Gajda StanisławProfessor, Doctor habilitatus, Department of Polish Philology, Institute of Polish Philology, University of Opole, Poland.
Linguist, author of:
Rozwój polskiej terminologii górniczej [The development of Polish mining terminology] (1976), Podstawy badań stylistycznych nad językiem naukowym [Fundamentals of stylistic studies on scientific language] (1982), Wprowadzenie do teorii terminu [Introduction to the theory of the term] (1990), Współczesna polszczyzna naukowa [Contemporary Polish scientific language] (1990). Member of editorial boards of academic journals: “Stylistyka” [“Stylistics”] (founder and editor-in-chief), “Slavia”, “Studia Slavica”, „Studies in Polish Linguistics”, „Kwartalnik Opolski” [“The Opole Quarterly”], „Nowa Polszczyzna” [“New Polish Langauge”]. Member of, among others, the Presidium of the International Committee of Slavists, Linguistic Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee on Slavonic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Language Council at the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Scientific Council of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Scientific Council of the Institute of Polish Language of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Honorary member of the Czech Linguistic Society, Doctor Honoris Causa of St. Cyril and St. Methodius University in Skopje.
: staga2@uni.opole.pl

Garncarek PiotrDoctor habilitatus, Center for Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners POLONICUM, University of Warsaw, Poland.
He is interested in cultural glottodidactics. His most important publications include: :
Świat języka polskiego oczami cudzoziemców [The world of the Polish language through the eyes of foreigners] (Warsaw 1997), Przestrzeń kulturowa w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego [Cultural space in teaching Polish as a foreign language] (Warsaw 2006) as well as student books Czas na czasownik [Time for the verb] (Cracow 2002) and Nie licz na liczebnik [Don’t count on the numeral] (Warsaw 2009).
: p.garncarek@uw.edu.pl

Anna Gawryś­Mazurkiewicz MA, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland.
PhD student at the Institute of Literary Studies of the Department of Humanities; since 2015, she has held the position of Assistant Lecturer at the School of Polish Language and Culture of the University of Silesia. Her academic interests include modern biography; she is currently researching the works of Ola Watowa.
E-mail: anna.gawrys-mazurkiewicz@us.edu.pl

Geambaşu ConstantinProfessor, PhD, Department of Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest, Romania.
A prominent translator of Polish literature who translated the works of not only classic writers but also of the young generation of writers (he took on works by Kochanowski, Krasicki, Mickiewicz, Slowacki, Reymont, Miłosz, Szymborska or Herbert, as well as texts by Stasiuk, Chwin, Tokarczuk or Masłowska). Professor at the Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Bucharest, graduate of Polish Philology at the University of Warsaw, author of 7 volumes of critical essays on Polish literature and 70 volumes of translations. Co-author of
The Great­Romanian-Polish Dictionary. Member of the Association of Romanian Writers (Translators’ Affiliate).
: kgeambasu@yahoo.com

Gendaj NataliaPhD student, Institute of Polish and Cultural Studies, University of Szczecin, Poland.
She studied Spanish and Ibero-American litarature at the University of Barcelona. Her research is focused on the relations of Gobrowicz with Argentina. She has published in such journals as “Rocznik Komparatystyczny” [“The Comparative Yearbook”.
: natalia.gendaj@hotmail.com

Georgiewa Galina – MA, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria.
She is interested in linguistics, including Slavonic linguistics, and translation.
: caresss@abv.bg

Gęsina TomaszPhD, Department of Comparative Literature, School of Polish Language and Culture, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Lecturer at the School of Polish Language and Culture of the University of Silesia. He is interested in Polish prose of the 20th and 21st century, literary theory (especially studies on the category of space) as well as teaching Polish as a foreign language. He co-edited (together with Zbigniew Kadłubek) the book entitled
Przestrzeń – literatura – doświadczenie. Z inspiracji Kennetha White’a [Space – literature – experience. From the inspirations of Kenneth White], Katowice 2016. Author of several scholarly articles, for example Geopoetyka. Nowe czytanie Przestrzeni [Geopoetics. A new reading of space], “Opcje” [“Options”] 2014, no. 4; Wewnętrzny głos. Rozważania wokół mojego Śląska, [The internal voice. Reflections on my Silesia] “Borussia. Kultura. Historia. Literatura.” [“Borussia. Culture. History. Literature”] 2015, no. 55.
: tomasz.gesina@gmail.com

Kamila Gieba – PhD, Institute of Polish Philology, University of Zielona Góra, Poland.
Her academic interests include: category of space in literature, migration literature, literary regionalism, contemporary Polish literary reportage. Author of the monograph
Lubuska literatura osadnicza jako narracja założycielska regionu [Lublin literature as the founding narration of the region] (2018), she has published articles in such journals as Konteksty Kultury [Contexts of Culture], Pamiętnik Literackim [Literary Memoirs], Świecie Tekstów [The World of Texts], Teksty Drugie [The Second Texts], Zagadnieniach Rodzajów Literackich [Literary Genre Problems]. Secretary of the scientific publishing series “Historia Literatury Pogranicza” [History of Borderlands Literature] (Publishing House of the University of Zielona Góra). Head of the Regional Literature Research Unit at the Institute of Polish Philology of the University of Zielona Góra.
E-mail: kamila.gieba@gmail.com

Głowacka AnetaMA, Institute of Cultural Sciences, University of Silesia, Poland.
Editor of “Opcje” [“Options”]. She publishes her works in “Teatr” [Theatre], “Notatnik Teatralny” [Theatre Notebook] and “Śląsk” [Silesia]. She is responsible for management in the Entertainment Theatre in Chorzów.
: a-glowacka@o2.pl

Alicia Goczyła Ferreira – MA, Departamento de Polonês, Alemão e Letras Clássicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil.
Teacher of Polish and literature. From 2006 to 2014, she was a Polish teacher at the Center for Languages and Interculturalism at the Universidade Federal do Paraná. Her academic interests include the presence of the Polish language in Brazil, its history and present-day situation in the context of language contact. She is the author of chapters on Irena Sendler as well as Antonina and Jan Żabiński in the
Memórias de Luz: Histórias de Poloneses Justos collection, ed. Piotr Kilanowski.
E-mail: alicja.ferreira@ufpr.br

Godun CristinaAssociate Professor, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Department of Russian and Slavonic Philology, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania.
She is the author of textbooks for students of the Polish language, grammars of the Polish language for Romanian students, Polish-Romanian dictionaries­and numerous articles. She also translates Polish literature into Romanian (30 works, including
Dzienniki [Diary], Dramaty, Bakakaj [Dramas, Bacacay] by Witold Gombrowicz, Jadąc do Babadag [On the Road to Babadag], Fado, Dziewięć, Dojczland [Nine, Germany] by Andrzej Stasiuk, Bieguni [Flights], Dom dzienny, dom nocny [House of Day, House of Night], Ostatnie historie [The Last Stories] and Prowadź swój pług przez kości umarłych [Drive your Plow over the Bones of the Dead] by Olga Tokarczuk, and Morfina [Morphine] by Szczepan Twardocha). Her main academic interests include contemporary drama, non-fiction, and translation theory.
: cristinas_777@yahoo.com

Graboń KarolinaMA, School of Polish Language and Culture, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Graduate of Polish philology with a specialization in teaching and Polish language and literature in the world. She completed postgraduate qualification studies for teaching Polish culture and language as a foreign language at the University of Silesia, as well as speech therapy and vocal emission at the University of Lodz. She is currently working on her doctoral dissertation investigating the problem of speech impairmnet in persons who speak Polish as a second language.
Since 2017, she has been an examiner of the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language.
: karolina.grabon@us.edu.pl

Grigorowa Margreta – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Department of Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of St. Cyril and St. Methodius in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
She is primarily interested in Polish literature in the context of Slavonic and Central European literatures. She has recently researched the theme of heresy in contemporary Polish literature, relations between literature and­art, the Bulgarian reception of Polish literature, as well as literary motifs of movement and travel in the works of such authors as Joseph Conrad, Gustaw Herling­Grudziński, Ryszard Kapuściński and Olga Tokarczuk. She is the author of
Хоризонти и пътища на полската идентичност [Horizons and Paths of Polish Identity] (2002), Литературни посвещения. Ритуални зони на словото в полската литература [Ritual areas of the word in Polish literature] (2004), Джоузеф Конрад Коженьовски. Творецът като мореплавател [Joseph Conrad Korzeniowski. A writer as a sailor] (2011), Oczyma Słowa. Studia polonistyczne. [Through the eyes of the word. Polish language studies] (2015). She has published over one hundred articles, including over thirty articles published in Polish journals. Translator of Polish literature: Family Europe by Czesław Miłosz (2012) (with Maria Kostova), The Book of Faces by Marek Bieńczyk (2015), The Pianist. by Władysław Szpilman (2019). She has translated poems by Wislawa Szymborska, Roman Honet, Zbigniew Herbert, Jerzy Liebert, reportages by Kazimierz Nowak, short stories by Gustaw Herling­Grudziński, and works of literary criticism. He is a member of the Polish Conrad Society and the International Association of Polish Studies. She has received the Decoration of Honor “Meritorious for Polish Culture” (2014), the “Polonicum” award of the University of Warsaw (2018), and the Golden Cross of Merit (2019).
: margretag@yahoo.com

Grossman ElwiraPhD, Faculty of Slavonic and Comparative Literature Studies, University of Glasgow, Scotland.
Her academic interests revolve around: Polish cinema, Holocaust studies, Polish-Jewish relations as well as teaching Polish as a foreign language. Author of works on the methodology of literary research (
Navigating the New Landscape for Slavonic/Polish Studies, 2005); comparative literature (Polonistyka w badaniach komparatystycznych [Polish Studies in Comparative Research], 2009, Polish literature of the 20th century, with particular focus on methodology of gender studies (Who’s Afraid of Gender and Sexuality? Plays by Women, 2005), as well as drama and theatre (Gender Dynamics in Polish Drama after 2000, 2010). Author of entries published in the Dictionary of Literary Biography and online Literary Encyclopedia. Initiator and editor of the collective volume entitled  Studies in Language, Literature and Cultural Mythology in Poland. Investigating the ‘Other’ (2002).
: Elwira.Grossman@glasgow.ac.uk

Barbara Gutkowska – Professor, Doctor habilitatus, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland.
Literary scholar. Author of articles on the prose of the 20th and 21st century, with particular emphasis on various forms of autobiographism – autobiographical novels, diaries, memoirs and epistolography – and books:
Powieści Stanisława Dygata. W czasie i przestrzeni życia i marzenia [Stanisław Dygat’s novels. In time and space of life and dreams] (Katowice 1996), About “Tango” i “Emingrants” by Sławomir Mrożek (Katowice 1998), Odczytywanie śladów. W kręgu dwudziestowiecznego autobiografizmu [Reading Traces. On the twentieth century autobiographism] (Katowice 2005), Wyzwania i wyznania. Od Andrzeja Trzebińskiego do Sławomira Mrożka [Challenges and confessions. From Andrzej Trzebiński to Sławomir Mrożek] (Katowice 2013).

Guzy AnnaPhD, Department of Didactics of Polish Language and Literature, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
Graduate in Polish studies at the University of Silesia and postgraduate speech therapy studies at the University of Wrocław in the field of voice emission and hygiene, graduate in psychology at the University of Silesia and Jagiellonian University. Her academic and research interests focus on the determinants of language competence, including psychosocial factors determining the development of speech, and the influence of spatial competence on language competence. Her research interests include language competence, health psychology, psycholinguistics, and voice emission and hygiene. Author and co-author of 60 articles and co-editor of two volumes in the series entitled
Praca z uczniem o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych [Working with Students with Special Educational Needs].
E-mail: anna.guzy@us.edu.pl