kompetencji; Kiedy ocenia uczeń – kształcenie uczniowskich umiejętności oceniania i wartościowania; Radość czytania, radość omawiania. Literatura fantasy na lekcjach języka polskiego) [Education of a Polish teacher (Language education. From knowledge to competence; When a student is the one who assesses – developing students’ abilities to assess and value; The joy of reading, the joy of discussing. Fantasy literature in Polish classes).
E-mail: ewa.horwath@uj.edu.pl